
I am running one of my stupid fevers again and on top of that i have a throat infection :'(And coz the Swine Flu or whatever you call it is around people are all like EW NIKKI HAS IT and then you get more and more people talking behind my back. cant they leave me alone for once. I am always sick. it was how i grew up so why cant they GROW UP and act more mature and listen to reasoning.My fevers...
May 5th, 2009 at 01:01pm

Hinata Huuga

Thost who have seen NAruto will understand.I feel like Hinata. How she is in love with a guy who is in love with another girl who comtinues to reject him.Thats me. I am in love with a guy who is in love with a girl who keeps rejecting him. I admit he is not the best looking guy, but i am not the best looking girl, why doesnt he open his eyes. I dont know what to do anymore... I am scared i may...
April 14th, 2009 at 01:23pm

Worried and Stuck

URGH! I am stuck... i am worried and stuck... two friends have got themselves into some s*** and now they have put it on my shoulders. one friend i dont mind... she is resolving it herself and the other just keeps making it worse for me... telling me EVERYTHING she does... even the s*** i dont want to hear (which is her sex life *shudder*) and i dont know how to say step off to her... should i...
December 10th, 2008 at 10:32pm

Pushed Away

Have you ever tried to fit in and only be pushed away?It feels like you have just been punched in the face. It just blows all your self confidence out the window. I was walking to my house when i saw some of my friends, i called out hi and they turned to me and told me to get lost. I felt so depressed... it felt like they had just grabbed out my heart, blew it up and then placed it back in...
December 8th, 2008 at 01:02pm