More About Me

So I am saying since you clicked this you want to know more about me. So here we go:My life was pretty normal when I was a kid. You know, the kind that would like to run around the house screaming because I saw my birthday cake in the fridge. The kind that would annoy my mom because I wanted to knwo what I got for Christmas. When we would put up the Christmas tree in our house, it was MY JOB to...
June 19th, 2009 at 01:11am


To start this out, I am prolife, meaning that i am 100% against abortion. So if you are prochoice, I dont think you would enjoy reading my thoughts about abortion; but you are welcome to read my facts I will have. And for the proof, im showing you all the links I get everything i played off of. So its fair game, you cant bark at me for freedom of speech.(Also, at the bottom I will provide links to...
October 19th, 2008 at 10:11pm