i was having a shitty day at school today, blah blah blah...... but then, the heavens responded to my little hopes...AND I FINALLY GOT THE FRANK POSTER OF HIM WITH THE DOGGIE FROM MY FRIEND!!!! YEEEEStime to do some hardcore redecorating on my wall, so ta ta for now!<3
May 10th, 2007 at 09:43pm

Is Frank singing this Pencey Prep song...

so my first found this pencey prep song last night that isn't on their CD... and i must say... it is fucking awesome... but i can't tell if frank is singing it or not... this is the name of the song, even if you guys have ever heard:Hold Still The Red LightGIVE ME ANSWERS DAMNIT!!<3
May 8th, 2007 at 09:44pm


well, it is 7:51 ( the earliest i have ever woken up on the weekend) and i am fucking STOKED about going to bamboozle today. i really foiund it impossible to sleep last night since i woke up at around 7 then back asleep again until 7:30, lmaowell, i am going to be gone this whole weekend since i am going today AND tomorrow -- when i come back expect pictures and videos.BTW, is frank REALLY as...
May 5th, 2007 at 01:53pm


today was pretty boring and crappy except for gym class. me and jolene OWN at paddle ball.wednesday night is parent's night -- oooh how fucking fun that will be. my mom is fucking paranoid that i am doing bad, and my dad can i guess give two shits at this rate.ONE MONTH from today is my b-day -- and the only thing i want is that new sidekick iD (my parents are throwing the party for me --...
May 1st, 2007 at 12:07am

***ing GAY

my mom can't work a fucking computer for shit.that is all i am saying
April 29th, 2007 at 08:34pm