xlizziex / Comments

  • TheCoreysGirl

    TheCoreysGirl (200)

    United States
    Hey there! How's it going? I'm doing good. :)
    July 17th, 2010 at 08:14am
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *Giggle* The wolf ate the TREE last time. Now you-person guised as tree to hide from wolf. And you’re completely in danger, because you are oblivious to this!! MUHAHAHAHAHA –hack- *only just now realises that you are reading this* ...-_-

    Wolves not only stroll... !! *gets out form under piano, lines up beside wolf and couple o’other characters* ...But wolves do the Thriller with me, Itachi, Sasori, Alvin Chipmunk & co, Ulquiorra, Mickey Mouse, Spock, Urahara and Jasper Cullen~ *starts the dance*
    Now what about the above sentence makes you think I’m Crrrrrrrrrrraazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeey??? *not seeing that even the wolf is backing away, no longer wanting to eat me*

    Know who to kill and find (in exactly that order)... OH!! *lightbulb* You mean the band the LostProphets, right?!! *so pleased with self, completely oblivious to how you meant moi*

    *went cross-eyed with trying to follow your trail of plan/idea/thought/no-plan* Oooh, obviously my going cross eyed made the snow go away! Great plan there, lizzie ^.^ ...Of course, credit goes to me. Naturally.

    Aww, I love SCOWNS!! ...As long as I say them as SCONZ :D SCONZ party for everyone! *party goes on with SCONZ streamers, SCONZ balloons, a food table that doesn’t have any SCONZ (cause Gaara and I eat-ed up all your gift SCONZ alreadys *mouths sticky with jam and crumbs*) , and the game of pin-the-scone top-on-the-scone bottom with the people who say ‘scowns’ dressed up as SCONZ...*

    *jaw drop* *pull jaw back up again to laugh about the awesomeness of oddness of us having had the same idea*
    January 25th, 2010 at 01:29pm
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *try to speak, but the piano plays the Jaws theme for how my lips move*
    *bird freaks out because of jaws theme and divebombs into the house the wolf went away to blow down* *House falls down before he's even *huffed*, and so with nothing else to do Mr.Wolfie comes back to eat the only human left that's NOT. Under. A piano*

    Oh good, thought saying 'legendary' wrong would just make me seem weird *said while looking at you with my face clad in glasses with springy, false eyes bouncing about*
    But that happened in an episode, so I'm just my own regular kind of weird! ...Hehe, Regular Kind of Weird sounds like a band, or an album name... *giggles inanely to self*

    Aww, that's too bad. I msot definitely didn't do a rain dance in the middle of winter so that it would snow and you couldn't wear shoes more epic than mine... *smiles angelically*

    But to make it non-snowy again I have an idea!!!!
    *five minutes later, and I'm fried and sunny-side up after having been lightning bolted by a pikachu toy* ....Okay, new plan.
    And that plan is to ask you if you have a plan. :D

    *goes deathly quiet* You... you say... two thousand and ten...?
    ...*soundlessly, I begin to shake and inhale extreme air, my face scrunching up until the explosion!!!!
    ...*Achoo* *relaxes* What I was going to say is oh, okay, fair enough. Good for you to have your own mind. ...*waves politely but obliviously/confusedly to your reinforcements*

    I tried, by they just smushed against the computer screen rather than passed through... >. And now I have crumbs in my keyboard. Your fault.

    ....Incidentally, do you say “sconz”, or “scowns” for scones? *wide smile with pure evil dripping off the teeth*
    January 18th, 2010 at 08:44am
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The wolf takes a step towards ME!! Towards you. Towards MEEE!! Towards....!!!
    The tree, and eats it, then promptly runs off to blow down some houses*
    ... ... ........Well that was unclimatic-- *I'm crushed by grand piano painted like a cow, which fell from the sky from some immeasurable height*

    *doesn't get the sarcasm* Yes, that's what I said, I was there and so it was legendary- WAIT FOR IT... -dary! ((sorry, from an episode of a TV show I've been watching... have you ever heard of "How I met your Mother"? It's a series that's like Friends, but also not)) ...Wait...o_0

    Spotty shoes?! They sound epic already.

