ashtray_jomaris / Comments

  • I Am Death

    I Am Death (100)

    Well obviously you like reading and writing :P

    I think it'd be a mixture of both geographies. There's only one type at my university for the Arts students. I'm studing GIS this semester, which will be easy. Computers. I can deal with that.

    I hate getting break outs when stressed! It doesn't make any sense because it makes us MORE stressed. Then, we get more acne. Stupid human body.

    I've never been to the gym, but I'll probably think about it in the future. I'm getting a podgy tummy :(

    Nothing much is new. I found out my sister stalks my mibba. Great, huh? -_-
    What about you?
    March 4th, 2011 at 05:26pm
  • I Am Death

    I Am Death (100)

    I dunno...I think uni is quite different in Australia compared to other countries. :/
    My major is English, my minor is Geography. I'm doing Philosophy for the hell of it :P And cos I'm doing a double degree, I'll get a diploma for teaching aswell, though that doesn't have majors and all of that..

    This semester I'm studying philosophy of the mind. I can't wait to start that, cos we touched on it last year. I still can't make my mind up on which side I'll argue in relation to whether I think the mind is attatched to the body or not... O_o
    And the English I'm doing this semester is a study on the literature, music, and film of the 60's. Fun -_-

    Lmao regardless, it's got to be an honour to have been invited to play the character :P

    I think I saw that on facebook somewhere :D Looks very nice :D

    Bleh. I have my orientation lecture tomorrow...well, today, technically...
    I don't want to go! I want to stay in my pyjamas all day! D:
    My boyfriend and I are making a sparkler bomb in a few night's time haha. Will be the first bomb I've made :P Ohh, we're rebels. >.>

    What have you been up to?
    February 21st, 2011 at 04:34pm
  • Xx..FairyChild..xX

    Xx..FairyChild..xX (100)

    Hmm makes sense....
    Nahh. From 7 to 10 we have the same then 11 to 12 get a different one. :)
    How's Jounalism going? Do you know what you're doing when you 'grow up?' haha
    Oh mah G. I get to start driving soon! very excited. Been studying my road rules book but I can't find the online test :/ Buuuut haha, should be good. :)
    Whats been going on?
    February 17th, 2011 at 12:14pm
  • I Am Death

    I Am Death (100)

    I might chck it out once it's on DVD here. I'm not too fond of the cinema :P

    Ooh, that's cool :) The world needs more DECENT journalists :)
    I'm studying English, Philosophy, and Geography. It's going to be both boring and entertaining this year for me. Ugh, not looking forward to my English course on the 60's at ALL. I wish it could have been the 70's, because we get to study the music of that time, too >.>

    Ooh, did you hear Davey Havok is to play St Jimmy in March in the American Idiot musical? That'll be interesting :D
    February 15th, 2011 at 10:34am
  • I Am Death

    I Am Death (100)

    Ohh, I know who James Franco is now!
    There was a thing on the news this morning about 127 Hours and they had the real life guy in the studio, They were showing parts of the film on there, as it's not been released here as of yet.
    I can't see how they can make that an interesting movie? It's one location. Do enlighten me :P

    Lol apparently little Brian kept forgetting his lines :P

    Haha and again, I'm up way past my bedtime. :/ I'm not sure why I can't sleep. I guess like a little kid, I simply just don't want to...

    Uni hasn't started yet! Yay!

    I hope your exam went okay :)
    February 9th, 2011 at 06:07pm
  • Xx..FairyChild..xX

    Xx..FairyChild..xX (100)

    Helllllllo :)

    Oooo sounds like an intense movie... Drank his own urine? Hasn't he watched Bear Grylls. That's really bad for you. tsk tsk. But still, I dunno if I would be able to do that... very brave.
    Well...School. Haha. I'm on a new campus now and the year 11's and 12's have a different uniform to us so the 10's really stand out. -.-" Haha. They're scary. ;D
    Hmmm we've just been revising Trig in Math and being told what each class entails :D I'm doing Psychology and Sociology. Quite excited for that and my English teacher seems very enthusiastic so that should be good.
    How'd you go on your History exam? What period are you studying?
    After the books are you going to watch the Hollywood version of the books or the 'original' version?
    Anway, what's been going on?
    February 8th, 2011 at 07:50am
  • i_love_to_syn

    i_love_to_syn (100)

