Emily_nom / Comments

  • PerfectChemistry522

    PerfectChemistry522 (100)

    United States
    Its like OMG!
    March 27th, 2010 at 03:32am
  • mychemlvr

    mychemlvr (100)

    March 26th, 2010 at 09:44pm
  • PerfectChemistry522

    PerfectChemistry522 (100)

    United States
    ur welcome....nd ahhhh Ik<3
    March 26th, 2010 at 09:09pm
  • mychemlvr

    mychemlvr (100)

    March 26th, 2010 at 06:15am
  • FallenAngell

    FallenAngell (100)

    United Kingdom
    awwwh babes, *hugs*. I hated doing course work wen i was at college, it was soooo boring and never seem relavant to my studies lol, but hey.

    I dont think she is cos she wouldnt of done the massive gig if she was i dont think. ah well,

    And trust i really could it would make u feel ill wat i know lol.

    wuv you xx
    March 23rd, 2010 at 08:51am
  • FallenAngell

    FallenAngell (100)

    United Kingdom
    Fuckin hell babes, that is low!! And i hope you can do it,m cos it will make you parents happier and at least they wont be on your back for the whole holiday!! Tbh though school IS shit, but at the end of the day u need ur gcse! Omg i sound like my mum lmao.

    I know right, i was lookin on her twitter/myspace and facebook, and none of them say out about her bein preg, ( i miss the k mag it was in).

    And haha you make me giggle, i could well put you off starbucks coffee! Its horrible tbh!! COSTA FTW ^ ^.

    Miss you xxxx
    March 22nd, 2010 at 10:56am
  • FallenAngell

    FallenAngell (100)

    United Kingdom
    Bonjour lol,

    I member lol, and yes i was really drunk haha. I do random things wen i'm drunk lol.

    How come babe? u still gettin builled?! why dont u ask if u can have a private tutor or summit, cos if the school ent doin out about it then its there resonisablty to sort it out. Keep ur chin up babe.

    Haha yeh thats wat i thought, and i well happy for her lol, but if she is quite fare gone that means she did the tour preg! ah well i reackon the baby will be cute though ^ ^.

    and well i had quit lol, then i went out with some mates yesterday and ended up startin again haha, but tbh i didnt really want to quit lol, tbh i enjoy smoking, i mean wat else have i got to enjoy lol.

    Oh i got a new job, its still for costa, but i'm going to a bigger and better store, more hours, better money, etc. cant wait start on monday, but i will miss my old store so much lol.

    Love you
    March 18th, 2010 at 11:21am
  • FallenAngell

    FallenAngell (100)

    United Kingdom

    You ok? Not spoke to you in ages, miss ya lol. So whats new your end?? Hmm i got a bit of news xD. it quit cool lol. and i give up smokin lol.

    Wubu2? Seems like forever since we caught up, whats been happenin at school? Hows your mates? Ohh, are you working lol? random yes i know lol.

    I wanted to write you a really long message, to catch u up about whats goin on here, but i can hardly think of anythin lol. apart from the same old sorta thing, not cuttin, gettin pissed and havin fun haha. ummm *taps head for ideas lol*.....

    ... Nope nothin i can think of lol. Oh you probs know this already, but hayley williams is pregnant lol ^ ^. .

    Write bak soon babes,
    Love and miss you
    March 17th, 2010 at 12:38pm
  • Fangs Up.

    Fangs Up. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, I think I will, it fun to write :)
    I am very glad you liked it xD.
    February 18th, 2010 at 06:24pm
  • Fangs Up.

    Fangs Up. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you for the comment. I am very glad I made your day! xD
    February 15th, 2010 at 05:12pm
  • Fangs Up.

    Fangs Up. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yey! Don't worrry, I shall add them in :)
    I got 50 comments so I will write it today and post it tomorrow, sound fair? :)
    Aww, Well I am very glad it will make your day ! :D
    February 13th, 2010 at 11:26am
  • Fangs Up.

    Fangs Up. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you very much for the story comment. :)
    Yeah, I wanna write the epic sex. So we shall see how it goes! xD
    February 13th, 2010 at 12:03am
  • FallenAngell

    FallenAngell (100)

    United Kingdom
    haha, mibba does that to mre all the time so i copy it wen im finished that way itys reet lol.

