I Think I Am In Love

Well ,I am in all of the same lessons as my best friend Jess and i think i like her more then i used to because she is my best friend and i care for her and she cares for me (Well at least i think ? ) but anyway if she dont care about me she has a funny thing about showing it.We are like sister and brother but just not related and i just want to be loved but she has a boyfriend and she will never...
May 19th, 2009 at 10:45pm

Elle and jess : INVITE ME TOO

Hey ,Its probably Elle reading this so i will focus this on you .Well since i have been saying no to going out you havent been asking me to go anywhere but i want to go even though i have fractured my wrist that dont matter i dont care i just want to have fun but i cant because i never get envitedSo elle if you are reading this just remember I DO EXSIST and i do want to do things with you and jess...
April 2nd, 2009 at 09:19pm

OMG I Feel So Niglected

Hello its me again,Well i feel niglected because all of my family hates me and sometimes i hate them but they are great but still all of my cousins hate me because i am abit stressful but hey if you have seen me at school i can be worse XD.So anyways i feel like my friends leave me out of things and dont tell me things that i need to know like ...... well thats the point i dont know these things...
March 20th, 2009 at 07:28pm

Help me - I need to have my first kiss and i dont know how !

Please help me,I need help because my girlfriend likes me very much and i like her very much but i dont know how to bring itShe is my very best girl friend and i wanna know how and if you do i will be very happyyShe is lovely to me but i seriously just dont know how to start but i anyway she is such a lovely person but her friends really dont like me (but that does not bother me)So please you...
March 8th, 2009 at 12:23am

About me

Hey there people,Im jack and i love my laptop cos its just the way i amIm am loveedd by my beutiful girlfriend danniI love MCR there aceeFerard is just ment to be lol read my profile if you wanna know more about what i think of them lolElle is my best friend for lifeMy hair colour is brown (But id rather have it purple lol)I am the internet , i keep disconnecting from the world lolJust adore Rock...
January 18th, 2009 at 02:42am

Me and elle XD Best friends on earthh

Ellle.Well if you wasent here on this earth i wouldent be able to talk to you and make sure i keep my anger inSome reasons why elles the bestShe rocksShes aceeShes soooo nice to meeWe both get bullied (Not a good thing BTW) its so we can talk about itBacilly she is just the most understanding person on the planetWe can talk for hours on endThats whyy shes my best friend and i will never lose...
January 18th, 2009 at 02:30am