bestfriend to decide

I never wanted her to decide I only asked y ,y would she go and kill her self.Now I'm stuck here all alone with no one to talk to I don't want to talk to anyone cuz they'll never kno me the way she did.Who will I come to when I'm in need of a shoulder to cry on when it seems that the world is crumbling under my feet it seems she's the only one to keep me off the ground and now she's gone away from...
October 25th, 2008 at 11:39pm

I really don't care

I really don't care if my grammar wasn't write and I don't care if what ever the lil person said about somethin about talk I'm just writing about how I feel not for any of yall to tell me what I need to fix what yall need to do is fix your comments and learn to write when ur wrtitng on the computer I mean like who really writes all perfect it's called code in case any of yall didn't kno that well...
October 25th, 2008 at 04:11pm