To The Girl Who Will Never Know... goes...Okay I need to get this all off my chest so I stop talking about it and I can't tell you directly because you will probably deem me a creep and this is the next best way. When we first met...heaven knows how many years ago....I knew there was something about you I liked. At the time I wasn't entirely sure what it was...But as we got older I realized it when we really started...
August 30th, 2011 at 02:39pm


So I'm seeing today a lot of anger and resentment toward......basically the world for not convicting Casey Anthony......I was pissed but there is something more important here people....HER NAME IS CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY!!!!!!!!!!!!She is gone!!!! Whether or not her mother is convicted it wont bring her back! Sure I want justice for her but everyone is talking about Casey Casey Casey....It isn't...
July 6th, 2011 at 01:45am

Coming Back

Cona says you wanna come back....well you know what... I really don't care what you do anymore because let me ask you something...Where were you when I needed my best friend, Where were you when I was carving your initials into my wrist, when I was crying myself to sleep because my best friend suddenly didn't care, wouldn't say a word to me, wouldnt even look in my direction, Well you know what....
April 28th, 2011 at 07:49pm

All About Me

She walks in, head down taking her headphones out. Now that her world blockade is gone the conversations around her fill her head as she takes her seat and takes out a notebook as the teacher begins. Outside her head is full of class lectures and the occasional gossip conversation, inside...thats a whole other story. Inside basslines create a beat for the dance steps to move to, inside plot lines...
September 10th, 2010 at 05:17am

A letter to A Best Friend?

okay you wanna know how im feeling right now, abandoned, hurt, like my best friend doesnt love me anymore, im not in the loop and i feel left out I know you said you wanted distance but this takes the fucking cake. I feel like I'm losing you and its really starting to suck. I saw you for the first time outside of juniors and you come up with a cig in your hand blowin smoke out your mouth,tell me...
August 19th, 2010 at 09:02am