Mainstream Music!

Ok so I haven't written a journal in a long time and I had an idea for one today.Why is it that people are embarrassed to listen to mainstream bands? Now, I realize it is dumb to listen to a band ONLY because they are mainstream, but if you liked them before they became popular, why hate them when others like them? It just doesn't make sense. Sure, you wanna seem cool and only listen to indie...
January 28th, 2009 at 03:54am

I had alot to talk about...

Ugggh. I guess I should write about Christmas, no? It was alright, I got the things I wanted, and there were no huge family arguments... yet. The only thing I didn't get was enough money to buy tickets to all the shows I want to go to in the next few months.- Escape the Fate and Attack! Attack!- The Devil Wears Prada, and other bands.- Taste of Chaos- AP Tour- Sing It LoudI'm sure there's another...
December 26th, 2008 at 04:55am

I'd put 'Please Help Me' as the title, but that seems a little needy.

Ok so if you've read my other journal, you'd know that I am going to a BMTH show. Well, someone has said that Oliver won't be there, and instead, there will be a fill in vocalist. I'm going to the show in Toronto.And before you sayZOMG UR SUCH A BITTY LOLOL, ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS IF OLI IS THERE.I simply want to know if he's there or not. He is of course, a member of the band and it will not be...
December 7th, 2008 at 11:37pm

My opinion on BMTH and their "fans".

According to Wikipedia, Bring Me The Horizon is a deathcore/metalcore band, from Sheffield, Yorkshire. Being a fan of this band, I have a hard time understanding why so many people have beef with them. Most of these people are in their late teens, early twenties, and are deep into the metal scene. I, on the other hand, am not as into it as most, but I still think I have enough of an opinion to say...
November 30th, 2008 at 12:05am

And there's this thing, called sleep...

Have you guys ever really thought about sleep? I mean, last night, I really thought about it, and it's really really weird. Everyone stops what they're doing, lays down, and goes into this state of... Well I don't know the word for it since I am writing this off the top of my head, but you know what I mean. How did the human race figure out that 'sleeping' gives you energy in order to do the...
November 5th, 2008 at 02:47am

Street Team!

I joined a street team! It is so cool, all I have to do is invite people to join, and I get points, which I can use towards buying merch. For my first project, I have to invite people to join. It seems easy but most of my friends aren't into this stuff, but I'm sure you mibbians are! So, I am here to ask you to give me your emails so I can send you an invitation! Don't worry, I won't keep your...
October 28th, 2008 at 07:22pm

Me: I hate fanfiction. Mibba: So don't read it.

Hey Mibba. I just got home from school, and an idea for a journal popped into my head. Let's write about how much I hate fanfiction! After this, I realized something. All the comments I’d get would consist of:If you don’t like, it, don’t read it!If you’re allowed to write this, they can write that!It’s a writing site and if that’s what they want to write about, you can’t tell them...
October 16th, 2008 at 10:01pm

Girlicious: Real Artists, or Carbon Copies?

Honestly, what has music come to? There may be hundreds of journals on this subject, but I want to put my opinion out there. I was just watching television, as I find myself doing a lot these days, and I stumbled upon Much Music. (If you live in Canada, you know what channel this is.) Anyways, the station was announcing the top five videos as of this week. As the first four videos go by, all I can...
October 14th, 2008 at 02:22am