Damsel of Darkness / Comments

  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Hahaha, it's okay, we'll just blame it on Christmas and New year XD

    I had a good one yeah, he did! :D He bought me a new laptop after I killed mine with orange juice haha. Lots of perfume, A7X merch, clothes, I got spoilt rotten! We had to do the same, spent Christmas morning with my family then went to his for dinner. I was completely stuffed though. My mum likes to do a special Christmas breakfast which is just sausage sandwiches but a few hours later, his mum is putting a Christmas dinner in front of me with all the trimmings! I didn't move all day after that haha. Oh, nice! Brownie points for the boyfriend then haha.

    Not yet :( between his dad and his sister, I hardly ever get PS3 time Grr I had hoped that with him buying a PS4, I'd get lots of time on it, but no. I would buy my own but after Christmas, I'm poor haha.

    Not as good a start to the new year as I was hoping, my hours got cut in work. But I'd rather that than my mum's business going down the drain. I don't know if I've told you before, probably but I can't remember haha. My mum has her own hair salon, I've been working there for about six years now just on reception and being her general dogsbody haha. Business hasn't been doing too good lately so I've gone from working 4-6 days a week to just 2. So the money each week has gone down considerably but I'm making it work. My boyfriend helps me out as much as he can and it means that my brother has to step up to the plate now and pay more rent to my parents. He works as a security guard so he gets paid much more than me! Haha. But apart from that, life is good! :) I've cut down on the smoking a lot, only having a few a day now so I'm hoping to cut down even more over the next few months :D

    How's the, getting to see your boyfriend more thing going? Still good?

    Haha, I meant to reply yesterday but I completely forgot. Woke up at like 2am thinking, I know there's something I have to do but I can't for the life of me remember XD
    January 23rd, 2014 at 01:14am
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I have updated Close Enough To Hurt Me :)
    January 14th, 2014 at 07:19pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Mibba should get like, I don't know, a buzzer or something to go off to remind us hahaha.

    I would have been on my ass after just the bottle of wine, I'm a bit of a light weight haha.

    I'm so close! Haha. He flirts more and more with my character now and they share these secret little smiles, it's adorable! XD Oh yeah, I keep coming across those too, or stories where the female character has run off somewhere, heartbroken, and she comes back and falls in love with the guy all over again. Those are starting to get on my nerves too.

    It is, it's like £7.80 for a packet over here, ridiculous! My boyfriend and I smoke tobacco now where we roll our own, still not healthy but much cheaper haha.

    Oh, I hate that! That passive aggressive bullshit makes me so mad! My boyfriend does that all the time, or he tries to act all "woe is me" and it seriously pisses me off! I know most men speak without thinking about it first but surely he should have been more considerate of your back. I hope he felt very guilty and grovelled to you with apologies and flowers! If not, I might have to come over there and kick his butt! Haha.

    It's fine, s'what I'm here for haha.

    Haven't seen it yet, every time I try to something comes up. I will see it this weekend, I'm determined! Haha

    Mine's going okay too, I got all of my family and his family sorted bar his sister but I'll be picking that up this weekend. Then it's just picking my boyfriend's stuff up. I ordered him a new PS4 game cause he hasn't got many, £55 for one game! Scandalous! And I'm gonna go into town this weekend and get him some aftershave too so he smells nice haha. I got mostly smellies for presents, not that my family smells haha but it's easier XD

    Also, my blog about the A7X gig mysteriously vanished for some reason and I can't be bothered putting it back up but it was an amazing night! I'm experiencing post gig sadness now though haha.
    December 14th, 2013 at 05:26am
  • burning.

    burning. (100)

    United States
    Hey, I'm just letting you know that I updated my story, He Smells Like the Ocean! Cute

    December 11th, 2013 at 11:54pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    I'm letting the team down badly my end haha I'm getting old!

