1:45, Friday May 15th 2009

Ever wanted to just not do something? Well I am staying at a friends hous tonight and I kinda dont want to. I think that I dont NEED to go, so why should I? Well I do want to go to the carnival, but that right if the ONLY reason I stay is because I want to go to the carnival. That really is the only reason. I mean yes i do love my friends, but this weekend doesnt sound like it will bw a good one....
May 15th, 2009 at 08:51pm

I Need To WHAT?

The Attention thing above says i have to put effort in my journals. Okay i'll give you reffort. I want to make my assistant principal LEAVE ME ALONE, I dont care how I dont care what you do, just shut her up. I could stand her if I didnt see her so muc but every five minutes there she is, popping up YET AGAIN. Im tiered of it and I want it to stop. I must go I have icky homework to do. Its...
May 8th, 2009 at 08:43pm

Today Has Been The Longest Day Ever

Well, it doesnt upset me that it has. What upsets me is that my Best Friend ever is leaving, she is moveing to the Jr High across Town,, You know How sad that makes me how sad her boyfriend probably is, And the thing that upsets me most is i wont be able to see her.Poor sam i feel terrible for him, and Matt i feel worse for him he is haveing such girl troubles, and im not helping, He likes me and...
March 31st, 2009 at 08:31pm

i was thinking today...

why not finally let him know that i did get over him that now i am over him that i can live with out him. why not let people know that my world is wonderful well ok i still want a boy or a girl but i do want someone..... have you ever said yea i like the whole flirt around thing but i love the whole he holds me close thing? i have a ton of times and i dont even have that anymore. i want what...
March 2nd, 2009 at 09:00pm


i wait for today to end, the school day anyways. i want to see him again. i do this every monday and friday, it feels like a routeine to want him, to almost need him, yes i do have a boyfriend, but i love him and i dont know why, its complicated.Tanner . i love you i know you dont have one of these but i still love you with all my heart and i will naver forget the way you held me and kissed me. i...
February 25th, 2009 at 09:04pm