
Stop it. Just freakin' stop it.You're gonna be in trouble...Stop.Stop.STOP ! Stop fucking thinking about him ! Stupid idiot. Stupid stupid moron.Trouble is waiting for you. Pain, suffering, ...You will loose friends, bonds with the family.Bad idea. Very suicidal, unconscious, basically worthless.Breathe in. Breathe out. Calm down your heart.Think. Anticipate, for once. See the disaster it could be...
April 13th, 2009 at 02:41pm

Over the Atlantic...

Why do people write diaries ?Need to express themselves, to let go of all the feelings and sensations swirling in their mind, to get some recognition from complete strangers ...Maybe.Well, that's a firts for me, to write an online journal. I'm always in this need of explaining and narrating my boring days and what I percieve about people. I'm kind of sensitive, and I guess I can grasp people more...
March 4th, 2009 at 07:48pm