Have I lost it?

There was this guy that I feel head over heels so fast for but then it just all seamed to suddenly go away. I still have those feelings for him and I still think of him offten. But we dont talk except for on here a few days here and there. He is such a great guy and I know he will get on here and read this. I feel like I'm being a bitch to him and totally ignoring him even though I'm not trying...
April 20th, 2009 at 04:48pm

Can I trully live?

I have met this guy, he is totaly amazing and I'm falling in love with him, as he is me. And I'm terrified out of my mind. He says I can trust him, and so far he has not let me down. He makes me completely happy in every way possible. But there is one problem... Im with someone els... And I have dated this guy before(the current boyfroend) and he was great at first but then thigs turned sour. But...
January 6th, 2009 at 05:42am

RE: Note to self:

Dear self,I know what I have done. Please don't remind me. I hate myself more and more each day that I think about it. I know I'm stupid. And I didn't realize what I was giving up till it was gone. Now I cry myself to sleep at night thinking of all the mistakes I have made. I give up on trying to kill myself. I Can't even do that right. I tried to shoot up, and slit my wrists. I tried to cut that...
December 22nd, 2008 at 05:52pm

Note to self

Dear Self,You are a worthless peice of shit. How can you live with yourself? You have ruined everything. And you act like you don't even care. Life just goes on you keep saying. Does it realy keep going when you have nothing to live for? Is there a piont in living? You should know, you uneatful bitch. You lost your friends, your fiance, your child, and everything you have ever worked for. You lost...
December 22nd, 2008 at 05:50pm

Dear Heart Smashing Boy,

Do you know what you have done to me? You asked me to marry you and then two weeks later you cheat. You did it right in front of me. You kissed her lips and held her hand and when you saw me, you smiled like it was no big deal. I thought you had changed. I didn't listen to what people said about you. I didn't take their warnings. But they were all right. You were only going to fuck me over.They...
December 10th, 2008 at 08:49pm