BettyBoop / Comments

  • That's sweet!
    I'm gonna update in a few minutes, gotta close the window quickly though :S
    My Dad's mowing the lawn and I have hayfever :S
    April 22nd, 2008 at 05:25pm
  • I'm gonna update later today... probably after 6 or 7pm in my time :)
    Actually, I'm sick today, my left ear hurts wayyyy too much for my liking, but I went 'round the docs and he said it's nothing big, so I'm relaly relieved. Usually I'd get set on anti-biotics right away :S

    How old is your sister?
    I have a sister, too. Mine's 15, turning 16 in summer :)
    April 22nd, 2008 at 11:37am
  • Yeah I'm not okay is probably the most comical MCR video haha

    Today the weather is real nice out, too :S It's like... changing every hour or something lol when I went to school I was freezing my butt off and now it's so WARM! *laughs*
    I scored two REAL good marks in school today, in English (what a wonder... lol) and Math (yay*happy dance*) that was nice!

    How was your day so far?
    April 21st, 2008 at 03:24pm
  • Oh with me it kinda all started with Simple Plan, to be honest...
    I started loving their music, which was the first rock stuff I was into
    Then the other bands like Good Charlotte and stuff just grew on me.
    I started liking 'darker' bands like Evanescence and stuff 2 years ago just a few months before The Black Parade came out. I was really depressed back then and I didn't feel well at all.
    The first songs I fell in lvoe with where The Ghost of You and Helena. Remember the video story haha
    And then I found out through a friend that they were having a new record and then that was it. MCR, hooked for life. hehe
    Which one's your favorite MCR video? Song?
    I'm always torn between Helena and The Ghost of You.
    Helena, because I love dancing and I love the whole set up of it, and the song itself.
    The Ghost of You, because of the lyrics and the video, the content, with the soldiers and stuff... World War 2 is a somewhat touchy subject for me, because I'm German and yeah... I'm really glad they had the courage to tackle such a topic :)
    My fave song is probably Famous Last Words. The lyrics of the chorus are probably my most quoted lyrics ever. I love it.

    I'm in school right now haha Biology teacher isn't there so I'm using the internet cafe in our school wheeeeeee

    I'll probably update tomorrow or the day after I don't have much time today :S

    See you!
    Have a [u]great[/u] day!
    April 21st, 2008 at 10:24am
  • Aw you'l be as old as Missy! :)

    I´'ll make you as realistic as I can. :)
    5'2'' really isn#t tall huh? One of my friend's about as tall as Missy, which is... small lol
    But small people rock!
    I'm kinda chubby myself... workin on it though, although I'm not doing a diet or any sports haha too lazy... I feel good the way I am though, which is why nobody pulls any comments so far, I guess :)

    Alright-eo, I'll hook you up with a guitar tech thing. You'll be the 'best in the business'. hehe
    But after that it's gonna be straight 'Jenny'. :D

    Believe it or not, when I first heard MCR I hated them lol
    I remember exactly when I was 15 I think, that's when Helena came out, I saw it on TV and I was like: holy shit, how weird can you be?
    you know with all the dancers and the church and everything?
    I even remember the first few sequences of it and stuff... it's so funny
    Now Helena is on eof my favorite videos ever :D

    my aunt lives in the middle of the north of sweden... something starting with 's' I think, my dad knows how to pronounce it but I#l put a knot in my tongue trying to copy haha
    I live in the West of northern Germany... if you know where that is :)

    Havea good night/day!
    April 20th, 2008 at 09:28pm
  • Thanks for the comment!
    I Won't tell you that haha
    In real life I'm not acutally that short, I'm 5'7'' about 3 or 4 inches taller than Missy is in the story *shrug* But I can walk in heels well ,too. my Mom's always complaining I walk so fast in heels haha
    What fascinates me are people tat DANCE in heels. That's gotta be HARD... no grip on the floor and shit... :S

    I#m about to write the reunion right now hehe :D
    April 20th, 2008 at 07:08pm
  • Aw thanks for the pic comment!

    Hehe I had my glasses on did you notice? *grins*

    Yeah that cake was De-effing-Licious.
    My aunt and my sister made it for me :)
    I refused to have something with loads of cream in it, so they had to make me different cakes to meet my standards *laughs*
    Bullshit, but I chose to have three different kinds of cake hehe
    One had an e-guitar on it, another a rose and the third an 18. All made of marzipan. Boy did I ever love those two girls ;D
    April 20th, 2008 at 06:55pm
  • I guess you're right with the thing between the two bands... I guess I don't feel as passionately about it because I only became a fan like a year ago well after the whole ordeal... And to be honest I don't pay to much attention to stuff liek that. What counts is if you like the band or not. Fullstop.
    But that's my opinion.

    I could hook you up with Syn, so much is sure hehe
    They will probably be back in Missy's life around... 50-something... 'round that number, I think, I'm up at 46 (writing wise) right now. Not THAT far ahead haha
    But there's going to be dramaaaaaaaa :S

    *writes mental note*
    As yourself I'm guessing?
    Because then we could 'pick' you up in Sweden, when BT tours it... *smiles*
    Something like that.
    Do you play guitar or anything? (So you could tech something *hint hint* XD)

    THe chapter is out btw
    WITH your beautiful banner
    April 20th, 2008 at 06:53pm
  • Oh I don't know where she lives haha i'll ask my Dad later okay?

    I know the perfect spot for you to come in hehe just popped up in my mind when you said Sweden haha

    Erm, yeah I'm not so much a fan of The Used, but I didn't like them before I knew MCR, so it's not because they don't get along anymore...
    I love one of their songs though 'All that I've got'. Bert's voice is really amazing, I'm just not so much a fan of the person Bert, if that makes sense?
    I think it's silly that so many MCR fans bash out on The Used, it's their problem, right? Not ours.
    I have a lot of friends that like both, so I don't care, but since I don't like them, I don't know a lot about them, which would make it kinda hard to include them in the story.

