
For the last few weeks, I have been dizzy and fatigued lately. It's like I'm always out of energy. But the weird thing is, I don't even exert physical strain...And one more thing, I've been losing my balance everytime I walk... Even my vision get blurry once in a while...I think it's nothing serious though, It might be the stress on the academic matter.My friends are urging me to go to a doctor,...
January 7th, 2009 at 11:53am


[December 20, 2008]Yeasterday, our school had the second night performance of Christmas Cantata. And this night is the last.Today is the last day of school. Fortunately, no freaking academics!! But instead of reporting in the afternoon for the Christmas Cantata, we reported at 8:00 am at the school. Fortunately again, we were dismissed an hour later.Singing for an hour seems bearable, but standing...
December 20th, 2008 at 03:33pm