another year, another life

Nearly another year older. Nearly another year gone. What have I done to have so much time and yet do so little? I try so hard to fit in, have fun, have friends. Yet it seems im the one who gets left behind. Sat indoors watching the world go by so fast. I want to reach out and just grab it. Stop it from running away because I’ve wasted it all and yet every time I outstretch my hand, every time I...
August 30th, 2009 at 06:33pm


Ok, so this probably wont make sense to anyone because I’m typing whatever thoughts are in my head.Does it make me a bad person to go after people I know I can’t have until I can actually have them and I decide I don’t want them anymore? That the whole thing was just a way to entertain myself because I’m scared to tell the person I honestly like the truth because I know it cant work. I...
April 2nd, 2009 at 11:27pm

Hi, My Name Is . . . Society's Teenage F*ck Up

Hi, my name is... Cherry.I don't really have much to say anymore. Just, well, I'm just another teenage girl that doesn't know what she wants. This world must be full of girls sitting there, looking at their lives and wishing it was something more. Wishing they had something else. Want something more, and yet, not knowing what that is.For months, maybe even years, I thought I knew what it was my...
February 20th, 2009 at 02:07am

Royally F**ked

So, my life goes balls up all over again.My best friend who I really really liked and who liked me back, decided yesterday, on Valentines, that maybe he wasn't with the right person. He started thinking about splitting up with his girlfriend to go out with me. Something I'd wanted for a very long time.However, a few days earlier I decided I really like this boy in a local band. Meaning, after...
February 15th, 2009 at 11:55pm

Fake, Media Induced War Of Perfection

So, my ‘friends’ are becoming fake. They’re becoming Emo and ‘loving’ metal and screamo. A few months ago if you’d mentioned Slipknot to them they would have looked at you as if you were an alien and been like, ‘Eww, how can you listen to that, it’s just noise’, now they’re proper bumming it all but you can see they don’t really like it. It’s just because the fittest group...
February 2nd, 2009 at 03:48pm


Boyfriend dumped. Story over. Yes?I wish. Now he wont leave me alone and is trying to guilt-trip with me and it's just doing my head in. So yeah I might have said yes for all the wrong reasons and ended it after a very short amount of time but surely he's mature enough to move on. It's not like it was anything serious.So, yeah he's saying he feels worthless and that he can never do anything right,...
January 29th, 2009 at 09:24pm

Sometimes All I Do Is Watch The Skyline

I said yes because I didn't know how to say no.I said yes to prove I wasn't waiting anymore.I said yes to find out who I am,Now I'm waiting more than I was before.Okay, so now I come to the decision that if you're going out with someone but know you like someone a lot more and would sooner die for them than your partner than maybe you shouldn't be going out with them.I know if i was asked right...
January 28th, 2009 at 09:55pm

What's The Point? (Not A Rant)

Okay, I now go out with this very sweet lad called Russell. He asked me out and I very nastily took three days to answer him. I had a lot to think about like the reactions it would get from people, whether it was the right thing to do and whether I’d be able to stop liking my best friend so god damn much. I knew the latter would be hard if not impossible but the reactions I wasn’t expecting at...
January 13th, 2009 at 08:26pm

OMG, Then There Were Three

This is so confusing now and to some degree getting a little bit weird. I'm crazy about one person but I kind of like two others and this wouldn't be much of a problem if they didn't like me back!So there's J***, fucking love him to pieces. He my best friend tho thats why I can say that without sounding like a pervert. He keeps telling me he likes me and wishes we could have something more that...
January 9th, 2009 at 11:28pm

Calm Before The Storm

Everything seems so calm. It shouldn’t be calm. I’ve found out a friend I trusted has been lying about me behind my back. My best friend just got dumped off their girlfriend and I don’t really know what I meat to be doing anymore. Everything should be clear right now but it’s not. So that should mean everything and everyone should be hectic with thought but it’s not. Everything is all...
January 4th, 2009 at 02:39am

I Just Need People To Understand

This is going to sound so pathetic it's untrue but I need to somehow put it into words so someone somewhere might honestly understand me. So, here it goes.So, there's this boy. My best friend. The only person I've ever trusted 100% and yet it never seems enough. Everything is so confused. I like him as a lot more than just a friend and he's told me he likes me more than just a friend too. Happy...
December 30th, 2008 at 08:14pm

Christmas Eve Eve

Tis The Season To Be JollyWell, supposedly. I don't know why but I'm just not in the mood this year. I like buying presents and just randomly spending money but now thats done all I can do is sit a wait. Wait for the new year to come. A new start at everything, which to be honest, I desperately need.I've done some pretty bad stuff this year. Even in the past couple of months. Things have got...
December 23rd, 2008 at 10:41pm