NimmiXX / Comments

  • michell-e_:3

    michell-e_:3 (100)

    United States
    ok natalia. this waz meant 4 u and krista. but ignore the krista parts ^_^
    omg krista. that waz so deep, i think i might cry. i cant blieve u feel that way about alonso. it is alonso right? jkjk. but, wow. y didnt u ever tell me and natalia?..................... i cant blieve this is happening. u and natalia have found................ love. i feel so happy 4 u. i rlly do, but im going 2 pray evernight that everything goes just the way u guys want it 2 go ok. im so happy....-sniff- i hope the love of ur lives realizes how special u guyz r. bcuz i dont think any guy deserves grlz as hot, nice, and sexy like u! -sigh- wow. its amazing how something can change in the blink of an eye. i rlly hope u guys find happiness. and....and.... plz. plz! dont feel pain. bcuz wen u hurt, i hurt. i luv u guyz!
    and remember this waz 4 u and krista! luv u!
    January 7th, 2009 at 01:12am
  • (100)

    United States
    :D I told you I liked anime the first time I commented. Hah.

    I first watched Naruto when I was 10. That was six years ago. Haha.

    It was when it first came out in Japan and they subbed it. So the "first" episode of Naruto on Cartoon Network is a bit biased. They cut out a lot of the violence, and all the bad language. }:( I wasn't very happy. And I got irritated easily. Hahah. No offense to you or anyone. Haha. I'm on top of all the latest animes and stuff. I just don't have time anymore. The last time I watched the Shippuuden or Bleach eps were in March. I've been too busy. But I do read the manga every week.

    Ah, I remember the third episode of Naruto. I think it was chapter 109, when Sasuke left. One of my favorites. And the awesome battle between them. One of the best eps ever. I liked the Sasori Sakura battle in the Shippuden and Manga. It was great. I could go on :3

    Labels won't really ever go away. In a way it's sort of a lifestyle for people. I don't really care. Haha. That's about it. Ehhh.
    January 6th, 2009 at 02:01am
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    Aww, I'm sorry for making you feel bad. :/ I'll keep my misery to myself hehe.
    If it makes you feel better, I got you a christmas presewnt, and I totally hope you'll like it when you get back :]

    You? Drunk?! *dies laughing*
    ... *slowly calms down from the fit of giggles* Why would I be mad, dear? As long as you didn't do anything stupid, in front of a hot guy, (or worse, in front of your guy...) you should be fine. I didn't get drunk, only slightly tipsy.
    Oh, I literally laughed out loud... my mom came in and gave me this look; o.0

    But seriously, don't feel bad about me over here. I'll be fine... I hope. *gulps*
    I just... din't expewct my feelings to come back for him so strongly. Ir's awful and amzing at the same time. Bittersweet?
    It's so mean to wish that on her though. I don't even know her lol, but I am insanely jeous of her. People don't realize it, but I get jelous easily, in that insane kinda way. I just don't let most people know ;D

    Well, see you the 15th m'dear.
    Have fun with the eye candy over there,
    and sex up some nice boys.
    Preferably, ones you're in love with ;)

    Your azn pal,
    Krista ;D
    January 4th, 2009 at 07:53pm
  • michell-e_:3

    michell-e_:3 (100)

    United States
    -breathe in, breathe out- ok. i think im calm. it's ok. i ALMOST got drunk 2. so i understand. =] i 4give u dont worry. and i'll be waiting 4 ur call! luv you! byebye! :3
    January 4th, 2009 at 03:30am
  • (100)

    United States
    No, I met them alright. *evil cackles*
    But I made a fool out of myself... they were like, "Hey, my name is _______"
    and I was like... "...hi." But my voice was really low and they couldn't hear me speak, so I smiled instead. It was fun.

