Connor Contagieux / Comments

  • Malachi;;

    Malachi;; (100)

    United States
    No like. . .I have a wonderful accent and can read it off a page and understand it. I jsut cant write it to save my life haha
    July 26th, 2011 at 04:30am
  • Malachi;;

    Malachi;; (100)

    United States
    Yes sir :)
    And your french makes me jealous lol
    If I could write it as well as I speak it we would be in business :P
    July 26th, 2011 at 04:23am
  • faggot at six.

    faggot at six. (100)

    United States
    Maybe you should visit c:
    July 26th, 2011 at 04:22am
  • jam.

    jam. (100)

    United States
    runny eggs haha i love that! ill have to try the music thing instead of yelling at them. we just got back from disney world so ive had it up to here, but space mountain was fun :)
    July 25th, 2011 at 01:56pm
  • jam.

    jam. (100)

    United States
    because i have come to the conclusion that i have some of the most wretched siblings ever when it comes to social skills. writers block hm? i dont really have any remedies for that...
    July 10th, 2011 at 03:30am
  • jam.

    jam. (100)

    United States
    oh thats nasty. i hear summer school is horrendous. i am quite well my friend jill is spending the week with me and it has been a ball but she leaves tomorrow. *sigh* other than that blasted summer school is everything else well?
    July 8th, 2011 at 11:49pm
  • jam.

    jam. (100)

    United States
    Oh my word it's been forever. I completely forgot about mibba and checked it on a whim. Hows lie treated you
    June 29th, 2011 at 05:20am

    OLDACCOUNT (100)

    How silly of me, I forgot 2010. Thanks for remembering. Really? Those damn advanced class essays? Haha. I am not as smart as an American. I can write an essay, but not AP quality.
    Aww.. I can't believe, I impacted your lives forcefully. I missed you guys greatly too! I love calling Allie, Jam. I think Jam is such a cute name and I like it on my toast. Allie is an adorable name too, isn't it short for Alexandra or Allison? 
    You thought of me? I feel very special. :) I smiles reading this.. I really did. You're so adorable, writing about me and such. :)
    The piano, hmm.. It's honestly, a difficult instrument. However, there is a competition in April. I feel like doing it. I think I could win for the Amateur's and I might rank high with the Professionals. Everyone would be 17+, therefore, my competition could have been playing piano, since 1940. lol.
    It's raining? and cold? I much rather be in the cold, shivering,
     than slowly having my skin melted. If you want; we could trade lives. I'd be happy too! :)
    You love me? Well it's safe to say, I love you too, it sucks we are over a continent apart. :(
    You like being called cariño? Haha. I think that's funny, because I don't like it, I call people that, but they don't call me that. I'm a hypocrite. Cariño seems too lovable, I am not a lovable person. I hate the world. See? (jk)
    I never been called darling? How cute! :)
    I answer questions honestly and straight to the point. I am active, I don't see myself as a passive kinda guy. I am 99.9% active, like a condomn. :P
    Yup. You wrote it correctly, I think there was a spelling error somewhere, other than that. I understood everything. Vos sos un cariño muy intelligente. :)
    I love your French. I never studied it, so it's natural for me. But my English, is awful. 
    What did you get for Christmas? I got money (typical), but I donated it to my friend who has leukemia..
    I hope you had a very wonderful holiday, cutie pie. ;) 
    December 25th, 2010 at 10:33am

    OLDACCOUNT (100)

    Hey, it's been like 900 million years, correct? Sorry for my long absence, my English class becamse difficult. I'm learning how to write essays and this time with a time limit of 35 minutes. Insane? Right? Well I missed you kiddo. :)
    Haha. Me? More photos? Well, sir, I'm currently sunburned i'll upload pictures when my pasty skin recovers.. D-mn, Summer.
    I'm continuing piano lessons, like you told me to do. I am also taking reggaeton dance lessons, I'm not one for those beats, but we get more funding if a blond boy joins (it's a joke) haha.
    Well we were talking about colleges, you seem like you are going to the correct path. I am hoping to go to a University in Chile. Studying, maybe to become a psychiatrist? :)
    well, if I don't write back before the holdays, I wish you and jam. a happy holidays, and I wish you all the best wishes for the new year.
    I miss the both of you.
    Don't worry, I won't leave, I'm just busy.
    I miss you Americans, cariños.
    December 22nd, 2010 at 06:31am
  • jam.

