New Tattoo and Euthanasia, what are your opinions?

I wrote an article about Euthanasia. I support people's right to commit suicide. I believe that the right to die goes hand in hand with the right to live. I would like some feedback on my article or a nice discussion. I am willing to discuss this topic with anyone from both sides.In other news, I am going to get my very first tattoo soon. It will be a tattoo of the third eye from the Tool album...
March 26th, 2011 at 07:57pm

So I get the feeling that there isn't many other guys on Mibba...

I was posting around the forums, and noticed how conveniently gender is displayed, and how everyone here seems to be of the female variety. I believe after frequenting many threads, I saw a grand total of one male, assuming the gender was accurate. What's up with that?? Don't get me wrong, "I'm cool with the ladies," so to speak, but I'm kind of disappointed there isn't more guys- it is a writing...
December 23rd, 2010 at 06:07am

Job Hunt

It has been a few months now since I have held a steady job. I used to work at Wal Mart but had to move away for college. Sure, I could have transferred but I don't have a car and the nearest Wal Mart is 2.7 miles away and that is a long bike ride (especially during the winter months). Additionally, at this Wal Mart the only positions open were for a cart pusher. When I left the Wal Mart that I...
December 22nd, 2010 at 09:24pm

Coming back to Mibba

I seem to do this with everything. I will get into it and eventually give up on it. I will go back to it and eventually getting bored of it again. This is a cycle that seems to happen every now and then. Some examples of this occurring are with some video games and Mibba. I do eventually go back to them, but I never seem to stick with them. However, I don't find myself to be a quitter, even though...
November 23rd, 2010 at 02:21am