Bring More Knives.

She called out a warning.

Col-leen:(verb) to indulge the empty.

My mind is always wandering at an uncontrolable pace. I'm just at the beginning of my life but I feel comfortable with how it's going. As long as I have my loved ones, cigs, my car, good music, and some Arizona tea, I'm game for anything. Head shops and movies about self-destructive people under the influence are always enticing. I want to draw and throw pots for all of eternity. I plan on traveling, for the experience and the joy of it. New York and Chicago (again) are at the top of the list. I realize, no matter how much I write in this section, you'll never truly know me. Not at all.

I like people who will speak their minds, or just be full of sarcasm, much like myself. I can not stand those who thrive on thoughts of being something that they simply can't. I will waste my life away on whatever I please. Damnit. I will be relentless, and that you can deal with. I'm on this site for a reason; I enjoy writing, reading and commenting those worthy. I'd appreciate some love myself, but I'm not going to get on my knees and beg for it. I'm not that needy. SO if you do read my story, don't just pass me by. Tell me something. Anything. I enjoy talking to new people, and knowing many of the people on this site are much like myself, I wouldn't mind talking to any of you :)

I am going through a change, not for no reason though.

I just haven't quite found the answer I'm looking for.

I'm still here and still as unsure as ever


Want a good read? Now suggesting : Every Burden Has a Version

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Bring More Knives.

She called out a warning.

Col-leen:(verb) to indulge the empty.

My mind is always wandering at an uncontrolable pace. I'm just at the beginning of my life but I feel comfortable with how it's going. As long as I have my loved ones, cigs, my car, good music, and some Arizona tea, I'm game for anything. Head shops and movies about self-destructive people under the influence are always enticing. I want to draw and throw pots for all of eternity. I plan on traveling, for the experience and the joy of it. New York and Chicago (again) are at the top of the list. I realize, no matter how much I write in this section, you'll never truly know me. Not at all.

I like people who will speak their minds, or just be full of sarcasm, much like myself. I can not stand those who thrive on thoughts of being something that they simply can't. I will waste my life away on whatever I please. Damnit. I will be relentless, and that you can deal with. I'm on this site for a reason; I enjoy writing, reading and commenting those worthy. I'd appreciate some love myself, but I'm not going to get on my knees and beg for it. I'm not that needy. SO if you do read my story, don't just pass me by. Tell me something. Anything. I enjoy talking to new people, and knowing many of the people on this site are much like myself, I wouldn't mind talking to any of you :)

I am going through a change, not for no reason though.

I just haven't quite found the answer I'm looking for.

I'm still here and still as unsure as ever


Want a good read? Now suggesting : Every Burden Has a Version

Click it. NOW :)