Broken Soul / Comments

  • oh how lovely.

    oh how lovely. (100)

    United States
    right and think of the beautiful musical babies they'd introduce into the world!!!! the world needs them to get back together!!!!
    i used to be a twi heart too
    but it did get out and now i dont like it as much
    i like this thing called vampire academy
    its amazing!!
    November 28th, 2009 at 05:43am
  • oh how lovely.

    oh how lovely. (100)

    United States
    i know!!!!
    i only been here today but from what i see its mostly twi-hearts up here
    thats what happened to quizilla
    so i had to leave
    ohh josh i wanna marry him
    and his hotness
    November 28th, 2009 at 04:33am
  • oh how lovely.

    oh how lovely. (100)

    United States
    i especially love that quote you have from ignorance its my favorite line in the whole song!!
    im emelia but everyone calls me em
    November 28th, 2009 at 03:46am
  • Sore Winner

    Sore Winner (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i love poaramore haha, thanks for your story comment, it mans alot to me when i get these, even when i havent updated in months.
    i really will try and update soon thoigh, and thanks for subscribing
    November 23rd, 2009 at 11:00am
  • deafening.silence

    deafening.silence (100)

    United States
    Dude, so do not care about the length of those. The longer the better haha
    Woah, your book sounds intense! And that's awesome that your english teacher is looking for a mentor for you, that would be so incredibly cool. You're really talented so I hope that works out for you.
    Yes indeed labs suck so much. I am not a fan of science at all. I like psychology and want to possibly do something with that in life, but I don't like biology and chem and stuff like that. Boring and pointless if you ask me. But that's just my opinion.
    Well, crushes are definately interesting.
    Yeah, I was one of the leaders in planning Fall Ball and it was awesome :) we had such a great theme. but it look us TWO HOURS after the dance (that's until 12:15 IN THE MORNING) to get it cleaned up because the stupid red carpet we put down had adhesive that would not come off! Gahh.
    Okay my rant is over now.
    But yeah, this boy and I are planning on hanging out on wednesday so hopefully something will come out of it.
    So, I really wish I could help you name your vamps and everything but I am so bad at creative names. You would think I would be good at it, but no. The things I come up with are absolutely embarrassing!
    I just love long weekends so much. They make me happy. I have a five and a half day weekend this week for thanksgiving and I'm super excited :) but I'll have a crap load of work to do :/ oh well.
    Okay, well, I think that was long enough haha
    Hope everythings continues to go well with your book and life in general :)
    xo meg
    November 23rd, 2009 at 05:15am
  • Angel-Wings

    Angel-Wings (100)

    lol, better as in..... if you mean, if I feel better about the whole situation, then no, it still kills me when I c him every morning, lol, my pic says heart broken ^^'.... lol, I miss u, how u been girl?
    November 23rd, 2009 at 02:21am
  • Angel-Wings

    Angel-Wings (100)

    lol, but we have been getting even closer, to the brushing of his shoulder on my arm, and his 'futile' attmpt to hug me (yes he crouched down on the floor next to me and said hi, I said hi and then after 5-7 seconds I looked away and he attempted to hug me, but of course, I'm oblivious because I was nervous and whatnot and he got angry and hit the locker door XD!..well that's my friends theory of why he hit the locker door after that ) to getting a gf, it hurts, I'll tell u that now
    November 23rd, 2009 at 01:29am
  • Angel-Wings

    Angel-Wings (100)

    lol, I c u changed ur username :), lol I've been gud and I'm sucking.. real bad, the love of my life, whom I've confessed to and all, now has a gf and I c him with her everyday and it kills me, I can SO realte to ur username :(
    November 23rd, 2009 at 01:20am
  • deafening.silence

    deafening.silence (100)

    United States
    Seriously, it has been so long. It always excites me when I see I have a comment from you lol. They make my day.
    Ugh, so I had this huge bio lab due today so I stayed up until probably 2:30 in the morning finishing it. I could have done it last weekend, but we had our Fall Ball dance at school so obviously I didn't want to do it them lol.
    Oh gosh okay, new story for you :) so the dance, we usually just go in this big group and most of us don't have dates, right? Well, my friend and I usually bring our friend from a different school because he's fun to hang out with haha. So I brought him as my date. And I've liked him since freshman year (gosh I just realized how many guys I have crushes on hehe, oh well).
    So we had a really good time and he was so sweet. And my friend Abi (the one who introduced me to this guy) now says that he likes me :) so I'm trying to get it to move past the awkward we-know-we-like-each-other-but-what-do-we-do-now stage. Haha, hopefully that will work out.
    Woah, religion teacher sounds awesome! I wish mine was that cool, but he is a pretty cool teacher, all things considered. He's been arrested, and asked out by men, and he enjoys telling us these kinds of things in class haha
    Wow, this was such a weird and random comment, I hope you didn't get lost in all of that. I feel like I didn't convey anything very well.
    So how's it going with you??
    xo meg
    November 20th, 2009 at 04:50am
  • Inevitably Annoying.

