Casual Disarray / Comments

  • lol yayyyyyyyyy and buddie guess what! i is almost done with finals!
    December 10th, 2009 at 05:28pm
  • nm finally updated journey
    December 1st, 2009 at 12:18am
  • aww buddie wake up!
    November 28th, 2009 at 03:34am
  • lmao buddie!!! no buddie get you some sleep!!! lol so buddie buddie how has it been
    November 22nd, 2009 at 10:27pm
  • buddieeee whats poppin sorry it took so longggg hit me back!!!
    November 17th, 2009 at 01:25am
  • *gasp* buddie no not the comp ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh budd they can't do this to you what about the buddie club why the the comp act this way and ahh school keeps me busy as well but you know what *insane twitich* it will not win haa haaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa *ahem* sorry buddie, i had a little zone out there for a bit um i good now, so yeah umm buddie you were missededdddddddddd nothing special or new on my end just bor to the ing
    October 26th, 2009 at 08:53pm
  • bud whats new!
    October 26th, 2009 at 04:18am
  • buddddddddddddd! oh to the m to the gee! i have an evil twin tooooooooooo! haaaaaaaaaa she loves you by the way mmhmm yep yep we both do some tieaohdshgbaf ahh sorry she was fighting me for my lap top to talk to you, anyways sometimes, she come out aodhfas heyyyyyyy its the evil twin ahh i had to steal the lap top to tell you hiiiiiiiii *tackles into hug* okay now, she's getting jealous ill have to talk to you later but dont worry buddie i will tee hee hee alkhdfkwah ah sorry im back, hun pay no mind to her she crazy!! any ways i have a multies i think thats how you spell it, but my poodle and my multies had puppies so now i have multies poodles! haa haaaa k bud *big hug* i gots to go now the Popsicle are calling me! talk to you later, ohh and the evil twin keeps poking me to tell you and your twin byeeeeeee!
    September 27th, 2009 at 02:15am
  • buddieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lemme tell ya something my lap charger broke and i just gots a new one ahhhhhhh i know rite grr these things always happen to me :(!!!!!! buttttttttttttt it's all good cuz guess what im back ohhhhhhhhhh and bud bud im glad you liked the last chapter that means so much to me *sniff* you care you really really care yayness!! ohh making ppl laugh is wonderful lemme tell ya i don it all the time my prof laugh hard at me!!! hmm fetish tee hee hee that word makes me giggle and oh m gee u almost go into it with someone oh girl she better hope i don't catch her why cuz no one and i mean no one messes with my buddie!!!!!! ahhhhh so ugh err lets see me not much umm just doing school and pageant suff!
    September 20th, 2009 at 03:30am
  • lmao buddie buddie i smiled hardddddddddd when u said we were gunna get us some rockstarsssssssssss! yay buddie yay hmm blogging muah ha haaaaaaaaa it's scary fun and addicting like a7x *drools* zacky hot mmhmm sooooo what's new
    September 6th, 2009 at 11:03pm
  • aww buddie i feel loveddddddd yay! hmm i already started my classes grrrrrr its depressing hmm bordem i have a cure for that, you and me are gunna go kidnap some hotties from bands and hold them against their will to marry them yesssssss! bordem solved hmm ahhhhhh school is driving me nuts even more so than i am tee hee hee hmmmmm so whats new buddie!!!
    September 1st, 2009 at 03:24pm
  • buddieeeeeeeeeeeeee im back!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh how u been i missed you hmm so whats new ughh oh yeah started school yuck!!!
    August 29th, 2009 at 08:27pm
  • ahhhhhhh buddie guess what my comp started trippin ugh grrrrrrrrrrrrr noooooooooooooo but yeah i did but im all good for now ahhhhhhh yay thanks for the story comment buddie buddie you rock harder than a lollie pop soooooooooo whats been up huh huh huh what what what! tellllllll meeeeeeee
    August 4th, 2009 at 09:39pm
  • hey (:
    thanks for reading my story!
    don't worry.
    the sequel is up right now!
