A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer,
A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer,
it sings because it has a song

You are a paper bird
It hangs from a ceiling fan over my bed

Date: 16th, June 2010
Music: Not Dashboard. Wasted by Cartel
Feeling: Okay. Kind of tired.
Thinking: Trying to write a chapter, but i've got writers block! how annoying!
Writing: Yeah, I’m actually doing this for once. Shock and awe

Hello everyone! I've been gone for a very long time, but I'm going to try to get back into my writing again. I've been very busy! I'm going to start working on my Blue Eyes of A Monster story again, and hopefully you'll all still like it. Thank you all, and sorry again for being gone for soo long!

Folded and folded and creased

SHAKE MY WORLD LIKE AN EARTHQUAKE. My life doesn’t have a hot sparkling vampire guy trying not to eat me. It doesn’t have any super sexy, buff, or drop dead gorgeous magical creatures of any kind. I’m not super rich, or extremely poor, but like most people my family struggles to get by in today’s world. My life doesn’t consist of amazing adventures or romantically gushy scenes every couple wishes they could have. What my life does have is normal simplicity (or at least as normal as it gets). My life has a family who would do anything for me. My life has friends who love me, and I know for a fact won’t leave my side. My life has difficulty, but at the same time couldn’t be simpler. My life is…amazing. Hello, my name is Jessica Esther C and welcome to my world. Tears will eventually fade, but the scar will always remain. Music is my oxygen, and piano is my water. Life is full of secrets and of lies. You may put on a mask to fool others, but we all know that when you look in the mirror you’ll still be the same person you were yesterday and the day before that. Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes. Lessons are made to be learned, so soak up as much as life throws at you as you can. Life can either be accepted or changed. If it is not accepted, it must be changed. If it cannot be changed then it must be accepted. Love the life you have, because it’s the only one we have to live. Live your life, like there is no tomorrow. Turn scars into smiles. I’ve made lots of mistakes and things I regret, and I know for a fact I’ll never stop making them. Mistakes only make us stronger. Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it a meaning. So make sure there is always a meaning behind it. People look and judge, but their thoughts don’t even scratch the surface. I know who I am, and who I’m not, even though I haven’t figured out fully who I am. Nobody’s perfect, and I’m not even close. I’m often misunderstood, but who isn’t?

And bent and shaped from a five dollar bill

Blue Eyes of A Monster

Story title

Story title

It's priceless to me

Maybe My Facebook

Maybe friends

And never spent

Layout by Sean at hummingbird layouts