    Inevitably Annoying. (100)

    Yeah it's been ages.
    I've been good. I just found out today that I've only got an official four weeks of school left! I'm so excited. lol
    How about you?
    November 2nd, 2009 at 05:48am
  • deafening.silence

    deafening.silence (100)

    United States
    Aww well thank you so much for the support on my story. I really appreciate it :) It's still a work in progress so we'll see what happens I guess.
    Haha that's so funny. I kinda wish I could have seen that, sounds like talking to a wall can actually be pretty amazingly good time. But as long as your with friends, it's always a good time, no matter what your doing.
    Oh man, so at the party, the guy I like came and so you know obviously I was pretty excited since we usually don't do much outside of school, you know? So my friends were sitting on the couch with him and called me over. They move over so that I'm squeezed in between them and him. It was pretty awesome lol. He's such a nice guy.
    Ugh, so I had to wake up at 5 in the morning! My brothers were running in a half marathon so I went and it was cold. And early. But I got coffee so that was good. haha
    Yeah, I love fairies too. They're awesome.
    Oh man, sorry for all the random ranting and stupid stories. I get a little carried away hehe
    Well, I hope Halloween was awesome for you and your week goes well :)
    xo meg
    November 2nd, 2009 at 04:28am
  • deafening.silence

    deafening.silence (100)

    United States
    YAY HALLOWEEN!! Wooooh, this holiday just excites me so much. Oh man.
    And we got to dress in our costumes yesterday at school and we had a half day and it was just about the greatest day ever. You have no idea. We did absolutely nothing all day. But then I had musical practice and it kind of upset me. Oh well.
    But then we had a surprise birthday party for my friend. And we made it a costume party since we were all in costumes anyway. But then I get there and they all yell surprise to me. Yeah, apparently it was a party for me too. Ugh, it was so weird. And it didn't really work since like, I knew there was going to be a party anway and I knew all the people were going to be at her house. But it was fun nonetheless.
    Oh my gosh, haha I have no idea where I came up with that little image but I'm glad you enjoyed it.
    Dude, stupid test. I thought it was like a law that you weren't supposed to have tests on halloween. Well, probably not, but it should be. Wow, I so use my digital camera to paint. What are you talking about? lol
    I ended up being a fairy. Not sure if I told you that. It wasn't all that great but it worked out I guess.
    Haha oh man, Indifferent Confusion would be such an intense movie. I could so see it being produced by Tim Burton. Oh my gosh that would be amazing. I just love him so much. Not sure it's anywhere near good enough for something like that though.
    Haha okay, well. Enjoy Halloween :)
    xo meg
    October 31st, 2009 at 08:52pm
  • deafening.silence

    deafening.silence (100)

    United States
    Haha aww that doesn't make you weird at all. No worries :)
    Oh my gosh I love taking random photos, you have no idea. My friends and I take so many, it's insane. It's probably a bit unhealthy but whatever. We just get over it. As if anyone would ever consider us normale anyway, right? Who wants to be normal? I think it would be so boring.
    Ughhh computers. Way to have a good and a bad all in one. Like, yeah I think I would die without my computer, honestly. But I also want to throw it out of a speeding car over a bridge into acidic water sometimes ^_^ (how's that for an image?? haha) But yeah, when they actually work properly then they are so great to have! Oh well, all technology comes with a price I guess.
    Dude, they seriously take that stuff for fun? What the hell is wrong with them? People get taken advantage of because of that drug and they want to take it all the time. Wow.
    Oh my gosh, that picture of you and your cousin sounds hilarious. And taking pics jumping? Oh I so know how that goes. We've taken countless pictures like that. Priceless.
    See, I don't write it down and I get things all jumbled up. x_x
    Aww thanks :) I'm glad you like the story. I've really been trying to work on it but I've had so much other stuff going on that it just hasn't happened. Ugh. Stupid school, and all the other things that go on.
    xo meg
    October 27th, 2009 at 02:50am
  • deafening.silence

    deafening.silence (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh that is so horrible. Spending all that time and then having to start all over would probably make me suicidal! Gahh. I had a bio lab due one time and I had to stay up until 4 in the morning just to get it all done. I almost cried. It was just bad. But I ended up getting a good grade so I guess it was worth it since I'm horrible at biology.
    Okay so don't take this the wrong way but, um, I would really hate to research the date rape drug for a project. I'm pretty sure I would get depressed from doing that lol. Oh well, someone's got to do it right? Stupid computer though, that would not be cool.
    Woah, that idea sounds super amazing! Holy crap. Ugh, I can't think of anything to be :( damn me and my lack of creativity. Plus four of my friends want to do something together and there is like nothing that has 5 different things.
    Haha yeah, the club was so much fun. Honestly, everyone was super worried about us when we went but we were like, chill out, it'll be fine. No date rape drugs involved lol ;) but yeah, random dancing is just so great.
    Thanks for the photo and story comments :) haha that picture is just so random. I have no idea what my friends and I were doing.
    xo meg
    October 26th, 2009 at 03:22am
  • deafening.silence

    deafening.silence (100)