    I was very drunk! Hahaha. Sounds like a good plan, pre drinking for the win! Did your plan go well? Hangovers are so overrated haha

    The boyfriend bought a playstation 4 yesterday so I nabbed his ps3 and I've hidden it for myself haha. Maybe now I can get my man! XD oh god, I bet that was awkward as hell! Haha. Recently, I've just been keeping up with friends stories, there aren't many that have been catching my eye D:

    Hopefully! I've given myself until this time next year to be a complete non smoker. I know if I tried to do it in a shorter period of time then I'd give up haha.

    No, you're not overreacting at all, that's so not cool of him! I think our men need a taste of their own medicine! Maybe we should stand them up and just read fan fiction and "forget" about them, see how they like it! I wish I could say mines different but he's exactly the same as yours :/

    It's fine :) rant away if you need to haha

    I was supposed to go and see the new hunger games last weekend but he had to work so he promised we'd go this weekend. But he got his new ps4 so I lost out :( might just take my friend with me and go see it without him, waiting for him is like waiting for the second coming haha.

    It is! Oh yes, she's definitely one of those girls! If the attention isn't on her then she plays up to get it. I try to ignore her as much as I can but sometimes I just wanna hit something or preferably her haha. I bitch to friends haha otherwise I'd go insane! XD

    He doesn't want it anymore now that he has the new one but he wants Battlefield 4 but that's like £50 for one game! He's gonna have to be really nice to me! Haha. He did say he would get me the A7X box set for Christmas so I suppose I could haha. I don't even want to think about it or how much money I'm gonna have to shell out for everyone, my poor bank account will be empty!

    I need to update that badly, along with about five others haha. Too much to do and too little time to do it! Haha, well they're on my to read list :D
    December 1st, 2013 at 01:26am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    I do the same thing haha. I bookmark the page and then forget all about it XD What're we like? Haha

    Haha, always the best times when you have to tell yourself how to walk XD I remember my brother's girlfriend's birthday party back in May, we had a little get together at the house, a few drinks with the family and a few friends. Started out drinking alcopops but then got onto my boyfriend's Budweiser, which then turned into downing shots of tequila and I can't remember much after that haha. Apparently, I was out in the street dancing to gangnam style but I can't remember doing it haha.

    I know right? I'm closer to getting him, the friendship bar on the game is full now and he compliments me a lot, so fingers crossed I'll get him soon! haha. I haven't been able to play as much as I'd have liked, my boyfriend's sister has got a new game so it's like trying to get in between them to play on it haha. I went through my subscription page a few weeks ago and deleted a load off there. Most of them were stories that haven't been updated in months so I didn't feel too bad haha. But I know what you mean, when you feel like you have to read it, the enjoyment just flies out the window. I've had like four new story ideas, have a folder full of them on my laptop that I want to start, but I want to get the current ones finished up, I hate leaving things unfinished haha.

    I didn't kill anyone, came close to hitting my boyfriend a few times haha. I caved too quickly XD

    I'm trying something like that too, I've just stopped trying to get his attention as much as I was, hoping that he'll realise something's changed and do something about it. It's not that bad sometimes, he'll turn the PS3 off and spend time with me, even if its just watching TV, it's something. But there are days when it's like he's got blinkers on, everything else around him just gets ignored. Bloody games consoles! XD

    Yeah, you'd need to see the first one before watching the second haha. I've got Bad Grandpa on DVD, my friend downloaded it and copied it to disc for me. I know, illegal downloading and all but I'm just too lazy to go to the cinema to watch it haha. I'm not a fan of scary movies so I probably won't watch it XD I am gonna go to the cinema to see the new Hunger Games too, I loved the books and I love the films too which is rare for me. Twilight, bleurgh. I read the books and watched the films just to see what they were all about but I wasn't that fussed on them. I confess, I'm a big Harry Potter fan haha. But yeah, the hunger games is really cool, it's different! You'll enjoy the books when you do read them, I think I re-read them all like three times haha.