    United States
    Heya!! So the show was freaking AMAZING!! It was delayed one day because all the bands were stuck in Moline, Illinois, but the experience was worth the wait. I haven't had time to sit down and write a journal or post my pictures, so I'll give you a few quick highlights: M. Shadows walked across the street from where I was waiting in the civic to go get some coffee and the only reason I realized it was him was because he was wearing SHORTS and I recognized the tattoos on his legs; Johnny Christ was being a creeper on the street while I talked to my dad on the phone and stared at me until I waved at him (didn't realize it was our favorite lil bassist until he smiled and then bolted across the crosswalk and didn't come back); Avenged were more than likely staying in the same hotel as me and my brother 0_o; I was pulled over by the police for the first time; A7X played the riff for Crossroads and created the biggest mosh pit I've ever been in; my best friend caught Johnny Christ's bass pick; Fiction and A Little Piece of Heaven were encore songs. There is a lot more to say, but those were just the super cool tid bits that I figured I'd tell you :)
    Ahh yeah, Ohio State! I'm thinking of majoring in elementary education. I also really want to follow my passion for psychology, though, so I might double major in education and psych, with a minor in Creative Writing. Whatever I do, I will have some sort of Creative Writing degree; I love it too much to just drop it now that I'm going to school. Speaking of writing, I should have a one-or-two-shot posted soon that I'm writing for a contest :)
    I'm glad you finally got to see 127 Hours! I don't see very many movies, but I do love James Franco haha ;) It seems like you really know your stuff; maybe you could make a career out of it one day? That'd be rad, dude: I would definitely read your reviews :) My brother really wants to see The Roommate, and not because it looks good (even though it does, just a tad), but because he thinks that Leighton Meester's characters is a creeper. I guess she is lol, but leave it to my brother to have that be the sole reason to see a movie.
    So how have you been, hun? Hopefully all is well :)
    February 6th, 2011 at 05:41pm
  • I Am Death

    I Am Death (100)

    I'm way not into movies enough to know who James Franco is, unfortunately D:
    Was 127 Hours good? What's it about?

    I always wonder what kind of movies Brian would be in if he'd not started Placebo and had instead better persued an acting career. Probably not the kinds of movies I'd let small children watch haha, but still.
    Have you seen Velvet Goldmine?

    I can't sleep again tonight. I think I have a sleeping problem. :/

    My sister has her septum done. I don't like it, haha. At least she can hide that one for school :P
    February 1st, 2011 at 06:29pm
  • Xx..FairyChild..xX

    Xx..FairyChild..xX (100)

    Cuts off his own arm?! Wow... How does he do it? I thought he got stuck with nothing. I saw the previews for that one. Wasn't he traveling with two girls? Where were they when he fell?
    But ya, Black Swan was quite long and it freaked me out a bit.I don't wanna go insane. But when you are insane you have no idea you are, so it doesn't really matter...But i still don't want it to happen. Haha.

    Yeah, school. I'm trying to get excited about it. I kinda am, not as much work, Get to play basketball again though :) I'm just worried about the assignments and all the work. The School used scare tactics on the orientation day. Saying there would be SO much work and that at the start we would fail and we would have to work really hard to pick up our grades. but then I was talking to my friend at work who goes to my school and is in the year above me. He said it wasn't that bad but I'm still a bit hesitant. haha. Gunna try really hard this year :D

    How many Oscar nominated movies are there?
    Whatcha been up to?
    February 1st, 2011 at 06:49am
  • i_love_to_syn

    i_love_to_syn (100)

