I don't like 6th graders anymore.

Okay.So.There were tons of 6th graders at my school today and they were all short and cute.So I was telling them all that they were cute.& this one girl looked at me like I was completely crazy.So I told her that I hated her and she should go die....I know, I'm so nice.>.<
May 16th, 2007 at 02:11am

Oh my.

It looks like my friend is wearing farmer pants.>.<They're really baggy.It makes me laugh.
May 6th, 2007 at 06:16am


Okay.So.I went on a feild trip to a museum....It sucked.It was soooo freaking boring.I almost fell asleep standing up.[[[hehe]]]Once we got back to school, there was only about 15 minutes left, so I skipped most of it.>.<
May 3rd, 2007 at 10:13pm


I'm going on a feild trip to a museum in....8 minutes!heheI get to miss 3 periods!^.^AND!!I get to ride on a bus!I haven't ridden on a bus sense 7th grade.Jeeze.I'm in 8th grade now.THAT'S A LONG TIME.*nods*heheOkay.I'm going now.ily.>.<
May 3rd, 2007 at 06:57pm

Buried Myself Alive.

I fucking love Jeph.*nods*Soo...Everyone but Jeph gets to live?That's so fricken shitty.& the way he dies?!DUDE.That's the worst possible way to die....In my opinion.Yeah, I know...He found a vent thingy.But the water will eventually fill up all the space & go out the vent& he'll still be trapped in there...Suffering.*sobs*Anyways!I'm getting a new backpack!Eventhough school is over in...
May 1st, 2007 at 11:08pm


This weekend was sooooo much fun!I went to a birthday party!Pshh.Hell yes.All I ate was sugar.I had TONS of pixie stix & mountain dew.I never even got hyper though.It was like, I skipped the sugar high & went right to the sugar crash.It was weird.But yeah, I ate sugar & pizza and lost 5 pounds.Interesting.[[[26 more days until Flyleaf.]]]
April 30th, 2007 at 07:50am

I have a question...

Does anyone know any proxy websites??[[[I think that's what they're called.]]]...All the ones I know don't work at my school...
April 25th, 2007 at 08:26pm


Whenever I take showers in the morning, I always manage to get shampoo in my eyes.Today, when I got some in my eye, it burned for like...10 MINUTES!!I thought I was gonna die....Actually, I still burns...Hmp.So.Anyways.I'm in Computer Applications.=/hehePeople are talking about how you wear a purse.It's super funny.Okay.I'm leaving now.Goodbye............ILY.
April 23rd, 2007 at 03:24pm


I'm bored.I'm in math right now.We're playing 24.*rolls eyes*My school blocked all the sites that you can listen to music on.UGH.Yesh.So...Talk to me if you can.I only have about 10 minutes in this class though.*shrugs*
April 20th, 2007 at 06:51pm

I'm obsessed with these two videos....

April 9th, 2007 at 10:02am

Spring Break...

...Is over.*tear*It's 1:03 right now & I have school tomorrow....I think I'm gonna pull an all nighter.But there's nothing to do.UGH.Someone should like...stay up all night and talk to me!ekk.That would be amazing.oOoI found a quote that I adore![[[hehe]]]Here it tis:"There's hardcores, there's scenes, and there's emos...What happended to humans?"I love it.^.^
April 9th, 2007 at 08:05am

Me and My Friend's Dance Thingy To Cupid's Chokehold.

April 8th, 2007 at 04:56am

I Had 2 Amazing Dreams Last Night.

Okay.Here's the first one.I was at an MCR show.There were only about 10 people there.I was with Kelly and Sara.I was at the very front of the crowd, taking tons of pictures.When they were done performing, they stayed on the stage.So Me, Kelly, & Sara started talking to them.Then it ended.2ND DREAM!!I was riding up my street on my bike and I saw some dude watering flowers.I normally just ignore...
April 4th, 2007 at 08:56pm


I posted a oneshot called The Forest about and hour ago.I'm turning it in for my Language Arts class.Could you please read it and tell me how it is....I'm going to write a funnier & longer version of it soon.I posted the 'layout' of it in a earlier journal.But yeah.Please tell me what you think of it.[ T h a n k Y o u ]>.<
March 30th, 2007 at 03:04pm


Possibly the funniest thing ever said by a teacher:"You took a 70 year old dookie?!"heheThat was said by my Drama teacher after someones little skit thingy this morning.>.<
March 29th, 2007 at 04:16am


I just spent the last half hour of my morning talking to myself about how disgusting facial hair is....then I started talking about armpit hair.Ugh.Armpit hair is disgusting....Then I got into leg hair.Eww.Yeah.I basically hate any hair that's not on your head.......heheI found a funny picture!>.<heheI love it.^.^
March 28th, 2007 at 12:43pm

Oh Jeeze.

I'm super hyper.I just had about a gazillion skittles.I keep laughing and twitching...and making weird noises.It's kinda funny.Right now I'm chair dancing to Monsters.Pshh.Hell Yes.oOoI got mountain dew!!You're jealous.I can feel it....but it's Diet Mountain Dew.[ E W W ]It tastes all funky....And it doesn't have alot of sugar in it.Grr.Oh well.I shall live.
March 28th, 2007 at 09:34am

School can go to hell.

So far this semester, I've probably missed around 18 days of school.You can only miss 20 each semester.I didn't go to school today.My mom called the school to tell them and she had to talk to Mrs. Thompson, the counselor.She thinks I should go see a doctor and she's going to talk to a family counselor.Okay.Nothing is wrong with my family..Pshh.Alot of things are wrong with my family, but it's not...
March 27th, 2007 at 11:55pm


It feels like I'm losing one of my best friends.I don't really talk to her as much as I used to and...I don't know.Things are just...different.I don't know why either....& it really sucks because I'm not good with losing friends.I start to feel like everyone hates me & I start thinking really bad thoughts.I start thinking that no one would care if I die and shit like that.Yeah.This sucks.
March 26th, 2007 at 07:38am


It would suck to get buried alive.Alot.You wouldn't be able to breathe or anything.And you probably wouldn't be able to open your eyes without getting dirt in them....It would also suck if you were really hugry when you got buried....Yeah..ANYWAY!One more week until spring break.Hell yes.I can't wait.It's going to be extremely boring but I don't care....I should make my friends go to the mall with...
March 25th, 2007 at 05:52am