
United States
Joined date
December 7th, 2008


layout by: mandie @ WhisperWars
resources from: photobucket
you steal. and die.


let's see: well, first off, i'm summer not winter. overall, i prefer fall over most seasons.

i'm not a very exciting person, since i'm rather reclusive in my real life. on the internet, i tend to be a totally different person. perhaps because i can open up a bit more.

i spend most of my time sleeping, studying, or attempting to write fanfiction. i've been in love, fell out, and then got back up and jumped in again. i laugh a lot, and most people think i'm twelve years old when they see me.
it's probably because i look like a hobbit of some sort. but, i do enjoy good bit of things. white cranberry w/ strawberry juice, playing with legos, chicken pesto paninis, pokemon, sharks, wearing flip flops, japanese culture, theatre, drawing, and rainy evenings are some of them.
i don't really like brussel sprouts, frozen winters, ed-u-whard cool-leen or jay-cub bah-lac, static cling, early mornings, seagulls, clowns, or dirty carpets.

i'm content with life, and i don't get mad very much. i only get mad at my algebraic disabilities.

other than this piddly blabber, i'm very average.