    United States
    HEY!!! So much to tell you, even though I feel like you already know some of it. Like this: I GOT ACCEPTED TO OHIO STATE!! I was so freaking excited lol; I came home from work that afternoon and I was just so tired, and then I opened that letter and had all the energy in the world. Gah, it just took a whole world of pressure off my shoulders. Then today I learned that I was accepted into the Humanities Scholars Program at Ohio State, which means that I get special housing according to my extra-curricular interests, I get to schedule my classes at the top of my rank, AND I get to be involved in activities I'm actually interested in. The Humanities Program revolves around literature, language, philosophy, and the like, so I'm extremely excited :) Now it's just a matter of paying my acceptance fee and going from there! Woo, so happy :)
    Then on top of that, the A7X show in La Crosse is in two days! This will be my fourth time, which is exciting, but I'm more excited for my brother's best friend, because she loves A7X, and this will not only be her first BIG concert, but her first A7X concert as well. I'm hoping that she has a great time, but I'm almost positive that she will. And of course, I will more than likely post a journal about the whole experience, and I will post pictures on Facebook. Overall, it's exciting as heck :)
    So other than that, life has been pretty chill. Finals was last week and I passed all of them; now on to second semester, which is much easier in comparison. That's not to say first semester wasn't easy, but still.
    Anywhoo, how have you been? Have you got any crazy weather down in Florida? It's snowing AGAIN here in Wisconsin. Bleh.
    January 31st, 2011 at 11:38pm
  • Xx..FairyChild..xX

    Xx..FairyChild..xX (100)

    La family get together was qutie good. Got another one to go to this weekend. Should be...okay :D
    How have you been these past weeks?
    :( It's my last week of holidays this week.

    I'm glad you're passing all of your classes :D

    but hmm. sorry for not replying quicker.
    Ooooh, I wacthed Black Swan... It's...different. Haha. I'm not sure if I liked it or not...
    January 31st, 2011 at 08:42am
  • I Am Death

    I Am Death (100)

    Yay, I shall hold you to that promise :P

    I'll check to see if you have any one shots posted up after this :D

    Lol, I got a jack in the box for Christmas :P I love him haha

    I've not seen any movies as of late, no. I'm so boring haha. So, so boring.
    And tired. It's just past 5am and I still can't sleep.

    Hope you're well :)
    January 29th, 2011 at 07:39pm
  • i_love_to_syn

    i_love_to_syn (100)

    United States
    Hey hun! Gosh, I feel like I haven't commented you in forever. I tried the other day, but it said commenting was disabled at the time, and then I just haven't had time to sit down on my laptop since then. Anywhoo, weird technological mishaps aside, how are you? I hope everything is well with you :) How is school going? You've started your next semester, right? My first semester finals are Thursday and Friday, and really the only class I'll have to study for is Anatomy. Other than that, easy peasy!
    Oh guess what?? I'm getting a tattoo before the school year ends :) My dad lost the bet we made, so now he's paying for and will come along with me to get my tattoo done. foREVer seize the day will be on my skin come graduation time!
    January 18th, 2011 at 08:50pm
  • Xx..FairyChild..xX

    Xx..FairyChild..xX (100)

    Yeah I rekon,
    I can never think of a status anyway. :o
    Assignments :/ Bleck How they suck.
    Yeah, well. If this year goes as fast as last school should fly by :)

    Hmmm, my holiday is going pretty good. :D
    I get to see ALL of my family next week end. I'm excited. My second cousins who haven't been to my house yet are coming :) They're so cute.
    And then my older cousins and uncles aunty's Family friends.
    It's going to be heaps of fun :D
    But ya... :)

    Whatcha got planned for the weekend?
    January 13th, 2011 at 09:15am
  • Xx..FairyChild..xX

    Xx..FairyChild..xX (100)

    How's school going for you? Any assignments yet?
    Hmm I go back to school in about 4 weeks :D
    Hmmm, I kinda wanna go back, only for like two days though. To see what the senior campus is like :) then go back on holidays :D
    Whatcha been up to?
    Mibba's kinda lost it's 'umph' you know. I don't feel the need to go on everyday... hmm. Hopefully if the updates ever arrive it might pick it up again :)
    What's been happening?
    January 11th, 2011 at 09:26am
  • I Am Death

    I Am Death (100)

    So, I really suck at commenting you back, don't I? :P I must check and see if your story has any updates I've missed >.>

    Awh, I hope your motivation to write came back again :/ You're quite talented. You're that person that once coming across your story here, it makes other stupid stories here tolerable..
    I'm a bit like that with every story I start haha. I think I've finished like, 4 my entire life. Started probably around 30 by now O_O And I want to start another!

