I love getting the butterflies<3

AHHH!!! Your probably wondering what's with the random yelling...?? IT"S MY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!!! As you can tell I am excited :p Maybe that's the reason i have the butterflies maybe not i have no idea... is it even normal to randomly get the butterflies?? I sure hope so or else theres another thing I'm going to have to add to my list of reasons I am abnormal. Just kidding i have no such list... or...
July 18th, 2009 at 04:04am

Fruit punch soothes the soul[:

So, its about 1:14 am and i am sitting at my computer with a numb butt with nothing better to do then to write a journal entry woot! So hello there fellow late night mibba-ers if that's even a word... whatever. So right now i am acting as a freaking therapist to my best friend who is acting very stupid (sorry it's true) I'm not even going to explain to you people her problems but the point is... i...
July 13th, 2009 at 07:43am

First entry woot! made out of boredom read at your own risk

So i'm currently sitting out on a smelly porch with my bestie olivia and i am so bored that i thought i'd give this a whirl. We're listening to NevershoutNever, which might i say is ahhhmmazzinng!! If you haven't heard them, or him i should say, you reall should check him out it's perfect summer music. Im excited for many reasons at this moment. First of all, I'm going home tomorrow cable woot!!...
July 11th, 2009 at 06:22am