ahoy thar, mate.
on winter break accompanied with the rain! (:

last updated on
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
hey hey (: lemme talk as though i'm chatting hurr so relax~ so my name is kim, pleasure to meet you and i hope your visit here is positive! i write fan-fiction, but atm it's a busy road that i'm taking and wish to return in the summer after graduation ( yes! class of 2010~ ;3 ) but! i still jot down storylines/ideas throughout my dormant time c;

anywho, about me? i enjoy all types of music. srlsy classical, metal, r&b, kpop
i most def love fanfiction, esp when it includes these guys:
m shadows, zacky, and syn ;3

i also take my hobbies into zones of graphic and web design, photography ( b&w film bby ), watching korean dramas, dancing secretly in the bedroom, singing silently in the bathroom & respecting the leadja
- kim. prev kimistry
HALT! This mess is still undergoing construction with the fact that I'm slowly returning to my writing mood.
Holding "Cherishing Esteem" to edit Two-shot evolving story for shesanimrod. Going to reread it and then transfer it over here.
Working on "Royal Blood" But don't plan on reading it until mid/late summer.
All stories
This is where the links to my stories are placed, the top 5/so I suppose that will be ordered in time of update.
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