
I only have one more exam to go, then it's all over! yay. I think I've done pretty damn well in the Art, English and International Politics exams (well, I hope...), but I think it's about time I learnt to study. I'm no good at revising.Anyway, I've finally got up to date with my art folio, it's taken all night but I'm very proud of it. For my portraiture assignment I did a fingerpainting in...
June 16th, 2009 at 04:06pm

There is Not One Shred of Evidence to Prove That Life is Serious

I can't remember exactly who said that, but I think they're my fricken soul mate.I don't know anyone else who has figured that out.I mean, shit...some people really need a reality check.Whatever happened to that romantic notion of saying "fuck it" and doing what you WANT do do? Not what people expect you to do.If you goddamn love someone, but youre dating someone else, yeah. Maybe you're afraid...
June 14th, 2009 at 01:56pm

I Want to Die. I Think My Foot is Going to Fall Off.

I reckon I've been bitten by a spider or something. my right foot is red and hot and itchy, and i can't bend my toes properly they're so swollen.And because my dad lets his stupid rats roam free around the house, they've gotten into my bag and run off with my pills. So one of us is going to die here.This day has been so epicly shit it is almost unimaginable. My entire school hates me because a...
June 11th, 2009 at 03:49pm

Uhh. I Think My Vagina is Broken.

I'm pretty sure I'm getting a reputation here.As the chick who always posts journals about sex.Well, no-one wants to read them otherwise?I just had sex for pretty much 3 hours straight. I think my vagina hates me.But I don't hate my vagina! Because the sex was amazing.I'm pretty sure every person who drove past the bus stop just then got the message, too:picture me, in a dressing gown smoking a...
June 10th, 2009 at 09:33am


That's what sparked my inspiration for this journal. The big S-E-X.I'm sitting on half glass of wine number TWO. That's better than FOUR, or FIVE so don't judge me. It's 2am, I'm getting up in exactly 5 hours. And now, I'm writing.So, sex is the topic, yes?It's something we all want. We all have it, we all think about it, and we all have our morals about it. Let's not talk about MINE, because I...
June 8th, 2009 at 06:26pm


I just realised I have I'm scared of the dark.two. I have eyebrow stubble.three. I am attracted to chubby people.four. I believe I am a wise voice of reason.five. I don't like cheese.six. I have tea parties with my I like hanging out with teachers.eight. I believe that the pixels in my tv are cameras with which the government watches me.nine. I hang out in graveyards and...
June 6th, 2009 at 05:35pm

Fairweather Friends

The guy I thought was my best friend has turned out to be one of them. He changed school last term and I miss him everyday. School is not the same anymore, I get real sad all the time. People have gotten sick of me whingeing that I MISS RY-RY.So he came up to school at lunch today to see people, and I totally stood there for ten minutes while he said hi to everyone there before I said "Gee I'm...
June 5th, 2009 at 06:45am

I'm Feeling Semi-Catatonic.

Last night I was so hyper. I could barely control myself, I was talking at a million miles an hour and running around like a 4 year old who'se had too much candy. Fuck, I was going nuts. Now, today I'm absolutely flat and in my depressive mood. I'm at school; at lunchtime, I couldn't move, could harldy muster the strength to speak louder than a whimper. My friends were moving my arms around and I...
June 5th, 2009 at 06:37am

Why I Hate Being Bi/A Drunk/A Smoker

I HATE BEING BI.It causes unnessecary confusion.I never have thing for two guys at once. I never have a thing for two girls at once.Now, I'm totally in love with a guy and have fallen head over heels for a girl.I dated the girl, we broke up, we're best friends...And I realised that dating her is just like dating me. We are so alike. So I figure; I can be kind of a bitch.She keeps playing games...
June 4th, 2009 at 04:51pm

Today=Best Day of my Life. Involves Lotto Winning and Mac&Cheese.

Here's a recount of the day when everything that could go right went right.>>OPHELIA<<WAKES UP.Has Easy Mac for breakfast. No wait, even better: CHICKEN Easy Mac.Gets ready. Draws on eyebrows perfectly.Is driven to school.IS ON TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Is fed chips and mars bar by a friend in morning meeting.Has music double first. Favourite subject.Recess; has no ciggies, but HETT IS...
June 4th, 2009 at 04:26pm

Blue, He Said. Lyrics Have a Knack for Defining Us...

LYRICS.This is the song A said reminds him of us.I didn't want to knowI just didn't want to knowBest to keep things in the shallow endCause I never quite learned how to swimI just didn't want to knowDidn't want, didn't want,Didn't want, didn't wantClose my eyes just to look at youTaken by the seamless visionI close my eyes,Ignore the smoke,Ignore the smokeCall it aftermath, she's turning blueSuch...
June 2nd, 2009 at 03:56pm

Corsets, Epicly Huge Dreadfalls, Therapy and Bullimia.

BORING STUFFIt seems I've got a pseudo-fanbase going on here on mibba. Nice to see that you guys appreciate my poems :)I'm going to eventually get my head together and do some articles/columns/reviews even. I'm ok at writing, it will be fun. Just shout me some encouragement.On the topic of writing, I'm experiencing creative drought. It's very frustrating. Need to get some inspiration juice...
June 1st, 2009 at 04:43pm

Another Journal About SEX.

Thought that would get your attention (I have to mention sex or else no one reads my journals).Well, I had it today. With my ex :foreheadslap:Well, we've been hanging out a lot lately, we're both nymphomaniacs, whatever. Now, I'm a little confused (amazing how sex does that to people).Confused because...well, my ex wants to get back with me, (lets call my ex Guy B) and I want to get back together,...
May 31st, 2009 at 01:51pm

The Weirdest [overly sexual] Day of My Life.

Yesterday. It all began around 6am. I hadn't slept that night, so I was already destined to have a fucked-up day. One's thoughts often become rigid and obscured thanks to lack of rest. Anyway, so I found out that my mum likes to walk around stark naked at 6am. As you can imagine, not a pleasant site to be beheld by my innocent young eyes.At around 7am I left, to go see a [very] dear [male] friend...
May 25th, 2009 at 03:11pm

Slow Days. Potential Stories. Help.

Hello mibbansAs one of the older members of this site I thought maybe I should be more active on it (yes, I have a new account; I pissed off too many people on my old one).Well I'm making a journal today because I am utterly bored; it's 11:47 on a saturday morning and I'm home alone, Ive been in bed since 5.30 yesterday, ARGH. I'm going insane.Don't wanna get up, don't wanna talk to anyone, don't...
May 16th, 2009 at 03:56am