A little bit of insight?

Hey, sister, do you wanna know something interesting? Oh, wait, I don't think you do. Oh, well, I'm telling you anyways. Did you know that, that play we were supposed to go see was going to be the highlight of my week? No, wait, scratch that, the highlight of my month.What about our sister's baby shower, you may ask? Well, honestly, that was a shitty weekend. I feel like I was doing a lot of the...
May 1st, 2010 at 04:31am

That funny feeling...

You know that funny feeling that you feel deep inside? The one that scares you. You don't know what it is. Not knowing what it is scares you more than the feeling itself.Well, I'm sitting in the office in my sisters house watching a rerun of Friends. I was lying on the blow up bed, but I got up. The feeling was unbearable. The constant motion of my hand running through my hair hasn't soothed me...
April 1st, 2010 at 08:30am

Things that are kind of saddening.

When your playing life, and you,hope, knock over your car, but you don't realize that your gay partner is no longer a part of the family. But rather is laying abandoned on a random square of the board and no one realizes until 15 minutes has past. Rest in peace Rodgerick. Rest in peace.When people have bad grammar. Then, when you comment on it, just to let them know, they call you racist. I know,...
January 30th, 2010 at 06:19am