When Did It Start?

When did people really start judging others? In all the books I've read, about (nearly) all the times, there's been judgement.In history, the Monarchy looked down at the peasants, the civilians. Later on, the high society looked down on the rebels, the homeless, the people didn't conform to the regulations of society.Until the suffragettes, and even after them, even today, men are shown to be the...
November 30th, 2008 at 08:29am

Laugh Lines

You shouldn't cover them up. Let them show. An adult that I, personally, would want to talk to, is someone who has millions of little laugh lines, not hidden by unnecessary make-up and plastic surgery, but shown to the world like they're proud of it.Some people grumble about their's, and sigh when someone says how great they look. They mutter about how many 'wrinkles' they have, and how they wish...
October 25th, 2008 at 08:57am