
pleassseeeeeeeeeeee; add's very low on friends, and wants some..) please be would be very lovely if you addded him.. he's a nice bby.and on another note, how was christmas?get what you wanted?i got a sewing machine!!!! its brother, i loveeee it. (shame the local fabric suplyer burnt down ;/)and $$$, and a new canvas and easle and pastels and such, but the actual...
December 30th, 2008 at 12:11pm

deviant art, anyone?'ll probably put some moar stuff up soon, when i can be bothered and when i actually have an epic far, nothing comes to mind..oh, and i saw the twilight movie..i'm not sure about it, it seems too.. crammed together, i prefer the book..the scenes were too short, and too quick..buuutttttttttt, the baseball scene was awesome, as was the one when edward...
November 29th, 2008 at 05:26am

how to survive a vampire attack

[this is what happened on a day i decided to wag school.. i.e; extreme boredness]in case of an attack (and/or breakout). Consider the following;cover upturtleneck sweaters, scarfs etc.. are a seasons must!Pro's: this may decrease your likeliness of being bitten.Con's: not a great idea is traveling to hot/humid country's, like Mexico.garlic breatheat unhealthy amounts of garlic bread.Pro's:...
March 21st, 2008 at 10:44am