Back on mibba...

Okay. So it's been AGES since I came onto mibba. To be honest, I've lost track on my story. I'll try to get back to it asap.And yeah. I'm going through the phase where I'll keep telling everyone "I hate school" or "school sucks to the bloody core" and whatnot. So apparently, from what I'd noticed, you gotta be "fun and outgoing" to enjoy school. And these "fun and outgoing" people in class are...
October 30th, 2011 at 04:19am


okay...i know my title's kinda corny but....i'm still gonna write it anyway XDso anyway,like any other SANE teenager,i don't like school..don't get me wrong..i absolutely LOVE my's just that the school's been giving us tests EVERY SINGLE BLOODY DAY!!!!! AND the worst thing is,they give us assignments like how raindrops fall,leaving us with so little time to prepare AND study for the...
September 18th, 2009 at 11:45am

Nothing to do at ALL the mid-year examinations are over for me...awesome!! but guess what?i have NOTHING to do at all!!! Apparantly, my life is another step closer to EXTREME monotony x.xEvery morning, i wake up,asking myself,"what am I supposed to do today??study?for what???Physics?Chemistry?Biology?Calculus?Social Studies???" gahh!!! And it just drives me CRAZY!!sorry..i know i sound like a total bitch but...
May 17th, 2009 at 05:28am


God!! i totally regret getting into this class of mine. i'm starting to hate Chemistry. i actually thought i was gonna enjoy Chemistry at the beginning of the year. apparantly, the teacher changed my mind.i just did a Chemistry paper on Friday, 20th Feb and i didn't complete the paper...sheesh!!! i felt like jumping off the school building at that moment. i called my mom up and actually told her...
February 22nd, 2009 at 09:16am

Trigonometry and moving on to the year 2009

Man, I never knew Trigonometry can be so fun. Haha. Some people may think I'm sick or something but seriously, Trigonometry IS fun! I'm definitely looking forward to lessons next year.I'm looking forward to lessons next year BUT there's also a sad thing about moving on to the year 2009. We will all be separated. At first, I thought it's a good thing but when i think about it, I'll kinda miss the...
October 17th, 2008 at 01:35pm