Natalye Eats Baby.

Natalye Eats Baby.
United States
Joined date
November 16th, 2008


I know most of you are going to scroll away from this mess we call
"about me", but I'm going to type in it anyway, on the off chance
you'll read it.

Hay hay hay.
My name isn't important. It's just another thing you'll try and
forget. It's Natalye.
January 18th. Remember that day. It's the day you're obligated to
send me prezzies.
I kiss boys and girls, which can also be called bisexual.
I'm not single.
I talk and joke about sex all the time. One might call me immature.
But, if the time calls for it, I can be quite serious.

My friends are my life. I would die without them. Once you become my
friend, you stay my friend. I cannot stand to lose them, no matter
what. Sometimes I consider this a flaw.

Music is my lover. I'm constantly listening to it, singing it, or
have some song playing in the back of my mind. I like screamo,
alternative, and acoustic. I would list my favorite bands, but we
would be sitting here for a while.

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