    Oh, I say twenty-ten~ I love how... clean n' concise in sounds ^.^ *that's right, in love with saying it as 20-10...* How about you?!!! *staking everything of the future of this that is our random-joint-ruling-of-the-world-partnership on your answer*

    Ah, sensible and purposeful a resolution. I like it.
    I have two main ones. One, to be assertive rather than indecisive, and two --a VASTLY more important one--...
    To get round to making scones one of these cold winter days~
    January 14th, 2010 at 11:14am
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *huggles Tobified wolf * Cause I can do that, when it’s full of happy funness rather than when the wolf is in its usual state of fury-hunting-frenzy-- *sneezes on wolf –dog allergies--, undoing Tobifiedness* ...O_O!!!

    Ohh, a fairy charm ^.^ I got a shiny silver lucky clover (four leafed) for mine~ Good to hear your day, with your dad and gifts and such like, was SWEET.
    But mine was, as it included me, AWESOME SWEET. Decorations of lights, candles, holly bushes, Food was filling, And the entertainment of festive and family fun is underestimated these days compared to what I had :D
    ...But yeah, I’m really so very lucky. ...Guess the clover came in effect for me from the very beginning, huh. Oh, yeah, and what about your favourite gift?

    And moving on from that paragraph of Christmas to the paragraph of NEW YEARS! HAPPY 2010! Any plans for this year?
    January 4th, 2010 at 08:39pm
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hahaha, now that you say about the risk of getting snowflakes up the nose, I am EXTREMELY glad someone wished it wouldn't happen to me.

    Okay, so *deep ,deep, DEEP breath (enough that the Big Bad Wlf looks in admiration to me)...* *reams off giant list of typical questions about your presents, holiday happiness/horrors, and other festive funny stuffs~*
    December 27th, 2009 at 09:56am
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Nel. Sugar-hyped. ... o_o *very willingly uses Rukia as human/shinigami shield*
    Alright, gotta recover... aha! *puts on music disc of doom*
    ...*the Chappy music album starts playing, and Rukia --her eyes brightening--gets inspired to draw...*

    The sheer patheticness of the drawings has any opposing parties avert their eyes in embarrasment! Time for Rukai to strike~

    Oh, also xlizziex, in case I don't get to say this before them again...
    MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! ^.^ May you get the inside prizes of at least one cracker~ (<~potentially my catchphrase for this holiday, established this year. What do you think?)
    December 21st, 2009 at 09:39am
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh, so there's three *lightbulb finally sparks into life*! I'm on the first~ You away away away ahead on the second or third, then?

    *no battle takes place* ?.? *goes to confer with the boys, but then comes back* apparently they've been paired up together for a fight so many times already they no longer care to do so.
    So I call back Byakuya into his pokeball, and instead: I choose you, Rukia! Then I play this Yu Gi Oh card "character a la Hollowfication", and bada boom, Rukia is upgraded to a Visored with 5000 attack points~
    Good luck.
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:27am
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *being ignored* ... *eyet witch, and considering getting the REAL Byakuya (as in, the drawn, not the wallet. There's a difference... somehow) to exact revenge upon you*

    Well, other than those injuries within the world of random, I've got nothing to complain about ^.^ And yep, YOU told me of Shugo Chara. I watch the anime though, and am waiting until Christmas to watch the Christmas episode(s) that are next up for me, so no spoilers!
    So muhahaha, you'll just have to wait to talk about that thing you have to tell me. about Ikuto-kitty's dad.

