Is it really that complicated

Each time I post something on here I wonder if any one with actually comment. If you do get comments you seem to get very few if any.Even the poem that i"ve had up for awhile has only gotten one reply. I still put my other poem on here in hopes that someone would comment. Im sure you all know as well as I that a writer want's to know what other people think. We want to know if they like the way...
June 28th, 2009 at 04:57am

Wondering If I Should Start A Story On Here

I know im not a very good writer. No one commented on my last attempt at a story. I was wondering if any of you guys thought i should try again. The only problem is i have bad grammar and spelling. I might not finish the story if i start it since halfway through books i seem to lose ideas.My idea for a new story is about a girl who's family own's and works in an antique bookstore. Her dad goes out...
June 28th, 2009 at 04:24am