Damsel of Darkness / Comments

  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Exactly, haha. We have so much to say, it has to be spread out across Mibba XD

    Same, haha. Don't get me wrong, I can still fan girl like the best of them, but sometimes I just can't be bothered, hahaha.

    It is exhausting. You run out of nice things to say and it's just like, meh, whatever. I've found one or two on here that do that a lot but I'll message you about that, eyes and ears everywhere on here. Hahaha. You really are! :D I got talking to a new member the other day, I laughed my ass off when I found out he was Australian, hahaha.

    Me too, Mibba is like my second home, haha. Takes me a while to get comfortable on a site like this, but when I do, I become part of the furniture XD

    I've got my pj pants on, as I call them. They're like multicoloured, so not really appropriate to wear out, but they're so comfy! I wear them if I have to pop to the shop, but I wouldn't wear them out out haha. Right?! I wear jeggings mostly. They're jeans but they have an elasticated waist, so much better than squeezing into a proper pair of jeans, haha. I've been trying to watch what I eat, and trying to stop myself eating so much junk, but it's so hard! Haha. I just love food XD

    I think Carl is going to get the new game, Watch Dogs, when it comes out. And I persuaded him to get Dishonoured, cause I want to play it, haha. I know he really wants to get a PS4, but it's just so expensive! And his headphones are slowly dying on him, too. That'll be another £70 Rolling Eyes Same here, I just let it fly over my head when Carl does annoying things, cause there's no pointing arguing about it haha.

    I did! I even organised all my folders on my laptop and on my memory stick, so I don't have to go searching through them to find something, haha. I've put all completed stories on the stick, and just have the ones I'm working on on my laptop now. Little miss organised! Haha.

    Yeah, me too. Haha. I'd love to try and get there a little earlier next time, last time was a bit of a rush to get from the hotel and over to the venue, as well as getting some food, too. But if I left a bit earlier, it wouldn't be so bad. I just hate getting up early, haha.
    May 31st, 2014 at 07:08pm
  • burning.

    burning. (100)

    United States
    Hello! Just letting you know that I updated He Smells Like the Ocean. Cute Comments and feedback is appreciated!
    May 28th, 2014 at 10:03pm
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I have to admit, I do love the dynamic I have between Lyndsey and Jimmy. I think it works, though originally I didn't want to have Jimmy as the 'main' friend. He always seems to be the go to guy in these kinds of things, which is where Johnny comes in. But I had to have Jimmy come in at some point as a good friend to Lyndsey. It just had to happen :)

    Oh I don't believe in love at first sight at all. I think it's ridiculous, if I'm going to be honest. I believe in lust at first sight. That makes sense. Attraction is a very strong part in any romantic relationship. But you need to know things about people. It's the little bits of their personality that you fall in love with, not their face or whatever. But I thought that Jimmy would be somewhat overdramatic when it comes to a new girl if he sees her and decides that he wants more than just a good bit of fumbling between the sheets.

    I was always going to have Sarah win the bet. I couldn't pass up the opportunity of having Lyndsey set up on a blind date. I also thought the whole bet between them gave another excellent insight into their friendship, and into Lyndsey in general. I also love the fact that almost all my readers were convinced the blind date was going to be with Brian but I don't think that would work. It would be too obvious and I think unbelievable. After everything, I don't believe Sarah would do that to her. Not knowing how she feels about a) musicians and b) Brian in general. At this point in the story, her attitude towards him hasn't shifted that much. So, like I said, I don't think it would work. And I'm glad you seem to get that :)

    Ha ha!! No one else has picked up on that!! No one else has picked up on the fact that Lyndsey and Brian are pretty alike. HOWEVER, I do think there is a big difference between the way they go about it. Brian assumes a girl will drop her knickers for him, but Lyndsey doesn't go on dates assuming she will have sex. She goes on them to have a bit of a fun. Sex is just an added bonus :D Also, she is more forthright about it (which you will find out later). Guys know what she is about when they date her. Whereas Brian is a little more sneaky with it.

    And yup. I can't explain it. The walrus thing was literally the first thing that came to my mind as I was writing that bit. I don't know why. It just did. But I think it works :D

    Oh dude, I totally understand the not commenting on your phone. This is usually why it takes me so long to reply to things sometimes or comment on stories myself. I often read things on my phone then wait until I go on my laptop to actually comment and sometimes I simply forget!!

