Cement Feet

I’m stuck in the same place I’m always trying to get out of. Everyone is growing up and changing, finding themselves and being happy while doing things they wants to do, knowing what they’ll be doing this time next year and me, I’m standing out in the cold with a feeling that I’m trapped inside my body, trapped inside my own head. I can’t get out, I can’t move and it’s annoying and...
December 18th, 2010 at 11:44pm

Merry ***ing Christmas

It's that time of year where I see people being happy with their families and their boyfriends and their friends and I sit and sulk.I have a family and I love them.I have friends and I love themBut it always feels like I'm drifting away from them all, I live far away from my friends and I feel unimportant to them anyway, I visit as often as I can and they still havent been round my house since...
December 17th, 2010 at 01:46am

It's not fair you arsehole.

Why can't you just leave me alone! and stop making it out like it was my fault. This wasn't my fault.It's Christmas in two weeks and all I need is for you to be fucking with my head and hurting me again, What gives you the right to do this to me?What sucks is that I can't stop my heart from hurtingAnd None of my friends care enough to ask me whats wrong so i'm left crying and staying up late,...
December 11th, 2010 at 01:52am


Im super freaking happy.Im not at school today and My mum went off to tesco to get some stuff and A Rockstar drink for me (Yummy) and she comes back with Kerrang and on the front its like"GIAN Bands announced"and Im like "Oh god. whose there this year*sigh*"cos last year was lamme really and bands I didnt like.So i opened it up and then i fell on the floor and screamed becauseTHE ACADEMY IS... ARE...
February 4th, 2009 at 02:41pm

Its That Time Of Year

Christmas.Its only november and yet everywhere I look I see the decoration's up and Santa's.It a bit ridculous but maybe Im a bit sour because this year will be the first year without my dad.He Left my mum this year. I dont really care if Im honest. Im not close to my dad for so many reason'sLast year was crappy aswell because my granddad had died in september.So...But yeah. This time Last year I...
November 15th, 2008 at 10:33pm