    Exactly, and not only that, the stories I have on here are just too steamy and weird for innocent eyes hahaha.

    Oh, she sounds a lot like my boyfriend's niece! He had to tell her to stop coming over the other day cause all she does is cause arguments and scare the shit out of my kitten. She lives with his older sister (her mum) a few streets away so it's not too far away (not far enough for my liking), so she comes over and just starts causing shit with everyone. Then when everyone is pissed off she leaves. Ugh. That's fucked up of her to say not to argue in front of you though, you are family, you're his girlfriend. I wish his niece would take me off her Facebook, I get so tired of seeing her face all over my news feed haha. She takes like a million pictures of herself a day and some of them are seriously bad. Hardly any clothes on Rolling Eyes

    He wanted me to buy him a new controller for his PS3. His old one is on it's way out and he saw a new blue one online he wants but I get paid before him. Typical haha. I might get it for him for Christmas, depends if he pisses me off or not between now and then XD

    Also, thanks for the reccs and story comments :D I need to update New Beginnings badly, when I find time haha. I've been meaning to read your stories, but something distracts me and I forget Facepalm
    November 17th, 2013 at 06:23pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    My turn to let the team down haha.

    I think my 21st was one of the few times where I've been really wasted! XD I get drunk a lot (I sound like an alcoholic now haha) but normally I just get merry but there have been a few times where I couldn't remember my own name hahaha. It doesn't take me a lot to get drunk and I drink whiskey which doesn't really mix well XD

    I've gotten a little obsessed with the game, I played it the other night and before I knew it it was like 5am! I prefer RPG games that have a good story to tell along the way. I'm close to sealing the deal with my man, he told me last night that I light up his life, I admit, I swooned for real! Hahahaha. I fall for fictional characters way too easily! tehe I've been having the same problem with writing, I'm trying to give up smoking and I swear it's just blocked my brain up haha.

    That's exactly what my boyfriend would do! Haha. One night, ages ago, I got fed up of him playing on it and ignoring me so my friend who makes her own clothes made me a really small dress, it was tiny and I'd never wear it outside the house haha, like a playstation. So I put it on and sat in front of the TV "would you like to play me instead?" It worked hahaha but the things we women have to do to get their attention!

    The site I use is the same, they've just put links up for the new Thor movie :D I watched it in the cinema but it doesn't hurt getting more of half naked Hemsworth haha. I love Gilmore Girls! I should do the same cause I hate waiting for the new episodes to air. When I started watching Supernatural, I managed to watch all eight seasons in just under a month but then I had to wait ages for the new season to start, I didn't know what to do with myself haha.

    Exactly, all my stories and banners are saved on my laptop, and I know she's the type of person to go nosing through my stuff. There's no way I'd want her or anyone else reading my stories, that would be so embarrassing! His niece is one of a kind, I've never met anyone like her. She could start an argument in an empty room!

    His sister sounds a lot like my boyfriend's niece, she bosses everyone around and they just let her get away with it. I've bitten my tongue so many times where she's concerned but I know that if I said anything, I'd be in the wrong. I find that weird too, you're not alone! It's annoying isn't it?

    Well, I tried for a sexy cat but I don't think that was the look I ended up with haha. I love Halloween, any excuse to dress up and act like a dick, I'm there! Hahaha

    Oh, that's good, I'm glad! :D I hope he continues to be a good boyfriend! There must be something in the air cause mine has been acting uncharacteristically nice to me all week, I'm wondering what he wants! Haha
    November 8th, 2013 at 08:38pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Hahaha, yeah we'll just have to give the other a nudge if we forget XD Is this a new record? I'm replying the same day ish as you haha.

    I threw a party for my 21st and only a few people showed up. I had a good night, got way too drunk and celebrated it with mostly my parents' friends but it was a good night haha. I find the best nights out are the ones that happen at the last minute.

