Living in the Dark

Living in the dark is like living in a bottomless pit full of nothing but darkness with no return to the light. You swear you feel like you want to scream. You are in so much pain you would take death with a smile it hurt so bad to live. Living everyday without killing yourself is and accomplishment for you. Half the time you feel like you have so much built up you just want to grab a knife and...
December 18th, 2008 at 11:02pm


Love is something you can't prevent. You can go to the ends of the earth but never be able to get away from love.For can be magical.......for can be painful.Love can bring can bring misery.Love can be can be all wrong.No matter what you do.........somehow............the people you love end up getting hurt...
December 12th, 2008 at 12:21am


Pain is something everyone feels.Pain can be love.........pain can be beauty............pain can be people.Pain can be a daily thing................pain can be a hourly can feel pain every second that u live.There are many people in your life that can cause u matter what you...
December 9th, 2008 at 11:01pm