It's been a while!

...actually it's been a year? too long i recon (;I recently, well actually thats a lie; ages ago I created a blogger thing with full intentions to start a blog and not forget about it, but me, being me, forgot about it!! D'oh! But I had this idea of posting a blog every Wednesday. I bet i do like 3 wednesdays then forget about it (':I have to say, i prefer this site to Blogger.. or blogspot.....
May 20th, 2010 at 09:41pm

Argh; Boys!!!

Date : 19th August 2009Mood : AlrightyMusic : SilversteinTime : 21:25Hiii, hmm well, I just read my first entry thing! eek D: Seems i was very upset! =/ I recon I remember why as well... there was this boy I really liked, and I told him how I felt, and he said he felt the same, but then he ignored me and deleted me from MSN D: Yeah, how nice of him eh? haha!Aren't boys strange creatures?You think...
August 19th, 2009 at 10:44pm

Utter Crappness (N)

Don't even flipping know whyy i bother to care to be honest.Feel utter crap, and sad, and down.. and argh someone i used to fancy the pants off has just signed into msn.. i remember how i felt when he started going out with my friend.. and even then i didn't feel as bad as i do now.I don't even know whats wrong.Actually i do.Whyy do boys take their time?Geez... do you think he realised how pooh i...
November 4th, 2008 at 10:39pm