    I can't remember the name is mine's crew, something like Welsh Warriors or something, totally lame but yes, I hear about them all the time! You should try the game I'm playing, Dragon Age. It's got a good story line to it, the characters are really funny and you don't have to play it online either. One of the characters, Anders he's a mage, he's so dreamy! I want to make him my boyfriend in the game hahaha. Yeah, I used to be the one sitting there, twiddling my thumbs while he played his games so I got myself some games that I like :D

    The main one I use is called watchfreemovies.ch, they have movies and TV shows on there. I've been meaning to start watching Hart of Dixie, keep forgetting about it. I love Big Bang Theory!! Did you see the latest episode? I laughed my ass off at Sheldon! LOL

    I made sure I was in her ear telling her he only wanted it for the bigger room haha.

    My boyfriend's older sister and niece are like that, they're so two faced! I remember his niece asking me if she could borrow my laptop for the weekend and I was like um no, I've seen the way you treat your things, like hell am I giving you my laptop! So she went back to her mum and said I was being horrible to her, her mum (his older sister) came storming over to his, shouting and balling at him. I was upstairs listening to it all so I went down and said look, I'm sorry but I don't trust her not to break it, it cost me a lot of money I'm not just gonna hand it over and let her break it. Thankfully, his mum agreed with me. Same, they talk shit about his brother and sister in law all the time, they probably do the same about me and him but fuck um haha.

    Life's alright, working mostly but trying to find some time to get my creative juices flowing again haha. Nothing exciting ever happens for me, oh wait! I did go to a Halloween party the other night, dressed up as a black cat haha. Are things any better with you and your boyfriend now? I did mean to reply to your comment on your blog but I forgot Facepalm
    November 2nd, 2013 at 05:32pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    My turn to be the space cadet Facepalm haha

    Awww, that sucks! Yeah, I learnt that lesson a few years ago haha. I planned this big night out for my birthday and only two people turned up, so I ended up in my local pub and having a kebab on the way home XD

    He's completely obsessed with GTA online Facepalm BUT I've become obsessed with a game I bought too so I don't mind so much haha. We've both gotta remember to talk to each other instead of just being glued to the screen hahaha. He's got his little crew he plays online with, it's kinda cute XD

    I watch all my TV shows online! What site do you use? I've got a couple I use, if one site isn't showing any decent links, I'll use one of the others. Thank you free streaming websites! Haha

    My mum saw through him and told him to suck it up haha.

    My family are the same, they curse like a bunch of truckers and just don't care what they say haha. His family is sort of the same too, except his mum. I cringe so bad when he gropes me or kisses me in front of his mum cause she's like "Carl, can you leave her alone for five minutes" while I blush like crazy and wish the ground would swallow me up! XD

    No problem :D
    November 2nd, 2013 at 12:44am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Hey, how are you? Did you have a good birthday?
    October 18th, 2013 at 04:33am
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh!! That always happens to me!! I'll have the best intention to do some reading or some writing and then the TV just beckons. Or one of my box sets starts whispering my name and I pop a DVD in!! But, having said this, it is a good way to relax and I don't know about you, but life has been rather busy for me recently so watching TV has been a lovely escape from reality for me that I don't really need to think about :)

    Hope you are well ducky x
    October 12th, 2013 at 02:47pm
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey ducky :) I just wanted to let you know that I have finally updated Close Enough To Hurt Me :)
    October 12th, 2013 at 01:42pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    I hope you have a good time! I know what you mean though, every time I've tried to plan a birthday night out in the past, it just all goes horribly wrong and it end up being a shit night so now I don't plan anything, I just go out and get really drunk and forget how old I am hahaha.

