Don't make this easy.

Music:99 Red Balloons.Nena
Mood:somewhat happy
Update:Manage me, I'm a mess
Thinking:I want some grapes.

I want you to mean it.
about me.

I love falling asleep to the sound of rain. Thunder, even better. I believe that accessories make the outfit. Shoes and bags are my two loves. My friends and family are the most important things to me. I feel the need to protect both my little sisters. I love twitter and hate how it's so addicting. I'm a bitch, get used to it. I don't take anyone's bullshit. For me to be nice to you, you better earn my respect. Concerts are my absolute favorite place to be, there amazing. Sometimes, I start laughing uncontrollably. I smile a lot. I'm a happy person. I'm scared of the future. I can't wait to graduate. My ipod is half my life, my cell phone, the other. Without one or either of them, I'd die. Simple as that. I hate that I get so insecure, even though I'm confident about myself and am finally, after a long time, proud of the person I've become. I love writing. And music is my everything. Message me, I love making new friends, especially if you love All time Low.

Say you mean it.

Manage me, I'm a mess.
Boy: Alex G a s k a r t h
Girl: Serena W o o d s
Chapters: n i n e t e e n
Status: a c t i v e

Jasey Rae.

Layout by Classic. at Classy, Not Classic Layouts.
Remove the credit, and I will shank you.

Headers, Jasey Rae by All Time Low.