
United States
Joined date
October 23rd, 2008

Just Because I'm Losing

I hate writing these things. I always try to avoid sounding awkward but at the same time, everyone wants to at least be midly interesting. I'm a freshman in college, and I'm studying International Relations. I'm working on becoming fluent in Arabic, which is harder than anyone can ever imagine. I love to read! And because of this, I procrastinate rather badly. This is something I've been trying to fix because college is a lot of work, but I'm doing pretty well. I love summer weather, and I'd rather be hot then cold. In contrast, I love the fall too. Fall weather is just....amazing. I probably won't ever post a story here, because even though I love to write, I have issues with writing. I never get past the first chapter of what I'm writing and I'm OCD about fixing everything. So until I fix that, you probably won't see any stories by me. I love to talk and meet new people, so I hope I get to meet you.