    Hmmmm i agree with u on boy #1, he can fuck off tbvhy, i cba with him, Two is he really amazing, but i dont want him brakin up with her cos of me, and plus he not been txt me in ages, so meh idk tbh. and '#3 tbh i dont think will happen he is a jerm tbh, or though he is really fit. hey its all good, i'll find someone wen the time is right and all that, pfffft i sound like my mom!!

    Haha, alice i am, werid, random, and totally crazy, but its all good haha.

    OMG thats awesome, i want my lip done. tbh i want loads of them, i have 6 so far, i'm gettin another one this month, (right side hip). then once i got both side done twice, then i want the back of my neck done, and then idk, i'm not rly ment to have the back of my neck done for work but i dont rely care tbh. they can suck my penis lmfao!!!

    Awesome, omg my walls are literally covered, my parents keep telling me to take them done but i dont. 1 its my room, 2 i like them and 3 if they dont like it then they dsont have to come in to mty room haha.

    OMG, I tidyed my room up yesterday, well i started it the other day, but i have basically sorted out all my draws and shit. omg did i find some crap,. i have got rid of like 6 black sacks, a box of toys and stuff for a charity shop, and loads of paper and shit!! I didnt realise i had so much shit, and i deffo didnt realise i had a floor pmsl.

    Yh same tbh, i'mn sooooooooo NOT ready for a kid, i wouldnt of got rid of it though. i would of brought it up and all, but it would of been hard, tbh very hard. Yup, dont worry i'm on the pill now, which is really gay lol. but its all good, means i can have sex to my hearts content lmao.

    Awwww thanks hun, tbh i think so too, everyone has said how different i am
    with out her, and in a good way. I've not heard off her in about 2 month, i dont even know how longs its been tbh lol.

    OMG there are some freaks in the library. they scare me lmao, One of the guys dat works ere looks like a elf, and the guy nest to me looks like a chick. pmsl. i know its tight takin piss but ah well they wont no lol.

    oh and sorry if it takes me a while to reply, our friggin internet been cut off, cos BT are stupid cunts and stop my dads direct debit lol. so he not paid in a couple of months, not realising its been cut off then he gets a letter sayin he owes how ever much and they cutting us off, but it should be on really soon hopefully.

    Anyways i have to get to work now hun, Love you, and right back soon
    Alice xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <33333333333333333333
    February 1st, 2010 at 12:23pm
  • FallenAngell

    FallenAngell (100)

    United Kingdom
    hey babe,

    sorry i've not writen propa it ages, (sorryyy xxx). so i thought i'd write u a nice long message lol. I know u love reading lol :p.

    Hahahaha, alot has changed tbh. ok so it may take a while, (sorry if its a Bible message lol). No sure if u already know this all but hey, here it goes.

    So i've been sleepin with someone, and last month/this month, i thought i was pregnant, but thank fuck i'm not, (tbh i'm to young for a kid, and not even in the right frame of mind =/). so i found out i 100% wasnt and the guy i'd been sleeping wid, basically fuked me off. I guess its scared him and stuff, but we was still havin sex wen i thought i was pregnant, so i'm kinda very confussed lol, but its all good cos i got two other lads after sleeping with me lol.

    One of them i have already slept with on new yrs. we got really pissed and stoned and ended up in bed, oppps! but tbh i started to fall for him, but he has a girlfriend (which i didnt know about untill the mornin after we slept togeva!) But then he starts txtin me again, sayin he wants to sleep togeva again, so now i'm mega confussed. Idk tbh, i do like him, but i dont want him to split up with his bird cos of me, but on the other hand i do. Argh! So confussed!

    Then i have the 3rd guy, who i dont really know, but i've met him a few times and he really fit (but new yrs guy omg he is fuckin gergous!! nom lol) and we had cyber sex a couple of times lol! and but the thing is my m8 likes him aswell, and i feel bad on her, cos i dont like like him, jst want sex lol. Tbh im gonna talk to my m8, see what she thinks i should do, and see if it would hurt her if i did sleep with him.

    So thats that outta the way hmmm what else, ummmm...

    OooOoOo I got my hip peirced, well its not actually my hip, its the top of my leg, but i call it my hip lol. but omg its awesome, i got the left side done and i'm gettin the right done next month, then i'm gonna get the left side done in march and the the right in april, so i end up with two on each side lol. I know its propa different, but tbh i really like it, and its me because its different. People are like why ur hip, and i'm like 1: cos its different, idk anyone else with it done and 2: because i like peircings and i'm not aloud risable ones at work, and u cant see my hip. lol

    Ok so i think i've gone on enough and u got enough to get ur head round pmsl. Btw i'm not a slag ( well ok i am but i'm not a bad slag lol(dont no if that possible but hey lol)).