    Ooh, have you heard of "Shugo Chara Party!" ? I think it's the next series...
    December 15th, 2009 at 07:09pm
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I missed your birthday?!!! How cruel of me to do something so heinous even if I didn't know I was doing it! *doesn't stop to think of the logic, even as Sasuke and Itachi exchange confused glances*
    For yoru gift, I... I... I shall take down the telitubbies and Easter bunny, fighting against them with a Zelda game style, and get back for you a Byakuya wallet ^.^

    *fives seconds later, in my first attempt, I got squ-wish-ed sucked in by the MEGATRON hoover of all hoovers* ...would... would you rather have some floor dust-bunnies instead? *falls* ...X_X

    *Suigetsu's revenge for you wakes me up* 0-0 (Having my INSIDES washed clean by icicle-cold fish water has an oddly awakening effect upon me). And I dont' really want to ask what it is that you have for Suigetsu as a reward... Oh, but anywho, attempt #2.67 at operation Byakuya Icon Retrieval by Talents Hurting me yet Definitely Always Y...(okay, so I can't come up with a word to fit the Y, but otherwise I think I did pretty well in that capital letter-ness ^.^)!!!

    Attempt 2.67: Invest in the help of Wily Coyote and his ACME products.
    Failure of Attempt 2.67: I realised that the rocket blowing me and Coyote to smitherenes to form a wolf-shinigami-(all my other titles) hybrid isn't exactly a productive way to get that wallet.

    Okay, last try, is operation ZZZ~~~!!
    I'll neeeeeed 1)Tamaki's hamster home, 2)Elmo in such a condition that he'll never be writing letters ever again to ANYONE (heehee >:D, okay, so elmo may not really be necessary for this plan, but keep that hushed...), 3)the frozen kiss of jack frost from the tooth fairy's lips, 4)sasuke's lost and then refoudn hatred, 5) sugar and spice and puppy dog's tails to make a girl-boy hybrid, 7) some stickytape, 8) Kanda's scorn for all underlings AND the vegetable bean sprout (and yes, I do mean Walker), 9)a hair of the dog that has yet to bite me (slowly edging towards Jacob) and 10), the no6 that I left out of this list.
    *twenty two hours later*
    ...*with the last three hours having been simply for suspense*
    *And I can hand you the Byakuya walllet, in its ebay-approved mint condition!!!!!* ^.^ (even though my clothes are torn, my hair is longer of one side and I'm missing an eyebrow)

    I'll tell you just what happened in attempt three... for your next birthday :P
    *~Happy birthday, co-ruler of everything that this world has to surrender to us~*
    December 10th, 2009 at 08:50am
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    And the smiley pink custard and toast of DOOM-- *Naruto suddenly keels over, having been force-fed some previously* ...that clown captain of Bleach poisoned my lap dog!!! *Calls in Zaraki (because EVERYONE wants to see Zaraki fight captains)*~
    Oh, and Suigetsu wanted me to tell you that, I'm SO sorry ((:D)), but he's going to beat you up anyway! *whisper* ...After I said I'd pay him to...

    *pats Jacob doggy on the head* ^.^ Arent' you a good boy, tearing apart vampires for a living? Yes you are, yesshu arree!! *baby talks, as Jacob quickly begins to think I look more tasty that you...*

    Well she never wrote back to MY letters! *dramatic acting upset, Tamaki of Ouran style*
    December 7th, 2009 at 10:22pm
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *sends Naruto after you anyway* A clash of red Kyuubi and Suigetsu's blue water. How could I pass up on that? :D *sits on a couch that appeared from nowhere (as couches are prone to doing), and hands you popcorn to watch the battle with me*

    Unfortunate that the Easter bunny has formed an alliance with the teletubbies...

    *the third of fluffy's head turns to you... and then the three begin to battle each other to decide who gets you* -_- Yep, I guess bringing you down doesn't happen... *inner-ly giggling that those dog treats are attracting Jacob while he's in rabid wolf form*
    Of course! It couldn't be that she's just a horrible miser who doesn't want to give her pennies and pounds to children without teeth...
    November 29th, 2009 at 09:10am
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You mean about Sakura, or that the boys wasted THEIR power? :) *when Naruto gives me sorrowful puppy dog eyes* *...feeling guilty, I get artists to redraw the pink kunoichi* So long story short, I now have Naruto in my debt and thus as my new lap dog ^.^

