Oh yes,

I'm working on some updatage to Bonnie Weir.It's about freaking time, am I right?I figure now that it's summer, all that school drama is out of the way, I can focus more of my energy on fabricating school drama of my own for a fictional character to deal with, sound peachy? Butyeah, I'm taking it in a different direction than I thought. It's probably lamer than my original idea (which involved...
July 8th, 2009 at 09:59am

In Response to my last journal entry:

I haven't logged onto Mibba since I wrote it, and I saw all of the replies, and I went 0.oSo this is my response to all of the responses that I received:1) It was a complete joke, I wasn't serious about doing any of that stuff, obviously. It was just a way for me to cope with the fact that he hurt me.2) I did "just move on" and I'm now in a happy and healthy relationship with a great guy. :)3) I...
July 8th, 2009 at 09:06am

20 Ways to get back at my cheating ex-boyfriend.

1. Tell him I slept with my giant, hunky Irish friend that he accused me of cheating with after I caught him cheating. Tell him the sex was good, the dick was big. :)2. Refer to said Irish friend as "New -INSERT BOYFRIEND'S NAME-".3. Key the phrase "COCKSUCKING CHEATER" onto the hood of his shiny new Mustang.4. Puke all over shiny new Mustang (LOL at protective male friends for suggesting that...
April 30th, 2009 at 03:54am

Feck. :|

A little less than eight hours to my chemistry final.I haven't studied. I'm terrible at chemistry, and I'm absolutely petrified."Oh, I'll just take four honors classes this year, it'll work out great."Yeah, real PEACHY idea, there. I wish I could go back in time and bitchslap myself for saying that.Anyway, in the midst of my procrastination, I've got a few things on my mind tonight, if you care to...
January 14th, 2009 at 09:32am

Finals can Suck it.

Okay, so, 8/7 hours prior to my Chemistry final, you'd think I'd be studying, but no. I'm procrastinating. How lame. How me.Finals could not be messing up my life anymore than they are now, believe me. Worst timing ever. My drama teacher who I adore finds herself out of a job at 11:45 Friday morning. My grades are crap, inevitabley (stupid extraciriculars), and I find myself distracted often by...
January 14th, 2009 at 08:53am