    I'm quite proud with the length of this comment :D tee hee. x
    May 27th, 2014 at 06:18pm
  • requiem.

    requiem. (205)

    United States
    I love your extra long comments!! Thank you so much! Hug
    May 26th, 2014 at 08:49pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    We're just so awesome, we have conversations going all over the place, hahaha. Who would want just one conversation, that's just boring. XD I forgot, too, but I did bookmark it this time, haha.

    Yeah, it does suck sometimes. Especially when they fan girl over something and you just think "can't be bothered, too old for that shit" lmfao

    I stopped commenting on those types of blogs a while ago, I can't be bothered with people who aren't going to reply, or leave one word answers. Same for me. The three people I talk to regularly on here, are all Australian, haha. I must be collecting them XD

    I'm comfortable here, too, and I like that there are other things to do, too. Like blogs, the forum, contests and roleplays. It's good here. It's like my second home now haha.

    I'd just like to be able to wear something other than leggings all the time, haha. I have clothes that fit me, but I just don't feel comfortable in them. I'm always trying to pull something down or cover my stomach, so I just stick to leggings and band shirts XD With the weather getting warmer, it'd be nice to wear some of the summer dresses I have stashed at the bottom of my wardrobe, haha. Oh god, yeah. If I had to sit here and watch him play GTA all night, I'd go nuts!

    He is, but he won't stop playing it, though. >,< There's a new game out at the end of the month, 'Watchdogs' I think he's going to get that and give it a go. GTA keeps freezing on him all the time, so he gets angry at it, which makes me want to hit him XD I suppose Carl was good like that, he'd finish work and come straight to my house, or I'd catch the bus to his after work and wait for him. If he showed up at mine at 1.30 in the morning, I would have made him sleep outside, haha.

    I haven't done mine in so long! Twitch I've moved my room around now, so the stick is at the other side of the room. I have to move nowwww. Haha.

    I went to the front when I saw them last year, and half way through FFDP I was regretting it, haha. My feet hurt, my ribs ached from getting shoved. But it was worth it to get to see them close! Yeah, I know I complained, but I'd probably do it all again, haha.

    Yes! Hahaha. Screw them, they can have a night with their games consoles while we go out and have fun! XD
    May 20th, 2014 at 10:18pm
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Mmmmmm English muffins. Yummy stuffs :) but yes, you are correct!! I watch my toaster like a hawk. Damn thing burns things even when it's unplugged. Swear to everything, it's possessed by some kind of breakfast hating ghost!!

    You are welcome for the comment on your story ducky :) I seriously love it. Everything about that story just feels really, well, real. Like I'm living each moment with the characters. Which, as I have said before, does send me into a hurling vortex of mixed up emotions but hey, I can deal :D

    I'm making you second guess your plans?? I feel powerful *insert evil laugh* and am thoroughly intrigued now as to how you are ending this story, before and after your second guessing!! I am sure that whatever you have planned is perfect :) I honestly can't see Cat and Zacky being happy in the end. Not straight away. I think it would have to be one of those years later type dealios, where they have both had time to grow and reflect and heal. HOWEVER, I am somewhat of a pessimist, which I think is why I can't see a happy ending for them. Unless it's bittersweet. I don't know. I think I'm just rambling now :\

    Keep a cheeky eye out ducky, for I am going to update again in the next few minutes :) x
    May 20th, 2014 at 08:40pm
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I KNOW RIGHT?? Toasters are a nightmare. I am totally with Jimmy on this one!! And you :) you are correct!! It either burns or warms. It's so freaking difficult to get toast perfect :( oh the sorrows of breakfast time!!

    I'm glad you liked my update ducky :) x
    May 15th, 2014 at 05:41pm
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    So I updated Close Enough :) x
    May 13th, 2014 at 08:14pm
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I work in a coffee shop, which is almost as exciting as it sounds :\ but I do come across some interesting characters on a day to day basis, some of which are lovely but the high proportion I want to punch in the face :D

    The Mr. Burns image I have of you has melded into the other image and, I'm not going to lie, it's quite fantastic. And you are correct in the assumption that the Sarah character is me :D but a somewhat exaggerated version of me. I'm not quite as insane as the girl portrayed in my story, though I do have my moments!!

    I can neither confirm or deny the possibility of the drama having anything to do with Sarah or her crazy ex boyfriend :)
    May 10th, 2014 at 09:27am
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey, I get you!! I am also a naturally suspicious person. Especially when people are all of a sudden nice. I blame my job. I used to like people, now the general public just gets on my nerves and I assume everyone wants something from me...usually a cup of coffee, or to complain about something!! Tee hee.

