
~Again, this is just me venting!~People are afraid of anyone who's different, even if different is good.Whether you're goth, emo, a smoker, lesbian/bi-sexual/gay, fat, skinny, rich, poor, smart,dumb, confident, afraid, sick, weird, quiet, loud, expressive, mean/bitchy, cruel, nice;It seems that there'll always be someone who is going to see that as a bad thing. Why?I've been teased before....
June 25th, 2009 at 04:06am

Venting: My pride and joy. Topic: Fight the Power

Anarchy is awesome.But, having your government kick your ass because they can,really bums my ego.Fight the Power.But the Power can Fight back.Getting kicked off Mibba would suck, point blank.So, no more cussing in titles.Ha ha.But, fuck that if they think i'm going to stop cussing in my journal. XDGoing with the flow isn't me, if you haven't already noticed.I don't want to live my life according...
June 24th, 2009 at 07:49pm

My Dad controls my whole life. It isn't my future, it's his! So Ima *** it ALL up.

My dad and i have this fucked up relationship.Point blank, he's a man whore. Greeeaaaat, right?Anyway, the guy still expects me to listen to everything he says and do everything he tells me to.Not only that, but when he takes me to dinner, ITS DEAD QUIET!We have never been buddybuddy or anything so this doesn't bother me as much as you'd think.THEN, when he does talk, I get to hear about MY...
June 24th, 2009 at 07:24pm

How I got kicked out of Catholic School.It still haunts me...

Priest after mass says: The sins of the world will damn us to hell! Masturbation is a deadly sin!!!!!Sandra (me) says: Then what do you do in your free time.?!Priest overlooks my outburst then says: We must triumph over temptation together! Love one another with all you hearts-Sandra interupts: AND our dicks!Priest sighs angrily but continues. (can't help but notice that his face is turning vagina...
June 24th, 2009 at 05:52am

Is that a pointy needle in your hand, doc? Well, *** YOU!

Damn shots to hell.I'm not talking about the tequila shot in your hand.Fuck that.No, I'm talking about the shots those sadists we call doctors give to their patients.Do you remember your seventh grade shot?I do. And so does my doctor every time he tries to masturbate.Ya see....When someone comes toward me with a needle...it can get real ugly real fast.Yeah, I kicked my doctor where the holy...
June 24th, 2009 at 05:30am

Soooo is the tingling sensation is completely normal...?

Alright, I'll admit it here and now that I've gotten high in the dentist's office.Like, laughing gas is the best form of therapy ever!Sooo, when they leave you alone with that funny lookin machine that's pumpingyour gas...Well, who am I to be taking such a deep breath?Me, that's who.Then, when the dentist comes back into the room, i don't have to worry about thathuge needle in his hand that is...
June 24th, 2009 at 05:17am

My friend is a slut. What do I do?!

Okay, my friend is a total slut, sleeping with guy after guy.I'm worried to death about her.People have told me that I can't change a person,that, talking to her about the fact that the entire school knows she's a slut won't make herchange.Is that true?I mean, if you see a person messing up their life because their homelife is shitwould you stay silent?I'm still friends with this girl even though...
June 24th, 2009 at 04:55am

Tongue Ring or No Tongue Ring

I don't exactly know why but i think that I really want a tongue ring. I'm almost seventeen but i do know that there are people who'd do it without needing permission from my parents.My friend wants to get her nipples pierced. that's where i turned toward er and smacked her upside the head. I think, personally, that thats a bit disgusting.I mean, How bad would that hurt if you got caught on...
June 24th, 2009 at 04:35am

Lesbo or Bi.... ***in Hell.....Seems Like I'm Torn

You know what just busts my imaginary balls (besides my fucked up spelling errors)?I'll wake up one morning totally freakin hating life because I can't find a nice girl tohave an actual relationship with.Strait up, I'm pretty much the guy in the relationship. Idk why exactly but I think it's becausethe aliens fucked up my DNA! XDI mean, it's torture when i see that girl, who is just perfect in...
June 24th, 2009 at 04:25am