    jam. (100)

    United States
    hes busy why would i ask him? lol im verry happy that he enjoys talking to me though, some people on here are soooooo fake and it jsut irks me! and PECK like "sweetie dearest, im running down to the market to pick up a PECK of apples!"
    December 21st, 2010 at 02:31am
  • jam.

    jam. (100)

    United States
    its most definitely a PECK, mister! i dont know either, never been out of the continental US :) im a travel virgin! lol so i would not be the one to look to for Chilean advice
    December 17th, 2010 at 11:47pm
  • jam.

    jam. (100)

    United States
    yes i miss alan :( where did he go? oh thats okay ill loosen up your english real quick! peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers!
    December 15th, 2010 at 08:10pm
  • jam.

    jam. (100)

    United States
    you dont need him connor :) ah! i forgot to reply and now i feel like shit. -the bad kind.
    December 14th, 2010 at 08:41pm

    OLDACCOUNT (100)

    Sorry, I'm becoming too busy to reply daily. Fucking school. I have never seen The Little Mermaid in either or language. I tried to see it, however, I got rather bored. I didn't give it a good shot, really.
    My parents are thinking about moving to New York City in 2011. I told them, "No way, I do not want to go to an American school." Pffft. They can go, I'll just stay.
    I consider myself rude sometimes, but it's second-nature. I was taught to not cry and therfore, it is hard for me to be emotional. I think that's my problem. Having French parents, is a very strict procedure. I mean, they love you, but if you misbehave once you're in big trouble. It's not just my parents, it's France's culture.
    Chile is a total different persepctive, it's "love your children, teach them to work and have fun." I don't know how it is in America, but I would find it severly difficult to cooperate with a mindset of an American.
    (excuse me, I'm not trying to be condescending or blunt. The only Americans I enjoy talking to on Mibba is you and Jam) the rest.. Not so much. :/
    But I would definitely try, when the timing is right, but not next year.

    Are you thinking about colleges?
    December 7th, 2010 at 09:28am
  • scottyy;;

    scottyy;; (100)

    Dear Connor,

    what makes you say that?
    December 6th, 2010 at 11:36pm

    OLDACCOUNT (100)

    You're an optimistic person, I've noticed talking to you. When I rain in our conversations, you quickly let the sun shine in. 
    For example, "Food poisoning in Dominican Republic"
    You: "Ashley hasn't recalled any food poisoning"
    Me: "AP system sucks"
    You: "I love my teachers, so there is no problem"

    Haha. I don't know if you noticed it, but I did.

    I'm proud of you for the Pre-Calc score. Solve those trigonometric functions. :P 

    The French.. A stuck-up (stereotism) crew of people, prepared to be ignored if you speak bad French or not French. 
    There are more Africans there than Italy. Plus, the Africans speak French (advantage!). The French are too scared to say, "Get out of here.. Bla bla bla" because they are considered the bad people who do harm. 

    IN ITALY, there's a big different perspective. Italy is in a recession, therefore, the Africans steal their jobs and they are abused by the Italians. Italians harm them, in soccer games and publicly. It's kind of stupid. If they want to resolve the problem, they shouldn't be alienating them, they could surround there borders tightly (that'd get more jobs) *cough*

    Sorry, I had an essay on that in grade 8. I had to write about that, in Spanish. :p

    Awww.. Thank you. When people compliment my English, I blush. It sounds weird but it's true. I've been practicing basics since I was six. I started writing when I was nine. From there i practiced in front of the mirror and when I have the chance to speak it, I go for it. I love cinema and music (French and English).

    Instead of playing with my neighbors, I studied (read) English and Spanish literature. It helped a lot.

