Letting go

Smile!I'm here for you.Trust me.I love you.Not.All a dream, inside my head. It's like I'm not important to him, as if I were invisible, insignificant.The way he walks about, not even giving me a glance, how he chooses other girls over me.I'm a nobody to him, nonexistent and insignificant.The way he likes to give more attention to others, and not to me.Is it a way for me to get the idea he isn't...
February 16th, 2009 at 02:22am

What about me?

He's got everything, he's perfect in my eyes.His smile, voice, laugh.The way he looks at me, the way he sometimes stutters over words.The way he speaks in frenchHis personality, sense of humor.His low self-esteem, his wanting to improve himself-His ambitions. His goals, his dreams.I can't stand to see him seat behind me in class and talk to me, but on the weekends, choose my other friends over me,...
February 10th, 2009 at 05:37am