
Right now, i have four friends who i know and love. But there is a light problem, the two closest to me, have both let me down, and i dont feel as close to them anymore, i suppose its mutual. I just feel so alone.My best friend, Julie, she's pretty cool and a better friend, but from time to time, she gets sorta pissy and then the last thing you'd want to do, is piss her off. She's not that bad,...
November 5th, 2007 at 03:14am


Colours, we see them every day and every single one has a special subconscious or conscious meaning to us. Lets go into this, shall we? I will first give the colour, the meaning and a little something more.White - the colours of purity, honesty, a rather psychological colour. We associate white with virginity and innocenc, and i sometimes wonder why. In China, people wear white when in mourning....
October 14th, 2007 at 04:52am

The Allmighty Public Image

Your public image.In other words, the way people see you and the way you want people to see you.It takes time to develop a certain image. Unless of course you have a great enough amount of money to spend right on the spot and a clear view of what you want to be for the next few years or more.For me, I've been working on mine for three years. I know who i am, and most of the time i look like who i...
October 14th, 2007 at 12:31am


*rubs eyes*Okay, its um, 10.34 in the morning and i went to sleep last night at some or something, and woke up at woke me up smack bang and told he it was 8, and i had to be in school at 9, and i was like BANG and up. And now i wanna go home and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, cause my eyes are all swollen, fuck, and my head aches.And we only had to come to school just so we could wash out...
June 1st, 2007 at 09:22am


so yeah, the end of school...Did my english exam today, was hell easy, seriously, now i have *checks watch* 17 more minutes before i can finaly give my books back... boring.I went to see Placebo on monday, it was pretty good, doubt they'll ever come back here again, it was only a near-full floor...and there were alot of drunk finnish fans. But its alright, i got to see one of my fave bands.I dont...
May 31st, 2007 at 10:52am