Lost Them All

I used to have two notebooks full of stories i was writing. I moved a lot and they got lost in the move. They even included the two storied i have on my profile already. It's a little heartbreaking, but i can make up more stories. There are two i still remember what they were about, but i don't remember word for word lol It's a little upsetting, but I'll still try my best at the stories i already...
February 18th, 2015 at 12:40am

It's Been Too Long

Where to begin. Last I was on this site was maybe two or three years ago. I went through all the things I've posted on here and I am quite embarrassed for the most part, but I'm also very grateful to be able to see how much I've grown. I can't imagine deleting anything I posted because I think it's humbling in a way. Now my life still isn't 100% where I would like it to be, but I am only 22. I...
February 11th, 2015 at 11:43pm


So its raining and thundering outside. People have no idea how much i hate bad weather. I get nervous when it just rains a little. So its raining hard outside and thundering, to top it all off the wind was blowing and making some noises. My mom always told me if i hear a train sound its a tornado. It didn't sound much like a train, but it was deff not something i have ever heard wind do. So i was...
November 9th, 2011 at 07:52am

Little more about me. (Fun Stuff)

I am into Korean EVERYTHING! I want to learn it so bad, but unfortunately im no goosd at teaching myself. I like all kinds of music, and i love movies. I love to read, so expect comments from me soon! I love to make new friends and i hope to make some that last. Im pretty easygoing and patient. Easy to get along with and hard to piss off. I wont say im mellow cuz im not all smiles 24/7 and chilled...
November 4th, 2011 at 08:13pm

Little more about me. (Serious note)

I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. It was more like bronze, or copper even. Im grateful for that because it makes me appreciate what i have today. Growing up i was tormented from 1st grade thru all my school life, thankfully i had my brothers and sister to protect me and keep me sane. Then things started happening that im still not strong enough to mention, and it seemed like my...
November 4th, 2011 at 07:59pm

Been gone for a minute, but im back.

I have been gone so long people prolly think im dead or just didnt care to log on. I just got thru reading all my old poems i posted and realized how sad and emotional i was lol. I am happy to say that I still kept track with the stories i planned on posting, and the story that is posted will have more to it soon. Im a much happier person now, not saying i dont still have my issues, but they are...
November 4th, 2011 at 06:46am

Gonna live

So i decided to start over completely. Only positive positive positive from this day forward. I'm not gonna care what other people think of me anymore. Not gonna be pushed into something i don't want to do. Getting back to my writing and trying to actually do something with it. I'm gonna try and make a life and a name for myself. I'm done being the one sitting in the corner unseen. I'm tired of...
April 3rd, 2011 at 09:24pm

I suck at bowling

Just got back from bowling. I really did suck. I was so bad we asked them to put on the guards :( I did however get a strike! So yea i was pretty stoked about that much. The first two i got gutter balls though, my little sister did a hell of a lot better than i had. But in my defense she is taller than me, thats my story and im stickin to it! she really is taller than me though. She is 11 and im...
March 30th, 2009 at 02:06am

These kids scare me :(

Ok these are 4 kids around the ages of 8 to 12. They are playing a game of cards like they are adults. The cursing, the yelling, talking about guys and stuff. You would swear they were grown women! Talking about sex and who they would have sex with. OMG somebody come save me lmao. Im serious though they are really starting to scare me! They should be talking about coodies and playing hop scotch...
March 28th, 2009 at 09:02pm

Bisexuals excist right?? -_-

I think i may go full Lesbo! ^_^ I was in 1st period just thinking about some shit thats been going on and i think i might go full lesbo. Guys are way more complicated than girls. And who knows what a girl wants other than another girl?! haha thats funny. God, why does this thing have to be at least 100 freaking words?! But anyways yea i think im ganna go full. My friend thinks that you cant be...
February 14th, 2009 at 01:20am

What im doing right now

Im listening to Enya, yea thats right ENYA! lmao. Im just really bored right now, and i have absolutely nothing to write about :( So umm i have to write 100 word in order for me to be able to send this thingy haha. so........umm how bout that weather lately? OMG I MIGHT GO TO MY VERY FIRST CONCERT MONDAY! ^_^ IM SO HAPPY! i dont know if that 100 word yet....only one way to find out ^_^ oh snap...
February 13th, 2009 at 08:37am


Lately assholes have been IMing me trying to get me to cyber with them. If i refuse they would get mad and start making me feel bad. Some claim that im racist just because i dont want to cyber with them. This one guy called me a "nigga" more than once. I know that its stupid but i hate when people are mad at me, i try so hard at being nice to everyone and it always slaps me in the face. It made me...
February 13th, 2009 at 07:55am