    Fullmetal Alchemist is an awesome anime. The manga's good too.
    *rolls eyes* Of course I watch Naruto and Bleach! I read the mangas also. I've known about both of them since the very beginning, before anyone else did. It kinda makes me mad that everyone's obsessing over them now after how long it's come out. *sigh* But oh well.
    My first anime love was Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon... him or 17 from Dragonball Z... I think. Haha. >_<

    7th grade? Hmm, not quite what I'm talking about. Hate to say this, but when you get to High School, you'll know who your REAL friends are. There will be a lot of backstabbing too. Then you'll find a group of friends that are just right. I only have one best friend. Everyone else is a good friend or a close one. Ehh. I don't really like labels. I'm one of a kind. :P

    Hmm... -_- I got money. That's about it. It's going into my collection of money to use in the future. :P
    January 4th, 2009 at 02:52am
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    I'm sorry to unload all of that on you lol.
    I'm read it again like, 2 days after and felt bad about wriing all that to you rofl.
    Sorry ^_^
    January 3rd, 2009 at 08:31pm
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    This goes along with the previous comment by the way.
    I didn't write this, I found it, but it kinda... describes my emotions better than I ever could myself.
    "Why was he so good at this? Manipulating my heart?

    I was teetering on the edge of a cliff. The ground was so far below me it looked unreachable and menacing. What was the point? Behind me lay shelter and safety, everything I thought you should have in life. But even though the drop seem ominous and the leap alone would probably kill me if it didn’t turn out like I wished, there was a certain, unmistakable appeal. It would be dangerous and possibly disastrous, but was that so bad to risk, if at the end I got what people spent their lives looking for? Safety and security or chance and hope. No one in their right mind would take the plunge, right?"
    I'm upset, my emotions are skyrocketing. I wish Ididn't feel that way about him. Everything would just be so much goddamn easier if I just didn't.. 'L' him.
    It's like Eve with the fucking apple. He's right therem tempting you,
    and you know you shouldn't. Forbidden fruit, off limits; it's wrong, but feels right.
    I'm pathetic. read the comment below, you'll get my meaning.
    January 2nd, 2009 at 10:33am
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    Natalia, I am absolutely pathetic.
    Pathetic, I tell you!
    In my last message, I rold you how I should just give up on him blahblahblah?
    I can't.
    Not the type of 'I can't' in the sense that I don't want to; I...
    can't explain it. Here's an example; tell yourself to stop liking that one lucky guy. Doesn't everything in your body just scream "No!" ? That's exaxrly how I feel, right now at this very moment.

    And I am utterly pathetic.
    Everytime I am possibly alone, or just left to my thoughts, I think of him. Nothing perverted, just, him.. and i likke verything about him.
    and that's terrible of me. In my mind he would basically drop Kaitlyn just to be with lame ol' me. And that's awful of me.
    I don't deserve him, I really don't.
    and Natalia? I have something amazing and horrible all at the same time to tell you. I don't think I'll tell you on here. I might private message it to you.
    But let me justs say this; this newfound realization that I've come to scares me. It's that numbing kind of terrifying feeling, one that you just can't shake. That deep down, knowledge that nothing won't ever really be how it was again.
    I think I...
    love him.
    Stop squeeling and freaking out like I know you probably are. For me to admit that is like... jumping off a cliff and not knowing whether you'll survive or not.
    Yes, I'm quite sure.
    I've liked him for 3 and half years. YEARS!!
    That's about how long you liked that boy of yours, too.
    And the absolutely crazy part is, I haven't even really talked to him all these years! Everytime we would walk by eachother in the hallways, we would have that sort of eye contact, and for that few seconds, it was just...
    This sounds cheesy, but everytime he just looks at me, it brings up all these stupid emotions that I shouldn't be feeling. But they feel so.. right. I think those are good enough words to describe it?

    Oh my. See how pathetic I sound?!?
    Love is not something I take lightly. It's not always butterflies and rainbows. There's as much pain as there is happiness. "Take the pain out of love and love won't exist."
    But the thing is; everything that I'm feeling, every trickle of emotion,
    it's all one-sided. Completely useless. He'll never return the feelings I have for him. Never.

    I need you over here; you need me over there.
    I hope things, everything, turns out better for you over there. I truly, truly do.
    I'm sorry. I know this all sounds crazy to you,
    but even I think I really... 'L' him.
    God, I really am pathetic. I can't even say it.