    I have the best image of you in my head now, sitting down, hands braced on the arms of your chair and ready and waiting for the drama. It won't be for another couple of chapters. Though it does seep into them a little bit. And then there is a happy chapter and then BAM, I hit you with the shit!! :D
    May 9th, 2014 at 03:07pm
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    So it's taken me like a week to reply to your comment on my story :\ stoopid life getting in the way!!

    I actually lol'd when you mentioned Brian sitting with his chin in his hand and looking at Lyndsey all doe eyed!! It made me chuckle!! It's like the perfect image, ever!!

    You know, you're like the only person who is still a little wary about Brian's intentions. Most people have been all "awwww he's trying" but you are the only person to a bit more "what's he up to". And I like that :)

    I did up the cuteness in this chapter because in a few chapters time there is going to be some rather sad drama!! So I thought I'd make everyone happy before letting the shit hit the fan :D cruel, ain't I?? Tee hee.
    May 9th, 2014 at 01:39pm
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    As I said I would, I have updated Close Enough To Hurt Me x
    April 30th, 2014 at 02:31pm
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You are very welcome ducky :) considering the comments you leave me on my stories, I felt the need to repay the favour and leave you a worthy comment!!

    I do get why people are angry at the boys for their reaction but I think I'd be exactly the same as them. She upped and left, no word to any of them. Not even a quick goodbye or whatever. She just disappeared. But at the same time, she was only friends with them through Zacky right? So why would she want to keep them in her life? As hard as it may be for them, imagine what it would like for her having people that close to Zacky still close to her? I don't know. I think it's one of those things that unless you are in the situation you don't know how you are going to react, regardless of what you have said before.

    I'm intrigued that I have inspired your writing, even if it is just a little :) and you will be happy to know that I am in fact going to update Close Enough today. I will let you now when I do :) x
    April 30th, 2014 at 02:07pm
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Thanks so much for the story comment, love. =) I haven't had time to write lately, but I'm hoping to get some done tomorrow!
    April 29th, 2014 at 11:22pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Honestly, I was probably a little hyper from the sugar anyway, haha.

    Exactly, it's not gonna take paragraphs and paragraphs for her to orgasm, hahaha. Same with the guy, if they're used to each other and know what the other likes, it's not gonna take them long at all to "finish" haha. I liked that, that even though they were both dying to get with each other, and there was a lot of pent up frustration, for Matt at least, it wasn't all that romantic. It was primal and carnal, and he literally took what he wanted from her, haha. Some stories I've read, the whole chapter is one long sex scene, that can get really boring!

    I'm tempted to add onto it, I've become really fond of those characters, but there are so many I want to add on to, I just don't have the time, haha. I'm definitely gonna add onto the Jimmy story though, I've been getting lots of ideas for it all day!

    I did win! :D But I was the only entrant, so it's kind of a moot point, hahaha. But I got lots of prizes for it, so it's all good! :D
    April 29th, 2014 at 04:36pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    You and me both! Hahaha. I love your long comments, they always make me laugh!

    Hahaha, yeah, it was me sat on the sofa in my tigger onesie, devouring a pint of chunky monkey ice cream while crying the lyrics to Hungry Eyes lmfao I actually called mine, and cried down the phone that I loved his elbows, he was like "what have you been taking?" Haha.

    Me too, me too. And I'm guilty of doing that when I first started writing smut, but then I thought as I was writing it, this just doesn't happen in real life. It's a shame, haha, but it doesn't. So yeah, and I think that Zack fit that character perfectly for some reason XD Oh yeah, I've come to hate those stories that just stick a sex scene in because they can't think of anything else to write about. It sticks out like a sore thumb. I've read some really well written sex scenes on here, which I don't mind, but then others are so bad, they make me laugh haha. Which probably isn't the desired effect XD

    Exactly, yeah. He was feeling a little sensitive about his performance, so if they hadn't, he would have still been feeling sensitive, and it might have caused another argument. And it was just an excuse for me to write Zacky sexy time hahaha.

    Thank you for your comment on Blue Eyes, too! :D That was what my brain produced at two in the morning lmfao
    April 27th, 2014 at 04:49pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Thank you so much for your story comment, I'm grinning like an idiot over here! Hahaha.

    I was worried that I made it a little too realistic, but I'm glad you liked it! :D The whole story was based on an argument I had with my own boyfriend a while ago, I saw the prompt on the contest thread and just had to pick it! And yes, I did the whole "wailing loudly to Dirty Dancing then crying over the elbows" thing lmfao

    And thanks for the compliments about the sex scene, I think I was most worried about that part. The stories I read are almost always bigging the guy up, so I wanted to write something that was a little more real. And yeah, they just had a big fight, he was feeling a little sensitive about his performance, it was going to be this great sex scene. Haha. I'm just glad it came across well! :D
    April 26th, 2014 at 05:49pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    I spoke too soon, the memory failed again, haha.