    July 25th, 2009 at 06:12pm
  • buddie buddie buddie i know rightttttttttt typos are fudgin awesomeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa!!!! ohh oh oh and you know what huh huh guess what gurl pplz gunna think we are daft know why!!! cuz like honestly who types like this???? ughh WE DO!!!! haaaaaa ha haaaaa soooooo ughh err ughh umm im like boredddddddd im stuck at work butttt i get to go watch harry potter today after wards so yay 4 me!!! who haaaaaaa hmm so i guess im gunna go plot to take over the world!!!!!!!!!! ohh after nap time of course byebuddiebye!!!! ohh and your half frowie face dude thats like kooler than a snocone!
    July 15th, 2009 at 04:38pm
  • ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh new layout awesome dude typo's are fun!!!! buddieeeeeee lemme tell ya i once went out in the woods ughh they had to send out a search party apparently the north star liessssssss anyways well im fine now and haaaaaaaaaa lemme tell u where i work im a secretary at my college's tutorial center thats where i work i sit behind a desk and do not a thing all day ughh errr ummm wellllllllllll dont get caught by the hornetsssssssss
    July 13th, 2009 at 04:30pm
  • yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy you did it you flippin did it dude im so proud out you!!! whoop whoop your cooler than a snowcone ughh im so bored at work buddieeeeeee i need candy i live off that stuff i need moreeeeeeeee ehh anyways yeah brugh its too hot over here like dudeeeeee we in the 100 deg on the regular ughh it bites but the good news issssssssssss you figured out how to do the friend request *happy dance* mmhmm thats right girl you go!
    July 8th, 2009 at 04:58pm
  • dudeeeeeeeeee oh m gee that is awesome and yeah yeah yeah u will see me there!!! whoop whoop so ahh errr ughh yeah i just realized i didnt have you added as a friend ahhhhhhhhhhhh that was so not kewl ehh so i added u but in order to send a friend request you ughh have too ummm ohhhh right now i remember you have to like go to there page and look at the very where it has all that sutff like my mibba and stuff like that written and you should see add as friend or friend request or what ever and there yay thats how you do it mmhmm yep yep so ugh buddie whatcha doing
    July 7th, 2009 at 05:35pm
  • lmao dude you are so much like me i loveeeeeeee it!!!! haaaaa so ummm yeah as far as sanity goes... umm i kinda dont have any tee hee hee haaaaa buddie guess what bud i say we move mmhmm we gunna move somewhere ughh im thinking cali cuz dude u live in tn i live in la ughh we kinda stuck but buddddd its okay i love my puppies too more than boys ofcourse and yeah... i too am boyfriendless *sigh* but its okay ohh lemme tell ya i loveeeee hyperness it rockz harder than lollie pop and it was nice to hear that you have a pleasant visit in neverland.. i shall join you there one day and fell free to visit me in candy land !
    July 6th, 2009 at 04:49pm
  • aww well thats quite alright yay i rhymed ehh anways oh m gee dudeeeee you and i are like sooooo much alike i swear!!! k so heres the thing i live in Louisiana ughhh far too many hicks if you ask me ugg dont really like it here i like dont fit in so out of place but thats okay i often drift to canyland... *sigh* its nice there and Zacky Vengeance is always there with me umm anyways i dont really live on a farm but my family had owned sheep and chicken and stuff ohh but my neighbors are farmers umm what else what else ughh ohh yeah umm i live like wayyy far spaced out its really boring i love to dance too im on the dance team at my college ughh i do pageants as well but im not your average pageant queen.. im actually smart tee hee hee ugh i love randomness and people .. umm i have come to the conclusion that i am in fact crazy.. ummm ohh and buddie guess what you and i are gunna be good friends :) hope to hear from you soon ps. have a good time in neverland!!
    July 2nd, 2009 at 07:41pm