    Yeah, I'm the same, I've got a roof over my head, a decent enough boyfriend when I get pull him away from the console haha, and I'm healthy so I can't complain. Anything else would just be a bonus really. Haha, thanks! Yeah, I got the whole baby face thing going on XD

    Hahaha! Mine's completed the game now but he's trying to get online to play it. Apparently, Rockstar didn't put up enough servers or something so no one can get online to play it. He's getting very frustrated with it, bless him! XD

    I watched all eight seasons in one month, I got obsessed way too quickly tehe Can't wait for season nine to start next week! That sounds like something I would probably watch too haha. I'm currently trying not to get obsessed with a show about ten people who live in a house and basically party and sleep with randoms every night, but the arguments they have are just epic haha.

    Mine's three years younger than me and a huge man child haha. He said he had to have my room cause the reception in his was shit. Me thinks he was telling porky pies so he could get the bigger room!

    I get like that sometimes, I've got a folder on my bookmarks bar where I just save everything I need to read and the list is just getting longer and longer haha. I managed to update my story three times this month, I think that deserves some kind of an award! Hahaha

    Maybe its a man thing? Lol. Mine's the same, he smacks my ass and stuff in front of my parents, I'm like dude, no!

    Happy Birthday again, I have some Zacky pictures to spam you with! Haha
    October 5th, 2013 at 01:14am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Been there done that, now I've got my 30 badge, birthdays just don't excite me that much anymore hahaha. I thought that too, married, kids and a little house somewhere but nope, still living partially at home and no sign of kids yet for me XD

    Mine has nearly finished the game, he's been playing it non stop since he got it. I've got a few more missions to do before I can complete it all, I'm a trophy hugger haha.

    Yay! :D Oh, me too! Damn reality shows are taking over my life! I started watching one the other night, it's so bad but I just can't stop watching it! My boyfriend's like uhhh can I have my TV back? Nope! XD I'm happy, I get to watch Bones and Supernatural whenever I want now! I was downstairs the other night, notebook open on my lap with my pen, ready to write and this stupid show came on and I just sat there all night and didn't write a damn thing haha.

    Yep, he tried stealing my room too. Not happening buddy!

    I struggle to fill 10 pages, never mind 30! Haha. I've put most of the other just started stories on hold now, the one I'm working on only has a maximum of like 5 or 6 chapters left so I want to get that done and move onto something else. Otherwise I'll be here forever trying to finish them all haha. It is hard, especially when you have all these ideas raging in your head haha.

    Yeah, red faces all round for a while there haha. My boyfriend is like that with his friends, he once told his online buddies I was gonna give him a blowjob.. you'll be lucky mate! Haha. Oh god, I'd never be able to do anything like that if I knew anyone could potentially hear me, that's totally put me off! Mine's like that too, he's like, "don't worry about it, we'll be quiet" uhhh nope! Haha
    September 29th, 2013 at 12:52am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    It definitely sucks being a grown up haha, why can't we just be like peter pan and never grow up hahaha

    My boyfriend has been taking the game seriously, he has to complete every game he plays to 100% otherwise he just moans and grumps about, but I'm just running around and hitting people with a big bat and beating up prostitutes lmfao

    Some of the maps on Black Ops 2 are so dark, we have to close the curtains and turn the light on just to play them haha. My boyfriend just got a new TV for his room, the other one was so old you had to hit it for it to turn on haha. I don't have one in my room, my brother stole it Grr

    20+? WOW! Haha. Mine normally average between 3000 and 4000 words on a good day, although the one I posted a few weeks ago was really short and really shit D: I've stopped trying to write more than one at once now, put loads of stuff on hold just so I can get this one finished. It's the first full length story I posted on here and I want to get it finished before I try anything else. People will just have to bear with me haha

    Yeah, it was so awkward! Haha. And she told his sisters about it too, so they were taking the piss out of us and laughing their asses off, so not fun! XD It took me a while to just look her in the eye after that, never mind talk to her haha. Oh, I know right? As soon as I step foot through the door, they're all up in his face, asking him stuff and coming in and out of his room. I'm like, hello? I need to do..stuff..go away! Haha
    September 28th, 2013 at 12:20am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Work has kicked my ass again this week, thankfully I get a few days off next week. My mum isn't making much money at the moment so she can't afford to have me there full time. It'll mean less money but I'm glad for the time off haha.