    I don't deserve him Natalia, I really don't...
    He [i]loves[/i] Kaitlyn.
    I'm nothing to him, only a memory from 5th grade.
    A silly ex-girlfriend.
    Nothing more.
    I'm sorry for unloading this on you. You probably don't want to hear about it. How are you? Having fun in little villages?
    God, I'm sorry. I'm so selfish. A whole 4 paragraphs and I didn't even ask about you. Having a good time, huh?
    January 2nd, 2009 at 09:28am
  • michell-e_:3

    michell-e_:3 (100)

    United States
    NATALIA!!!! U FINALLY ANSWERED BACK!!! omg im sooo happy! me and krista thought you had 4gotten us! but we're 2 special to just leave and 4get! :) o and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! i hope you've got your self a man
    -cough- krista told me that u found LOVE! wow natalia, thats trlly big. im rlly looking forward 2 talking to you! and thank you so much for the whole... you know.... hot body stuff.....-blush- :D back to the guy. i want to know his name, age, height, weight, hair color, eye color, EVERYTHING! o and if you can, send me a picture! or if u have a photobucket, you can dowload it on that and i can look at that! do whatever you can k! and i almost 4got! i read that message you sent Krista about the day you went to the pool and you wore a bikini -squeel- wat did he say!!!! how did he react!!!! i mean your so damn pretty!!! he must have not been able to stop staring at you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh! i wish i was there to see it!!!! ok, im going to stop talking know -breathe in breathe out- ok. byebye!!! luv you!!!! :3
    January 2nd, 2009 at 12:23am
  • (100)

    United States
    Freshmen year? Ah, I remember that year. It was great. Sort of... It was... understanding. You'll see what I mean. That year changed me. It kind of put me where I felt like I belong today :]

    I wish I could drive through a cloud! That sounds cool. Hah. And yeah, they dubbed Ouran. I knew that months ago, before they even started dubbing it. I remember years ago when the anime first came out. I had to wait a week for every new episode. Hah. The only dubbing I'm sort of okay with is FullMetal Alchemist. I own the series.

    Red Jumpsuit Apparatus?
    Hah. I actually met them.
    Yep, I shook Ronnie Winter's hand and the rest of the bands'.
    So, does that answer your request?
    I just told your BFFL the other day that their autographed poster is on my wall.

    I type 85wpm. ^_^
    January 1st, 2009 at 08:44pm
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    Okie dokie artichokie.
    Rofl, idk where I got that from, but sureee, i'll roll with it yo *makes gangster signs*
    Yah, I fail at being cool.
    It's kinda windy over here, still hot cause it's icky Florida.
    Why are we talking about weather?
    I like Michelly's story too, but she needs to get rid of the 'you' For example, "You walk towards him as you think blahblahblah"
    It needs some editing, that's all. But it's pretty good :]
    Natalia, I should just give up on Alonso. There's no way that he'll ever like me. Like you said, he "thinks" he loves Kaitlyn, and yeah...
    I've already admitted that I like him *shrugs* It's kinda pointless though. My emotions for him will only lead to a dead end. (Hey that sounded kinda lyrical:)
    But I wish...
    GAH! Nevermindnevermindnevermind. *coughs*

    Yesh! You finally took a picture of a hot guy! With no shirt!
    But he's not the one I'm interested in. You know what you should do to get a picture of the guy you reallly like? Get a group photo! That always works!
    Exclamation points, yeah! Lol.
    How are my pajamas I lent you holding up?
    They're soo big on me lol, you should just keep them. :]
    "Shake Tramp" by Marianas Trench.
    'Tis my fav song at the moment.
    Happy New Year!

    Love you lots dear,

    P.S (ohhh, the blushing game is [i]so[/i] on!)
    You and Sebastian
    alone in a hotel
    with one bed
    and as your laying down he crawls into bed with you
    wraps his arm around you...

    rofl, couldn't finish or else it wouldn't be quite PG13

    P.S.S.S (or is it ppp.s?)
    I'm not telling you what I got you for Christmas, mwahahaha.
    I really hope you'll like it though :/
    December 31st, 2008 at 10:28pm
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    Oh, and did you watch the video?
    I lurves that song,
    December 30th, 2008 at 06:57am
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    Eh, you know me, my imagination gets the best of me :3
    I think too much, and then my mind blows things out of proportion.

    And the whole Alonso thing;
    I really like him. Like, like [i]like[/i] him...
    and it scares the shit out of me. I warned myself not to let that happen, and even gave myself some very good advice. But noooo, I have to go and like him again, when he doesn't even like me. At all!!
    Did I tell you about the shirt she made him? It says "I love my Mormon girlfriend" on it, and he looks so happy to be wearing it :/
    On the back, it says "Forever" with a little heart. ._.
    He l o v e s Kaitlyn
    And I mean,
    as long as he's happy, I'm happy for him? And who am [i]I[/i] to ruin what they have?
    It's not like I have a chance anyways.

