
Maddie Leah Lewis,
I take it day by day, not knowing what the next day will bring. And I try to live it to the fullest. I'm a scuba diver, (hey, you gotta start somewhere, right?).
I like to believe that everything in this world is okay. That everyone is happy, and no one is suffering in the world. I like to have a positive outlook on mine and other people's lives. I like to be there for my friends, or anyone else who needs it. I like to be able to comfort people, to give advice, or just listen. I would never go around spreading rumors. Especially when it's not my business. But if anyone needs to talk to someone, I don't care if I don't like you that much, or we don't talk, or any other reason that would make it uncomfortable. Everyone needs to talk to someone. Even about stupid stuff. And I like to be there, because I know many people have helped me.
I'm done with constantly thinking what people think of me. I'm done judging, and being judged. I'm finally coming clean, and being true to myself. And you know what's funny? I've been doing good in school, I have great friends, my parents aren't mad at me nearly as much anymore, I just have a better and happier life. And I owe it to myself for changing my life around.
I can't watch gorey movies, because I can't stand to see people in pain. It scares me to think someone would have to go through that. I know it's just acting, but I still can't handle pain. Ask anyone who's close to me, I would put myself in death's hands if it ensured that someone else lived. I'm not afraid to die, and I'm not afraid of pain. I'm afraid of seeing people die, and seeing people in pain. Especially the ones that I care about.
I'm overly sensitive. I know I'm not as pretty as a model, I don't try and make myself look pretty. I try to be me. If you don't like it, move on with your life.
I'm scared to think of my future. But I'm ready. Life is coming at me right now a million miles a milisecond. But I'm ready to catch it, grasp it, hold it tightly, and let it go when the time is right.
I'm obsessed with Tinkerbell, Cats and let's not forget about One Direction.
Live everyday like it's your last. Tomorrow it might be too late.
Life is like you're lost in the forest. Each path you take, is a choice in your life. So which path will you take, the good one, or the bad one? -my quote.

Wake Up
Chapters:: 5
Status:: Active

Chapters:: 12
Status:: Debating Deletion