안녕 안녕~ ^^

Devin, aka, Zarina Rhei. I answer to an assorted amount of nicknames, but those two can work best for you. I have the tendency to disappear quite a lot which results in me neglecting everything Mibba for a while. I spend more time daydreaming than actually paying attention to my own life, but so far, I haven’t had to pay for it.

I wish time travel were efficient. I wish people were more open-minded. I wish animals could speak. I wish I lived in Korea. I wish it were cloudy everyday. I wish the barter system were the basic currency. I wish days went by slower. I wish Pokémon were real. I wish Dhiren Rajaram were mine. I wish I possessed a flying magic carpet. I wish Gollum were my gatekeeper. I wish it were possible for my wishes to no longer be dreams.