My Passions

MY passions include:ArtWritingMusicDancingReadingSingingLaughingTalkingDreamingHopingThinkingTo me, the expression of emotions is not limited to the standard ink and paper. It can be seen through the astounding effort and emotion that shines on a canvas, it can be heard and felt through the haunting tones and melodies of a voice and instrument, it can be explored endlessly through dreams, it can...
September 19th, 2009 at 06:42pm

The Single Hardest Battle

The single most difficult battle in life that I have ever gone through is the one am still going through today. It's called love. I have no control over this one and it's in the hands of the I love. It's up to him to decide the outcome. What will his decision be? What will the outcome be? I wonder...Will it all be worth it in the end? or will it ahve been a mistake, with me too naive to realize it...
September 4th, 2009 at 12:52am

He IS The One...

Yep, I knew it. Joseph is The One. He and I have been together ever since April 16, 2009 and it seems like he just gets more and more perfect and even more romantic everyday. He kind of like "created" a magic island/garden for me that we can go to to get away from it all and he said that the only reason the "Magic Land" will only turn into a beautiful, lush, romantic place when I am there because...
June 19th, 2009 at 10:26pm

Okay...Now I'm Mad

Okay, so I know that the topic i'm going to talk about is really old but no matter how many times I hear about it, it always makes me want to go B!+(h Slap the people who brought it up. I mean SERIOUSLY! Okay, hold on, let me get calm......>deep breaths<>sigh<Okay, you know how on the 24th of August, 2006, it was announced that Pluto was no longer a real planet and instead was actually...
June 13th, 2009 at 11:47pm

Thomas and Evan

Thomas and Evanare just like weird. I mean out of all three of us, Evan is the oldest but he is the techno nerd/business dude, Thomas is the 2nd oldest (only one year, a week, and one day younger than Evan) and is the Sports junkie/in-college-on-a-partial-basketbell-scholarship weirdo, and I, myself, am the one who is ADHD, has socail anxiety, anger issues, and is clasified as the...
May 23rd, 2009 at 05:36pm

It's official

okay, yeah, so I love the internet. my mom says I have an addiction. I'm like...what? My time is spent at school, being dragged around by her, on the computer in general, talking to my friends, going to my friend's house, at drama club after school, doing homework, doing chores, and she says I have an ADDICTION to the internet? what kind of lame logic is that? I have a life too you know. It's not...
May 14th, 2009 at 11:05pm


The topic of the day is INsanity.INsanity:definition: The state of being so randomly, evilly, and psychotically hilarious, that it allows you to become a member of a certain group.IN CROWD + INSANITY = INsanityWe ARE the IN crowd, we have the power to flip your reputation on to it's turtle-shelled back, and we can glue it to the ground with rubber cement.Wow...hmmm, I finally found a way to define...
May 9th, 2009 at 03:52am


WOW! I am really really shocked. i mean, seriously, getting any type of notice from people who I've never even talked to is surprising and creepy enough but there was this one person who came up to me and seriously HUGGED me. I don't even go to their school, much less know them and they were acting all like buddy buddy with me. It seriously freaked me out. But there are always people more insane...
May 1st, 2009 at 12:46am

A Me. I cannot believe everything that's happened to me ever since the last time I posted a journal entry. You would not believe how.....amazed I am by the fact that there are actually STRAIGHT HETEROSEXUAL SPECIMEN OF THE MALE SPECIES that are actually like the perfect Prince Charming. Now, ladies, I know it might seem impossible, but hey, that's what I thought until I met MY...
April 26th, 2009 at 06:38pm

Thinking of Someone...

Today, as I was in school, I was thinking of someone. I don't know who it was because I could only imagine them. I felt as if this person was my Universe and my Heart. I thought about the feeling of intense love that practically screamed from the mere thought of them. I couldn't tell if they were male or female, only that the burning love and happiness I felt for that person was reciprocated. I...
December 10th, 2008 at 10:20pm

Random Quotes

Live everyday in black and white but dream all dreams in color.-Jaiydah(me)OMC! Moooommmm! Carol got into the mind control powder again!-HolliMoxy, spunk, coolness, and Butterflies that's what I'm made of.-GiannaIt's always the quiet ones who end up taking over the world.-MikhaelI believe in Magic, but how long will it last?-KianaI like my men cold, dead, and Sparkly!-KelliEdward, cuz Jake doesn't...
December 7th, 2008 at 02:33am