    Oh and one last thing, i've split up with steph once and for all(i think i told u already but not sure lol), we not even on talking terms, she cheated on me, lied to me, and is just a very stupid perthetic girl. and tbh i still have feelings for her yh, but tbh i'm worth so much more than her. Wen i was with her, i was self harming, and not really arsed about bout life or myself or anything but her tbh, and now i'm free of her, omg life is so much better, i can go out and see my m8s, my arms are fully healed, not self harmed in about 3 months not i think, probs more. and tbh its fukin great, and my depression gone now pretty much.

    how is school? Ur doin ur gcse soon ent ya lol. Omg i hate exams lol. Oh and wen do u go and see green day, ive been to one gig already this yr, and that was twenty twenty, check em on on my space! Got one on the 25th of feb, lost profets (idk how u spell it lol) then goin to see a small band in april and seeing theroy of a dead man and ndubz in april, then idk whats next haha, i wanted to go to download but cant afford it lol. omg i'll have to put some pics up of my room, its literally covered in poster, u can hardly see any wall pmsl. my dad not happy but i dont care lol. my room, he dont have to come in and see them so i dont see why he is pissed off lol.

    Oppppps sorry going on again.Looks like another bible lol. anyways write back soon babe,
    Love and miss you hunnie xxxxxxxx<3333333333
    January 27th, 2010 at 02:21pm
  • A7XLizardQueen

    A7XLizardQueen (100)

    Thanks so much for the comment!
    January 12th, 2010 at 01:54am
  • FallenAngell

    FallenAngell (100)

    United Kingdom
    Hey, sorry bout late reply,, not been on much,

    Haha, nah its reet, ent it bloody cold, grrr, tbh i hate it. Cos atm i'm at mates all the time walkin home at like half 11 to 12, i freeze half to death.

    Hahah, thats good, so was i, i ended up sleepin with this guy, who has a gf! oppps lol. if i had actually brought everythin i drank and smoked i reackon i would of spent about 80 quid plus lol. but its all good, spent about 15 lol.

    am glad ur all good, and awesome, when for? my best mate buyin me a lostphrofets in feb, wooop cant wait, should be awesome, or though, last tme i went to a gig ended up in the first aid room on oxygen lmao. mosh pits allllll good lol. cant wait for next papa roach gig lol.

    anyways you bak at school on monday? Ohhhhh yeh i became an aunty on wednesday, little girl Emily Louise, 8 pound 3 lol. i'm hopefully gonna meet her today, woooooooop cant wait. :) .

    Take care and write back soon hun. or txt me, love yhuu xxxxxxxx

    Alice xxxxxx <3<3<3
    January 10th, 2010 at 12:21pm
  • FallenAngell

    FallenAngell (100)

    United Kingdom
    hey hun, you ok? Not spoke to u in like two months, how have you been, hows things ur end. Grrrr tell u wat i hate christmas lol, itts been a shit time!! anyways write back soon and let us no how things are etc xx
    January 6th, 2010 at 03:02pm
  • rockinrose

    rockinrose (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm angry. Guess why? I just wrote you a long comment and forgot I hadn't signed in. lol. Has that ever happened to you?

    EMILEH! I miss you too. How've things been for you, how's school going? friends? life? :) Its been forever since I talked to you. Blame rockinrose going into seclusion... jk. lol

    Omgad. It's GREATNESS. The holidays I mean. It feels too good to have school and GCSE's out of the way. Sorry, I had to mention those seeing I have coursework to do now, and you're the only mibban that goes through the mental, aggravating process of those deadly GCSE's. :(

    haha, enough of that. I think I'm catching something - commonly known as the common cold. LM69AO. It kills your throat.. and your eye. *swallows* ouch.

    haha, i hope you're doing well. fill me in, i need to re engage myself in emileh-ious happiness.

    sorry blame the cold for my weirdness. see ya. LOVE YOU! x
    December 23rd, 2009 at 01:49am
  • Trisha Loves Angela

    Trisha Loves Angela (100)

    United States
    Yes he's nice. xD
    December 23rd, 2009 at 01:36am
  • Trisha Loves Angela

    Trisha Loves Angela (100)

    United States
    Actually, something did happen. :]
    I got a boyfriend.
    December 23rd, 2009 at 01:29am