    Oh and Trust me, it wasn't a wasted wish (: Like I said, there's no one that deserves good things more :]
    I didn't know that about wishes!
    Foshizzle XDXD

    You + camping = ROFL TIME
    I just can't picture it lol :P
    I like stars, they're so beautiful ^^
    I've always thought that about clouds! But I guess not aha,.

    Don't let that boy get you down.
    You're lucky I'm not there; I would have hit him by now or "Talked" to him,
    Have you read my bajillion previous comments? There's some advice in most of them.
    I cant quite think of something right now, we just got back from Busch Gardens. You would've been able to come if you were heree :]
    No running!
    Ahahaa ^^

    And use that card to call Michelle. If you call me.. I'll hang up, as much as I want to talk to you. Michelley needs some Natalia lovin' okay? (Teehee)

    My new story is going pretty well. I'm working out the plot, and I'm starting to like it. (Yes, just for you, there's [i]lots[/i] of "sexy time" and everything lol. And he's fxing hot. Like, sizzle sizzle hot. XD I don't know where I got that term gfrom, but w/e)
    Wanaa know his name?????
    It's . . .
    Aiden Lucas Owen.
    Originally, it was Caleb Lucas Owen,
    but I liek Aiden better (:
    "Hold Me Like A Microphone" 'tis gonna be a good story ;D
    And do you think the girls name (Jocelyn) is cute, or no?

    Anyways, back to you.
    Tell me about everything, all the mountains, dissapointing clouds, and weird camping stories.
    Oh, and you wanna play the blushing game?
    Picture you and him,
    in the tent,
    in the same sleeping bag,
    as he holds you close...

    December 30th, 2008 at 06:56am
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    Hey, even if you are ignoring me, that's no reson to ignore her too. Here's a link to her profile:

    If you were curious about all my previous comments, all you have to do is scroll downnn.
    December 29th, 2008 at 04:13am
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    you're ignoring me aren't you ._.

    I hate that question, but remember that one promise we made?
    It was something like "No matter what, even if we're mad at eachother, we'll still talk to eachother, okay?"

    Idk, but did I say/do something?
    I know how icky and desperate that sounds,
    but whatever it was,
    I'm sorry ._.
    December 27th, 2008 at 05:09am
  • (100)

    United States
    Ah, same to you!
    Yes, Nightmare is from Death Note. To be honest though, when they put it on TV and dubbed it in English, I was so angry.
    I was a die-hard fan...
    But other than that, Merry late Christmas and Happy New year to you too! haha.
    I don't even remember how many stalkers I had. There were a lot of those my Freshmen year. They would just follow me around.
    Last year, I had this guy who picked his nose stalk me. It was digusting and quite scary. He should've at least used a tissue.
    So, how's columbia?
    December 26th, 2008 at 08:52pm
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    Merry X-Mas and all that jazz.

    You know those times, where you're just hit with this deep, sadness? I don't know. It's just...
    the loneliest feeling in the world. And the "joke" is; you don't know where it comes from. And I just, hope you have the greatest time of your life in Columbia. I know this all might not make sense, but hey, what can I say?
    It was 11:11 earlier, the supposed magical hour.
    Know what I wished for?

    I wished that you would get the perfect, fairytale ending with that boy of yours. I don't care how naive and childish wishes are; and I swear, I've never been more sincere about anything in my life. You deserve that, and so much more. And so I just wanted to say that, wanted you to know.

    I was wondering why I didn't make a wish for myself. It's because you completely, totally, deserve that kind of happiness.

    I've never wished for something so hard in my life.
    I'm sorry, how mushy this all sounds. I'm just all deep thought-ish and sentimental right now. (Emphasize the mental part:)
    It's just
    the mood I'm in.

    I'm a terrible person: you know Ryan?
    I was reading this thing, this survey that he completed.
    The question was: Honestly, what's the thing that makes you most happy?
    And do you know what his answer was?
    "Seeing Krista smile."
    And I'm a horrible, evil person. My first thought was something along the lines of "Ew, what a weirdo."
    I felt so.. bad. Like I truly didn't deserve his affection towards me. He deserves someone who's less petty and mean. Not me.
    And I just wanted to [i]cry[/i]. From the unfairness of everything, for the people who always get bad luck when they truly deserve so much better.