    *bunny stares at gun, wondering if that could be a faster to deliver eggs to around the world... then gives you chocolate egg with wallet inside*
    *disappears into chocolate puddle-portal before you realise it's a KON wallet*

    Well, you know the most wonderful thing about dying every message, oh dearest co-ruler of mine?
    I get to try to take you down with me every time!!! >:D *has stuffed dog treats into the next of your shirt, distracting two of the three heads*

    *takes a second to applaud your evil laugh* You had the tooth fairy run home crying to her boyfriend Jack Frost! ...Unfortunately Jack is ten foot in height and able to give frostbite by breathing... but no worries yet ^.^
    November 23rd, 2009 at 03:55pm
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *wishes I had just let him kill me, rather than have to watch the torture of fangirl-ness in action*
    *finds Sakura* see what you did? You taught me co-ruler of the world to be like YOU! :P A fate worse than death! ... Realises the kyuubi kid and waterboy are out to get me. ...*uses Sakura as shield agaisnt Suigetsu and Naruto*

    Oh, co-ruler, we’ve been through a lot of random and painful and hilarious anime stuffs... it would be crazy of me to deny you one! ^.^
    But no. MY Byuakuya wallets, muhahahahahahahahah! *<~has perfected evil laugh enough that the easter bunny thinks it safer to travel with a rocket launcher now (why the easter bunny? It had it coming...)*

    Wait, don’t shoot that postman: he’s carrying oxford dictionaries!!! O_O !!! ...And some more ‘!!!!’ to add effect!

    ...Is there one message where I don’t almost end up dying? XD Er, except the ones where I acutally do die... But anywho, I can solve this problem too! *slips on Hagrid mask, of course tricking the six eyed dog*
    *feeds all witnesses to oxford book getting shot to Fluffy reindeer* ^.^
    November 16th, 2009 at 08:52am
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I think half of the funny world would dry out :P
    Ahh, Phoebe. At least if sarcasm ever did die, then at least we'd still have her~ *if didn't have muse, plug in baby in head, would be humming smelly cat (the classic)*

    Wow, you think I'd have noticed XD I guess my brain hasn't come back yet--- o_o *has just realised Itachi's visible angel-of-death glow* ...Well, if I'm going to die, might as well do the most crazy thing I can think of *Tobify-tackle-glomps Itachi* *smacks his head off the Naruto still stuck on the floor under Suigetsu's foot (which we totally forgot to tell him to stop doing, I think), and Itachi's knocked out cold* ...! ^.^

    All so very true,... and THEY realised it too! :D The postal strike ended days after I told you! Sweet, right (and not at all freakily coincidental) XD My byakuya wallet wil soon be here. Er, only for me to be giving it to my little sister as an X-mas gift... Which just shows how uber-utter-incredible generous I am~
    *steals Rudolph while Santa can't be bothered to get up*
    November 14th, 2009 at 09:36am
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    And so 'tobified' would spread through da world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...Imagine, a tobifying-glomp epidemic the world round XD And all fighting would be over forever...
    Wait. That's an awful outcome! No fighting=no SARCASM.
    I guess Oxford know not to mess with the future state of Earth whenever it comes to their dictionaries...

    Wow, I think the above was notably random for even me :P

    haha, it's funny cause little kids are torturing you without them even knowing they're doing it (Er, at least I think they don't know)... Oh, you should try one of the songs that Phoebe sang for the kids in an episode of friends. I'll start you off~ "the cow in the meadow goes moo. The cow in the meadow goes moo. Then the farmer hits him on the head and grinds him up and that's how we make hamburgers!~" *wipes away tear that came to my eye with the beauty of the song*

    *gooey eyed at idea of having been invited for such a main role (because everyone knows that a wedding is ALL about the maid of honour), and thus the extra gooey makes me too heavy for Itachi to (want to) hold anymore*
    *as he pats around on the ground looking for me* Lucky for me that he's near-blind ^.^ *Having forgotten that that means his ninja-hearing is more piqued than ever*