    ...Now I think he looks like Matt Good in that picture...But he's cut his hair since then.

    I've since changed my opinion. BFTS definitely kicks the ass of Danger Days, but I still enjoy their new album :)
    I've started making a mask and finding a costume to wear for if MCR come to my town haha :/ So obsessed.

    I can't hula hoop :(

    How was your Christmas ans New Year's?

    Ohh, and if you have Facebook, feel free to add me. Though I'm not bothered if you don't for whatever reason haha.!/profile.php?id=603794057
    January 8th, 2011 at 05:41pm
  • Xx..FairyChild..xX

    Xx..FairyChild..xX (100)

    you like your movies :)
    A red wii?! That's cool. I've only seen the black or white ones. Haha.
    Sounds good :)
    Hmm I've seen that movie advertised...and the books. It any good so far?
    Ya, Christmas was very good. Got and electric violin :3 Quill, stripy socks. Haha. Very good indeed.
    Hmmm. College sounds great :/

    I share the same view on humans. We wreck everything.
    Hmmm, sounds worth while. I think I might go see it :D
    January 4th, 2011 at 10:51am
  • Xx..FairyChild..xX

    Xx..FairyChild..xX (100)

    Ooooo, I think I must go and watch it then :) Is it just about Ballet?
    Awww, that sucks. :/ haha
    Oh, I thought Social Neetwork would be really boring. Hmmm, another so should go see :)
    Yeah, watched SALT last night. It was just very unrealistic. I kept ultinating between reading my book and watching it. -.-"
    Haha, you go back to school on my Dad's birthday. I go back in about the second week of February-ish. Sometime. hmmm.

    Ya...Summer over here...Doesn't feel like it though. Usually, it's scorching hot outside and we [i]always[/i] have the air conditioner going. But it hasn't been that warm. I think it's global warming or climate change or something. I learned in my last term of year 9, that global warming and climate are [b]not[/b] the same thing. I don't know about you but I was shocked.

    But ya...not much has been going on...Had some friends over for New Years was quite fun :)
    How was your Christmas?
    Whatcha get?
    January 3rd, 2011 at 08:24am
  • i_love_to_syn

    i_love_to_syn (100)

    United States
    Hey there dear, sorry it's taken so long for me to comment. I've been crazy busy, even being on winter break. And of course yesterday was the one-year anniversary of Jimmy's death.... that was only slightly easier than last year, but a little is better than nothing. I still miss him so much, as do so many others. RIP Jimmy <33
    So how have you been?? Did you get to see Black Swan like you wanted to? If so, was it good? I've heard it's supposed to be :) I'm going to watch Inception one of these days; any review of that? My friend tells me it's a lot like Shutter Island, and I liked that movie well enough. I guess we'll see :)
    Oh my gosh, I've been getting some writing done lately! It's makes me so happy :)
    December 30th, 2010 at 04:56am
  • Xx..FairyChild..xX

    Xx..FairyChild..xX (100)

    ~Hmmm. Did you see Black swan? Any good?
    Aaaaah. Hmmm a lip piercing sounds more complicated than it looks :/

    Winter. Hmmmm. It's been feeling like that here! Crazy, I KNOW!
    usually by now it should be boiling hot, but no, It's been cold! Late autumn cold. It's not good >:(
    Hahaha. Oooo, got paid today! very happy. AND....get to go on a holiday. lol, holiday within a holiday 0.0
    OMG, saw inception the other day. Love that movie. So good. The ending was annoying though. Haha.
    Now I just gotta watch Salt. Apparently it's okay when you watch it but when it's finished you're like 'Hey...there was no plot' O.o
    Whatcha been up to in your break? When do you go back?
    December 22nd, 2010 at 09:10am