    I've been playing GTA V, it's so funny! I ordered another game from Ebay the other day, can't wait to play it, it's come highly recommended! Yeah, I get bored with my laptop really easily, once I've checked my email and replied to people's messages, I don't have anything to do so I either read or play PS3 XD

    I've recently had like six story ideas, it's getting stupid now! Haha. I've created word documents for them all and written a few hundred words for each so I don't forget but I need to concentrate on one thing at a time otherwise I'll have half finished stories all over the place XD

    My boyfriend's niece is like that, she's so bossy she pisses me off ALOT haha. Thankfully, she's now moved out and gone home to her own house, thank god! His mum caught us doing things a while a go so she knocks now hahaha. We don't see much of his dad, he stays out of the way in his TV room as he calls it haha. Yeah, I want to be able to come home from work and relax in my own home without all the drama and shouting matches that happen at his.
    September 21st, 2013 at 06:46pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Exactly! Haha. All work and no fun makes me a cranky woman XD

    I've been known to be so hooked on a PS3 game that I've not moved from my room all day haha. Just to eat ad use the loo XD I think twelve hours is my record so far but I just got a new game I'm a little bit obsessed with so I may be beating my record soon haha. Yes! That's all I really use it for haha. I'm in too deep already then, I get so annoyed when i get interrupted while I'm playing something haha. I think I need to get out more XD

    I've got so many ideas scribbled down on bits of paper, littered around my room it's getting ridiculous haha. I think that's what I need to do, concentrate on one story at a time and actually finish it. There's just not enough hours in the day to get everything done haha.

    I just stick my headphones on and block him out with music haha. His room is okay for space but it would be nice to live together properly and have out own space and privacy. Can't get any at his house as my room is like a shoebox and yeah, the wifi at my house sucks so we just stay at his. I don't think his family know how to knock on the door before they burst in though.. Haha
    September 16th, 2013 at 01:12am
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    Hey dolll....Just want you to know that I'm sorry if I haven't been talking as much as I usually do with you. I've been ehhh lately. I still heart you like crazy! I miss you....how are you?
    September 14th, 2013 at 09:48pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Not as long as the past few replys, I'm getting better! XD Stupid life, we have stories to read and write and conversations to be had! Hahaha

    I made the mistake of starting another new game, I'm going to have to delete my facebook if this carries on haha. Five hours I spent this morning moving furniture around in my new home and pulling weeds, how did my life get to this? LOL. I do the same, I leave it for weeks and then a few goes and I complete it :D

    I've got so many story ideas floating around in my brain but I really don't need another one to add to the pile. I'm already behind with co-writes and other things, I don't need anything else haha.

    Yeah, and it's peace and quiet for when I want to read, nothing makes me more mad than being interrupted when I'm reading haha. That's how we are! We don't live together but I'm at his house like 90% of the time, so he'll be on his PS3 and I'm on his PC reading or writing and it works for us. Yeah, that would bug me too. Just withdraw sex for a week or something if he's late haha
    September 14th, 2013 at 07:21pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    I failed at commenting again D: I swear my mind is slowly giving up on me haha

    I love playing that game! I've just got into one called Kitchen Scramble and it's slowly taking over my life hahaha. I know what its like to have shit internet, I swear mine dies everyday at around four pm XD I'm getting new WiFi soon though, I've never been so excited! lmfao That damn candy crush makes me so angry, I've been stuck on the same level for weeks!

    I managed to update one the other day, only a short little update but I felt kinda proud of myself haha

    Mine is excited for the new PS4 to come out, he's been going on about it non stop since it was announced. So annoying! Haha
    September 11th, 2013 at 06:01pm