    Also, you speak very good French. I would allow you in AP. You're going to get a 5. (is that the highest?) if it is then yeah! Go for it. Because I love guys who put there max effort in everything. (:

    I don't think I have seen Phantom of the Opera. In either language. I watched Disney movies in French when I was a kid. I watch them again in English, ;)
    December 5th, 2010 at 04:23pm

    OLDACCOUNT (100)

    From a while ago, I read forums about the Dominican Republic. Over half the people agreed it was beautiful and cheap, but it's easy to get food poisoning there. Maybe there was an epidemic? Hehe. You want me to continue my destiny in becoming the French Elton John? Well, I guess, I'll resume my piano playing skills. What do you learn in pre-calc? Is it Matricies, Functions, Trigonometry? I read about it online. It sounds like semester 1 of my Calculus class. :P you hate math too?! and you have a 97? That's just amazing. However, the AP system has a flaw, in my opinion. The exam is national, right? What if you get a shitty teacher who doesn't cover everything. Then you're doomed right? I had many crappy teachers in Chile. But whatever, I passed the class. :P
    Haha. You like the Italians? I hate Italian's tolerance with blacks. I think the French handle it better than the Italians. But other than that, I'd go,
    The vosotros form died, but it's good to speak politely. I mean it's kinda equivalent to using "vous" in French, what if you want to ask for directions to some old lady? It's good to learn that extra conjugation form. ;) Not the face, I don't like to be superficial (big word for me). I think people can't help on how they look and it's not fair to knock them down because of that. But it's whatever, I'm not looking for a boyfriend.. I am intrigued by your interests, I guess I own some form of fondness for you.
    December 4th, 2010 at 07:08pm

    OLDACCOUNT (100)

    Dominican? Interesting. I've never meet a Dominican. I really like their culture but I heard food poisoning is common there.. :(
    You don't play sports? That's fine. I fine athletics a bit too much for me. I play soccer, tennis, run, dance, and baseball. Of course, in moderation. I am not an aggressive person, trust me.
    I've been playing the piano since I was four, I was in competitions at eight. However, I stopped. Oh wells..
    I've been tempted to write in Mibba. But I have been very busy, I just reply to comments (well you and this nice girl). (:
    :') compliments make me blush easily. I'm gay, but I have never had a boyfriend. I know it's stupid, "how can you be gay, if you never been with a guy." I have faith that I am indeed gay, and not curious. 
    How is Pre-Calculus? Is it lame? I hate math, but I'm still taking Calc even though I met my qualifications. :P. The Advanced Placement system? Well recently I read about it. Is it where it's the same as "regular" classes but much more homework and hands-on work to take an exam to exempt that class in the future? Well.. I find it kind of a fluke, we have something similar, but it's much more stable.
    If I was in AP. I would definitely take them all. I'm a giant nerd. :)
    I really want to travel to The US, Mexico, Argentina, Canada, Germany, Italy, and Russia. (before i go to a university, but that's unrealistic) :P
    France? Interesting. I was there last year, I kinda hate it there, it's way too risky. Everything is expensive and people there are kinda psychotic. Be extra-cautious! 
    Family Guy taught me what the Boy Scouts are. It's kind of silly but it looks pretty fun, useful information. No?
    You like Latinos? Haha. I think Spanish men are a bit two-faced (The French people like me, we have a personal rivalry against them, jk). They may be hot, but they do too much drugs and it's so filthy. I might get syphillis just walking down the street. lol. But, go to Spain. Very liberal. Good luck using the vosotros form. :P
    Uhhh.. I like boys who are sincere, mentally stable, intelligent, cultured, and funny. Looks, don't matter? I like guys with any ethnic group. I also like it when guys have pretty eyes, kinda like yours.
    December 4th, 2010 at 09:42am

    OLDACCOUNT (100)

    heheheheh. your friend taught you mexican-spanish slang perfectly. i mean, it is a bit comical! but i thought it was funny!
    someone from spain would think you said "don't suck me, ox" hahaha. but if you want to learn bad words, you can come to me. ok?

    it is summer here, so i wanted to take the advantage and travel. colombia is an okay country, but a new setting is a beautiful thing, i think. hmm.. that's a funny question. i like both (emotionally and sexually). but as a partner i prefer guys, that makes me gay. but i really don't care. :')

    in my freetime, i play football. not american football but the international kind. i also play piano. what about you?

    at school, i compared my courses to the american educational system. i would be in calculus, english: literature and composition, physics, and sociology and you?

    ur very ecstatic to know about me, what about you?!
    December 4th, 2010 at 12:59am

    OLDACCOUNT (100)


    yeah, it is common to have European acenstry in Chile. A lot of French blooded people here. learning Spanish was a piece of cake, I have first hand experience here. does that make sense, "first hand?" im learning English expressions. :)

    sorry i replied pretty late, I was in Colombia with my parents.
    December 3rd, 2010 at 03:47am