    No, I don't mind talking to you, I really like talking to you :D It's nice to have a decent conversation with someone who's around the same age as me, doesn't make me feel as old hahaha.

    Exactly, yeah, I'd be pretty miffed too, but I wouldn't ignore a person because of it. That just seems a little petty to me. I've found that too, more so when I first joined. I don't know whether I was a shiny new thing or whatever, but there were a few that just stopped talking to me. But that's fine, it's their choice. I have a small number of people I talk to daily on here now, and that's completely fine with me.

    I think I have an account on fanfiction.net, mostly just to read the Bones fan fiction on there, haha. I know I've got accounts on live journal and Ao3, but I've never posted on there, just read. I'd feel too nervous to post anywhere else, haha.

    Me too. Same for my waist line, too hahaha. I think I just got really comfortable with him, so it no longer bothered me how much I weighed. And he says it doesn't bother him either. I'm starting to get to that stage now though, where I want to get back the "old me" before I met him, I don't even know why, really. But yeah, I'm rambling off on a tangent again, haha. I was the same with writing, too. I could happily spend three or four hours just writing away in my room, but when I met my boyfriend, none of that felt as important. But I suppose as you settle into a relationship and stay together for a long time, you need your hobbies otherwise you'd just go insane haha. I know I would! Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes I listen to myself and think, what the hell? That's not me. I've tried to pull back from nagging him so much, cause I know I'm pissing myself off, so it must be pissing him off, too. There might be light at the end of the tunnel though, he seems to be getting bored of playing GTA! Shock, horror! Haha. He'll get in from work and play for maybe an hour, but then he's turning it off and putting the TV on. Without me saying anything! His mother has commented on him playing too much before, maybe it's a mixture of me nagging and other people's comments, that have finally penetrated his thick skull haha. I'm going to enjoy it for however long it lasts though, cause I know as soon as another new game comes out, I'll be right back at square one!

    I've been meaning to do another back up, just backing up newish chapters I've written, thanks for the reminder! Haha. Yeah, me too. I'd be devastated. The short amount of time I thought I'd lost a whole load of story ideas, I died!

    Oh god, I've seen walls of death on youtube, they look horrendous! My brother took me to a concert a few years back, it was called the headbangers ball, so I knew it was gonna get crazy, haha. But I was not prepared for just how crazy it got! I think it was in the middle of Slipknot's set, we got dragged into a circle pit and I just remember being bounced between these two guys, not fun! I snuck out after that and managed to enjoy Machine Head's set from the back! I really liked Five Finger Death Punch, too, they were really cool! I think at one point, the singer actually said "fuck it" and crowd surfed haha. Yeah, you just cling onto the barrier for dear life! Hahaha.

    Yeah, me too. Thankfully, I'll never have to do anything like that again, no thanks! Haha

    Yeah, it happens once in a while, haha. Other times, he just reverts back to his twelve year old self. It's nice to have that little bit of support, even if we are being hormonal freaks, it's nice to hear it. Haha. That sounds like a successful night! :D Mine owes me a night out soon, I cleaned his room from top to bottom the other day, and he said he would take me out for some dinner and a movie to thank me. We'll see if it happens or if he forgets haha.

    Haha, yes, I love long comments! It lets me ramble on too, haha. Holy shit, this is a long comment! Hahaha
    April 16th, 2014 at 07:06pm
  • Angel of Vengeance

    Angel of Vengeance (100)

    United States
    No worries! CharmedAngel88 still reads it too! She was the one who informed me of the update. I can understand why he is struggling with it too. It is definitely a betrayal of trust no doubt. But the others are being insanely rude to her and they had nothing to do with that entire night at all. Okay, don't wanna be talking about any spoilers for other readers...haha
    April 15th, 2014 at 04:34pm
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hello :)

    Thank you for your story comment. It means a lot when I see comments from you for many reasons but the main ones are that I think you are an amazing writer, so for you to enjoy my writing makes me feel like I'm doing something right :) and the other one is that you take the time to really write a comment, to let me know what you enjoyed particularly and what not. So thank you for taking the time for reading my story (and I mean reading my story!!) and for commenting the way you do. It brightens up my day when I see you have commented.

    Also, I just thought I'd let you know that I have updated Close Enough To Hurt Me again :) x
    April 15th, 2014 at 12:15am