    I can, however, hook you up with... one of the BT guys? Sam or David. (You can't have Aaron that would be nasty for my story line :S)
    Or... any other band you like?
    Maybe Avenged Sevenfold?
    I dunno lol
    It's up to you! :)

    Would you want to appear as yourself or a made up character?
    My friend is the person behind Ana, for example, but Ana is such a fictional character and except for a few things they don't have anything in common, my friend and Ana hehe
    It's up to you! (again lol)

    Is the weather fuckin cold in Sweden, too?
    I'm freezing my arse of and my friend from New Zealand is liek: oh yeah it's still ver ywarm here, I'm walking 'round in shorts and a tank top...
    April 20th, 2008 at 06:33pm
  • Haha! I know that one!
    Soooo bad! I had to erm, hey I don't know the word! wow, that rarely ever happens! lol
    I was sweeping the drive way yesterday and when I finished I was like: ohhh I can't straighten up my backkkk OUCHHHHHH
    (I also cursed a lot hehe)

    Grrrr, I have thegreat urge to find a way to repay you right now :S
    mhm, hey, random thouht: would you mind being a character? *smiles*
    I think I could find a nice spot for ya *smiles wider*

    Thanks again!

    Ha! I just saw you live in Sweden! Like my aunt! Wheeeppppp
    I'm just too goddarn happy right now, although I have to prepare a presentation for tuesday on which I have..-. uh, barely *cough* started... XD
    April 20th, 2008 at 06:07pm
  • I like the black and white one better:)

    Thank youuuu sooooo muchhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (continue this until your finger falls off hehe ;) )

    I love both of them to death! *huggles*

    I have the great urge to update just so I can use them! :D

    (Which I will do now XD)
    April 20th, 2008 at 05:59pm
  • whohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    you're fucking BLOWING MY MIND!
    that one's SO perfect!
    You have all three of 'em in there
    which means:
    if I put it on the front page or where ever


    (sorry 'bout the mistake with your name :S)
    April 20th, 2008 at 05:27pm
  • I meant this pic:
    April 20th, 2008 at 05:06pm
  • Oh I'm sure of that! :)
    April 20th, 2008 at 04:49pm
  • Oh oh oh!
    I just went to her MySpace and there is THEEEEE perfect picture on it!
    Erm, its hard to explain where it is though haha
    She's looking to the side and her hair's kinda long and blonde and a little pink, There's pretty much only her face and a little of her collarbone...
    Gosh, that girl's PERFECT! Because, she has the same ear piercings as Missy has! :) And the right eyecolorrr

    You, Jennifer, defintely should get kudos for this or something. Stress on the 'something' hehe I'll think of 'something'.

    April 19th, 2008 at 09:42pm
  • First thing:
    Thanks for showing me those pics! They inspired me for Missy's later hair style! :)
    I looked some pics up on buzznet and yeah...
    You're right, she's really really pretty!

    You could use the picture called 'Lana2' (from the second comment, the 3rd link I think), that one would fit kinda, just the hair's too short, but hey what ever lol I like the smile and the make up loads!
    THe last picture from the same comment would work, too. (I'm gonna use that hair style btw :) ) But please only the head section, okay? (If you use it) Her outfit doesn't fit Missy's style a lot :S Although it's great!

    THank you so much! SO so much!
    THanks for your devotion to this story, I appreciate it so much!
    Danke! (That's German for Thanks/Thank you)
    April 19th, 2008 at 09:38pm
  • Mhm
    not quite what I had in mind lol
    Erm, you could use the first picture, if you want, that's a little more like my imagination than the second one...
    But the hair color is pretty much perfect hehe! I was like: YESHHHH THE HAIIIIIRRRRRRRR XD
    If you got any more pictures of here, you can show them to me? That girl's pretty! :)

    THanks for the support!
    April 19th, 2008 at 02:38pm
  • As for the banner (damn me for reading the profile comment first and THEN the story comment haha)

    I don't know if it is very apparent, but Missy was VERY loosely based on myself, at first, right now she's like... I don't even know her anymore haha

    You can leave her out, if you want, if you're going to use a picture, show it to me first, please? Cuz people always imagine persons differently and your mental image of Missy might be totally different from mine...

    Thanks a lot for the offer!
    April 16th, 2008 at 09:38pm
  • I would definitely hope so *laughs*

    well, I don't need to look smart anymore anyways, becauseeeeeeeee I finished most of my exams for... like 6 or 7 weeks which is AMAZING weheeee haha

    Where are you from, if I may ask?
    I think it might be quite obvious where I'm from haha it's on my profile as well as it mostly is in my stories :)

    Did you read 'dragon Days'? I wanna hear what SOMEBODY thinks about it, because not a bloody person commented it yet :S

    for always commenting and putting a smile on my face!
    (I'm going to put a pic of myself WITH my black glasses on Mibba now I think... just as a credit to you :D because black rimmed glasses still rock the world!!!)

    April 16th, 2008 at 09:32pm
  • Noooooooo!!!!!
    I didn't mean it like that!!! :S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S
    sorry if it sounded like that :S
    That's just my common 'saying' when people ask me why I traded my glasses lol I have some like yours, too! Love(d) them, but I needed a different glass for my right eye... and I've wanted a rimless one since forever and it was the only way to convince my Mom XD

    You always make me smile in a really silly way when you say that you love my writing hehe that happens with all the comments I get haha
    April 16th, 2008 at 06:59am