    So Natalia;
    don't give up on him, okay?
    He's worth it. Find that confidence--I know you have it in you. Don't be afraid to just let go and trust in yourself.

    [i]Wishing[/i] you the best,
    The mushy, sentimental,
    December 26th, 2008 at 07:42am
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    After checking out the video/song links in all my previous comments (there's more than one comment you haven't read, btw, go here:

    this is the black/blue haired guy I was talking about.
    Oh, and the video (previous comment) starts off a bit weird, but wait till like, 28 seconds beofre judging. And watch the whole thing!

    visit that link. isn't he awesome!?
    December 23rd, 2008 at 05:32am
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    Hmm, haven't been on lately?
    Hopefully it's because you've been making out with some serious Columbian candy ;D
    Stop blushinggg dear,,,

    I have just found my favorite video of ALL TIME

    Here's the link:


    He's so hot, funny, cute, and has wicked dance moves ;D
    I told you about this song in my previous comment, so look downnnn.
    No but seriously, go watch that video, it just makes me... smile. like, that video is LOVE
    And he has blue-ish black hair!
    How cute is that?!?!?

    So, er, yah.
    There's a carnival in town with all these cool rides, and you know that one curcular thing we talked about? The one where you get strapped in, and then it spins you around and aorund? It's there.
    If you were here, we would soooo totally go. YUPS.
    But you're not, and I've come to the conclusion that I seriously miss you and my life becomes quite dull without you. (Doesn't that make you feel cool?!)

    Oh, and it's bothering me that you need me over there but I can't be there to help you. It just pisses me off that you're in need of my asian assistance and bad jokes and there's millions of miles seperating us.

    I'm sorry this is so long. But you know how talkative I can be sometimes...
    I want to break up with Josiah. Really, I do. But... to do so over the phone or through text messages is such a harsh, bitch thing to do.
    (Or, Alonso like, scarred me for life. He broke up with me through phone. Through phone, Natalia!!! How insincere can you get?!)
    Ohogod. But don't get your hopes up about that;; the whole KristAlonso thing died along with me being naive.
    We're not "meant to be" or "soulmates"
    and I have [i]not[/i] like him since fifth grade ! ! !
    .. even if you can combine our names together in a really flowy-ish way.
    Idk, I kinda backed off since I thought you liked him. Take him if you want, you guys are great together! (That may have sounded sarcastic, but I mean it, i really do.)

    I miss you.

    And here's some advice;;
    Don't just sit around and wait for your love / destiny to come plop it's self right down on your lap. Put yourself out there, [i]make[/i] things happen. You can't just wait for him to come to you, wait for the right chance;; you make your own fate. your decisions have ripples, ripples that affect everything around you. Sometimes you can't just get comfortable and go with the flow. You have to step up and learn to take the initiative. Be braveeee. Be in charge. Be you, ya know?

    Answer me this; Isn't he worth the risk?

    Because whenever you talk to me, it sounds like he is. But that's up to you; there's only so much I can do, only so many things I can help with.

    So go look at that video if you need some cherring up.
    (What helps; "Picture my reactions as I walked in on my brother masturbating. [i]That'll[/i] put a smile on yuor face. [even if it's a really disgusted smile] Grosss *shudders*)

    So I love you
    and I hope that gets to you in time.
    December 23rd, 2008 at 05:15am
  • (100)

    United States
    I don't know if you caught on yet or not... but...
    I'm NOT Japanese.
    I'm CHINESE.
    Actually, I don't know... I've never had a boyfriend, but I've been stalked before. And mainly the nerdy boys or scary ones like me... and even if someone normal did like me, they haven't appeared yet. Haha. And really, I'll look for a guy after college or something. :P

    -_- About the request thing. Haha. Yeah, I know how it is... and to be frank, it happens to me all the time. My computer is having problems right now, so I'm using my dad's and it's a really old piece of junk. I'm planning to update, but I don't think I can do more until my computer's fixed.. And I don't know how long that'll take. Oh! (How it ends... remember how at the beginning of the story Eli shows up at her doorstep again? Well, just go on from there. *wink* lol of course it wouldn't be the same unless I finish it myself.)

    Japanese bands I like: An Cafe, Alice Nine, Nightmare, Serial Number, Ayabie, etc. A lot more. wbu?
    December 22nd, 2008 at 10:59pm