About me

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I love the beautiful face of Olly Murs. I love Olly Murs, I want to hug him before I die, he seems like the kind of guy who gives out amazing hugs, top kinda guy too. Okay, lets not deny it, I wouldn't mind jumping in bed with him but lets leave it at that. The fact is i'm addicted to him, like he's my drug, i cried when I saw him live. I love him. I'm seeing him in Febuary as well, woo. My form tutor also pulled the most horrible prank on me about Olly urs' dad, but i'm not going into that story unless you ask me, i refuse to broadcast the entire story on my profile.Before I proporley start talking, I'm going to say a little bit about my best friend, Jade. She gets me through everything and could probably make me laugh even when I cry, we don't let each other see us cry, if that makes sense, i call her walrus but she isn't in anyway fat or obese! It's an inside joke. She's also hilarious and loves my cousins boyfriend, Adam/Abam/Caveman. That's all I have to say about that, ich liebe du! So then, i'm Naomi, I come from a small abandones village in Yorkshire, which is in England, BOOYAH. I like starbucks, they're cool, especially the New York Times Square one, they're cool. Me and Carl who works there, best friends, oh yeah, be jelous ;) I don't do drugs, I don't drink (that much), I don't smoke, I don't want to throw away my life.. okay lets just ignore the drinking bit all over, cause lets face it, who doesn't like a good drink? I want to live in America, California, just saying. I have an obsession with Armageddon and the theme song I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing, just saying, so come talk to me, I wont bite, don't be shy and leave a comment, yeah?shake that bottle and make it POP!

Newest-OldestWorking on the Streets + I'm not a Stalker, i'm a Dediacated Friend + The Begining of the End + Working Behind Closed Doors + I Never Wanted to Sing and I Can't Really Dance but if you Asked me to I Would + Letters of Regret to and Unkown Destination + Fighting the System + Estelle + Snake Bite + Please Don't Hurt Me Again + I'm Sirus Blacks Daughter... and I'm NOT a Murderer.

Layout by Lameface.