    United States
    HOLY JEEZE! I was wondering where you were, it makes me sad that I can no longer talk to you everyday, but I totally understand about life getting in the way. Isn't that always the case? Ugh. I'm just a nerd and have to check things out here like everyday or I get weird. Idk, I'm just a strange person.
    Okay, so, I went to this underaged club yesterday with two of my friends. It's called club zoo and it's pretty fantastic. We weren't sure what to expect since we've never been there before but I'm pretty sure I'm already addicted to it lol. It was awkward for my friends but not for me ;)
    So here's the story. There weren't many people there (surprisingly) so the three of us just kind of started dancing. Then one of my friends goes, "oh my gosh why are they coming for us?'' so I look and there are three guys, only one of them was hot lol. so one comes over and is like "which one of you wants to dance with my friend?" his friend was the hot one so i was like sure! so we danced for a while and he was such a sweetheart, but my friends wanted to leave because they weren't having fun so I didn't get his number or anything :( his name was chris.
    Yeah, that's my fun and exciting story for you at the moment. I'm sure I have more if ever you want to be entertained by my lack of storytelling ability haha. I'm sure you think I'm super weird :p
    Well, how have you been??
    xo meg
    October 25th, 2009 at 05:01am
  • Angel-Wings

    Angel-Wings (100)

    lol,I've been good... told the guy I like that I like him and now he's always lookin' @ me and were kinda closer... in a way, my gosh, he' so mature.. and hot, and has an amzing personallity... he took it well he told me to relax cuz I was embarrased and..... ye.. lol, how've you been ^^'
    October 8th, 2009 at 01:21am
  • redxxwings

    redxxwings (100)

    United States
    how have you been? ;D
    September 6th, 2009 at 04:50am
  • Inevitably Annoying.

    Inevitably Annoying. (100)

    Yeah, but my camp was pretty awesome anyway. It definitely was a lot warmer, lol. Haha, yeah. I think it may have gone down that way, she always falling over, it's kinda her thing, rofls.
    Ah yes, theory always sucks. It always seems so pointless to me. I mean why do theory when you can do the real thing?
    Haha, yeah I guess. We've kinda settled down for now, but we're getting restless. I can't sit in the same spot everyday for a long time, my friends are the same. As long as we're not eating we just walk around the school :P
    Haha, yeah. Oh well being awkward isn't so bad, we all have our awkward moments. Me more than most, lol.
    School's fine. I'm having the day off today. The past week I've been doing community service at a day care centre. It's been a lot of fun. I was meant to be doing it for the whole week but they're closed on Friday for this meeting thing so the teachers said I could have the day off. =] I slept in, it was awesome.
    How are you?
    August 28th, 2009 at 02:03am
  • deafening.silence

    deafening.silence (100)

    United States
    OH MY GOSH! Jace in City of Bones is so freaking amazing I cannot even stand it! All three of those books are so great. I started reading about him and it just about made my life. My friend and I always talk about finding a boy like that because I would be totally set haha
    Boo hiss, stupid sluts. I hate when girls parade around in like absolutely nothing. It angers me. It's like, really? Do you not see how stupid you are right now? You're going to get a disease! lol no good relationship will come out of that.
    Yeah, I mean finding a guy isn't everything but it would be nice to have someone I know I can count on like that you know? I would love to have more guy friends though. They're the best and so much less drama than girls are. Just my opinion.
    Blahh, I have lots of homework to do but I went to the mall during study hall instead of doing it lol, whatever. I'll do it at some point.
    How are your summer days since you STILL HAVE THEM AND I DON'T! :( but i digress haha
    xo meg
    August 27th, 2009 at 09:53pm
  • redxxwings

    redxxwings (100)

    United States
    thank you very much. :)
    i think its what i want to be. a writer, a graphic designer, poet..... something in that range, i believe. i like to think, but not too much, and im apparently good at expressing myself, according to my friends. idk.
    nothing much. just getting over a buttload of schoolwork. ugh. :3
    August 27th, 2009 at 09:48pm