    Postal service is in definite trouble. I have Bleach merchandice coming off ebay. I repeat: BLEACH merchandice. Surely they could stop the strike here just so they could do my stuff? Nerver midn the poeple who have medical suppleis coming in from distant countries, or messages from their now dead-relatives, or big fat cheques that may be stolen before they get them, but I have BLEACH stuff coming!
    Don't worry. I have a solution *orders Santa Claus to get off his lazy behind and start the deliveries*
    November 6th, 2009 at 10:30am
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Check also for 'va va voom'. I think he said something about it being there, or going to be in there, too. Oh, and the classic uber awesomeness of 'meh' :D

    A digger? Crazy talk. You cwazzzy, woman! *whistles innocently. Unfortunately I'm whistling the Bob the Builder song*

    I think I value my pretty face too much to risk telling you and getting it smashed up by said-anime boys ^.^ ... *false cough* Pein *false cough*

    0-0 ...And you didn't invite ME???!! Unless you rewind time and do so, you're not getting a wedding gift from me! *sticks tongue out and turns my back to you to stamp away* *gripped by scruff of neck by Itachi, who read the sign when I turned around*
    ...Oh donuts D:
    November 2nd, 2009 at 04:26pm
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *keeping secret that one of the pages I clicked off was 'Cheaters/spoilers R Us'* Nah, you're just jealous of my uber smart-i-tude :D
    You know, my dad said that 'google it' is actually either already in or going into the dictionary! :P *hails thanks that Oxford finally put something good and useful in there(...er, wait)*

    *muffled sounds... before a tidal wave of fangirls is pushed off me!!!* *transforms back into human form after having been a transformer in the style of a digger truck* ...Oh, did I not tell you about that power?
    Now there's just the two duties of putting down the rabid fangirls, and releasing the others on the anime boys who are getting a bit too big for their ninja shoes...
    And yes. Soft pastel in shade. With fairy-dust sparkles, of course.

    Oh no! D: *pats poor submachine gun for being thought inferior by whoever named it* It's horrible when people are cruel to their weapons of mass destruction.

    *Itachi sees the sign...and actually SMILES!!!*
    ...Afterwards, Itachi sent me a thankyou note. Perhaps whatever he did to you is best left unwritten o_O
    October 31st, 2009 at 09:20am
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I know because I'm a magic shinigami/ninja/vampire/butterfly-master/akida/presumably lots of other things I've just forgotten! ...*quickly clicks off google search pages*

    *unable to break the sticky-tape you used to put the petals back* *nearly smacked in the face by a divebombing, distracted butterfly* That's it! I'm going to now possess... Wait. I don't have mind-control powers-- *tackled to floor under large dogpile of anime girls*


    *eventually the fangirls stand up, and Tyki is... er, out of commission for a wittle bit* 0_0 And now I'm in KARIN'S body!! ...*starts to follow a subconscious instinct to move closer to Sasuke* Pretty chakra colours...

    I know another way to get rid of the Orchimaru-ness! ^.^ *brings out submachine gun* (whatever a submachine gun is. Does it work underwater? o_0)

    Brilliant idea :D Go suggest that to Itachi! *secretly sticks a sign: "Kick me, I'm one of the last Uchihas" on your back* I think Itachi will LOVE to see you.
    October 28th, 2009 at 08:44am
  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *Tyki/me starts to ever so casually pull off the petals from Kanda's life flower, while sending butterflies to attack you both* Oh yes, flowers and butterflies. I'm THAT evil >:D

    *all the boy anime characters (of the series-s you watch) blush* *all the females of the series-s are out for your blood*

    Ew, you touched the side of him that's all ...Orochimaru-flaky-skin-esque :P Oh, and Sasuke will be fine. Itachi, kinda blind, offered really quickly and out-of-character-ly that he'd go help his little brother. Who has sharingan eyes that could replace Itachi's.
    But I'm sure it'll be okay ^.^

    That sounds awesome, espeically as you say it's also funny! Okay, I'll definintely go watch *leaves you utterly alone here as me and all the other anime characters go to watch the first episode* *I switch the lights off on my way out*
    October 26th, 2009 at 08:30am